Life Inside China's New Space Station! (Tiangong)

Life Inside China’s New Space Station! (Tiangong)

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33 thoughts on “Life Inside China's New Space Station! (Tiangong)”

  1. It is nice to know that Tiangong Space Station is fully operational with the launching of Shenzhou-15. China is able to complete the Tiangong Space Station and conducted space exploration and science experiments in space. Due to the US refusal to allows China to participate in space exploration and the US even passed law like the Wolf Amendment in 2011 to banned China from engaging in direct, bilateral cooperation regarding space exploration and scientific experiments. As a result, China decided to build its own space station. It is a new beginning for China and the world outside the US and the West to do scientific experiments and collaborating with one another on scientific discoveries. China need to cultivates hardy crops like rice and wheat to sustains future population growth all over the world. Population explosion, deforestation and global warming due to human activities thereby causing an irreversible damage to the environment which results in degrading the condition for our own survival. China is focus on the scientific experiments. As a result, China decided to build its own space station. It is a new beginning for China and the world outside the US and the West to do scientific experiments and collaborating with one another on scientific discoveries. China has given the world the opportunity to do scientific experiments and allow other countries to used its space station and has signed agreements with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs on space station cooperation. It is an opportunity for China and other countries to participate in scientific experiments in space and new discoveries. China space station offers great opportunities for the world at large in term of space exploration and science. Already, 9 projects involve 23 institutions from 17 Member States of the United Nations in Asian-pacific, European, African, North American and South American regions, including governmental organizations, private sectors, and international associations are participating. All the projects are collaborative international efforts reflecting the creativity and commitment of the involved scientists from public and private entities in both developing and developed countries. China built its own Tiangong space station because the US do not want China to participate in space research and prohibited Chinese citizens affiliated with a Chinese state enterprise or entity. With Tianggong Space Station up and running, it offers an opportunity for collaboration with other countries in scientific field in space.

  2. It looks nice but it is not innovative. There is no inovation just improvements over the the course of 20 years. Yet the station has exactly the same function as the ISS. The improved tech in this execution give no advantages other than looking better. In fact the ISS is more useful. FIrst the station is a lot bigger. Second it produces a lot more power or over twice to be specific so it literally means that more scietific work can be executed on the ISS compared to the CSS. Now The Tiangong can be expanded but so can the ISS. We know that further major exansions on the ISS are unlikely considering the Americans are working on several space station projects in LEO, Moon and in the future in other places like Mars. I don't think the Americans will decide to spend more money on the ISS. They will probably just support the station up until 2031 from which point there will be other space stations most likely and they will happily retire the old ISS. Saying the Americaans because the other major partners are the Russians who don't have money for anything. All other partnering nations are small players and other than making small adjustments to their parts will not do anything more.

  3. why the module has similar width is because China also use the standardise space rack use on the ISS. this allow experiment rack that are designed for the ISS to be wholesale transparented into the CSS, the only modification require would be power and data bus connection. this is to allow for foreign and commerical experiment to be introduced to the CSS in the future without them needing to spend alot of time to redesign them for the CSS.

    another reason why the CSS look spacious is because alot of the hardware is mounted externally to reduce noise within the cabin, why ISS never do this is because the main launch, space shuttle and proton rocket has a payload bay that is just enough to fit the module (or rather, the module are design to just nicely fit them), while the Long March 5 has an expanded fairing to allow the designer to layout the equipment as they like rather than to try and fit it inside a limited payload bay.

    while the wolf amendment only stop NASA astronaut from cooperating with China, nothing actually stop them from "retiring" and working as a private contractor for US business or NGO from working on the CSS. some US university had already planned experiment for CSS, if they believe there is a need to have their own staff, they can always buy seat from China as private institution and hire retired US astronaut to work. this is unlikely given commerical option may appear in the near future but as it currently stand, american could visit the CSS in the capacity of "private citizen" if the law doesn't change again.

  4. Great video. Hope you do more Chinese space coverage. There's too many about Nasa and spaceX, not enough about china since their program is also very advanced and interesting. They got big plans

  5. Also not sure if Canada arm 2 can detach both ends and "walk" around the station like a caterpillar, but china's can. China has double ended attachment point and can use either end to connect to space station or any of the various connection uses for the arm, like space walk, put external experimental cubes to outside, moving modules around, etc etc.

  6. Well, for any language, “correct tone” is the primary key. It would be weird to hear out of tone English. Similarly, and even worse, out of tone Chinese could lead to different meaning, alongside just being weird.

  7. Well one is an INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION and one is a space station. If you've ever lived with a roommate you'll understand exactly what I mean .

    And also the ISS is actually working, Ever China is doing it definitely doesn't come close to what multi nations are doing so yh .


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