Life After Suicide : Given a Message for Humanity (Near-Death Experience)

*Chris Batts* shares his Near-Death Experience after jumping from a moving vehicle during a suicide attempt. On the Other Side he communicated with Source, met with Angels, and was given a message for humanity. Chris shares how the experience changed his thoughts about death and why his life now has purpose.

“If you change your thought, you can change your life” – Chris

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Where we explore the meaning and purpose of Near-Death Experiences in the modern age. We write about the intersection of spirituality, life-after death, comparative religion, philosophy, depth psychology, modern culture, and most of all how we can stay connected to the truth that Life doesn’t end when we die.

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45 thoughts on “Life After Suicide : Given a Message for Humanity (Near-Death Experience)”

  1. If this had any truth to it at all they would not have the satanic heliocentric model shown on the cover art of the video.
    One of the first things most people would talk about if they ever actually died and came back is Biblical cosmology and the lies being taught in the schools.

  2. All people die at some point. I’ve been suffering a lot since childhood, but thanks to the buddhist teachings, I got myself on track. Even if I hate this world and have no one to care about me, I still have to live to finish what I have to do. I don’t want to continue the cycle of Samsara, I want to stop it all here by putting my desires to an end.

  3. I don’t believe in “near death experience” people claim they go to heaven and come back, God does what he wants but anyone who takes their life is automatic going to hell cause that means you don’t love your life enough that God gave you that you take your life that means you never knew who God is.

  4. Meditate, think positive, love yourself, exercise, eat good healthy food, and sleep well. Maybe journal and try to always express gratitude for life. That's the recipe for happiness and health, Everyone needs a spiritual awakening sometimes you've got to help the process take place but if you try you can change everything in your life just try it please.

  5. "God is all we need if we have god we have everything" This is the most incredible phrase in the history because its 100 % correct if we dont have something on earth we are going to have it on heaven like i am a sad perskn here but in heaven my crying will turn into laughs

  6. I am so sorry you had been through so much trauma and bad treatment. No child deserves to be treated this way. You deserve love and there is a god that loves you dearly. I wish you all the happiness and love from those around you today and in the future. If I could see you I'd give you a big hug, make you my brother and tell you, things are going to be ok, you've got this.

  7. I suffered the same thing as a kid. I was so afraid of church at the age of 14 it took me till I was 35 to even have the courage to find my spirituality. I also felt like I was an adult at 15 too. It helps to know someone else has felt these feelings!

  8. My boyfriend of 6 years, committed suicide in Dec 2020. It has broken my heart, and I can't stop blaming myself, as we'd had a fight. The last I heard from him, he was crying, and begging me to come back, but I was too scared(he'd hurt me), and I was running away from him. He was 19 when I met him, I was 32. I watched him grow into the most loving, and amazing person. But depression, childhood trauma, and uncomfortableness in our bodies, led us to some horrible behavior. His passing woke me up, and I feel he saved my life, with his decision. In the end, we loved each other, and I think, he loved me.

  9. Nice story. Sounds like a dream based on your time in church. You elude to making it seem as if you “found” God but, you were already subconsciously exposed to Biblical teachings with your Aunt. Glad you found peace.

  10. Awesome testimony. Loose the "Source" term, its a new age term and new age is modern witch craft. Never heard him say Jesus once, the only place you can get truth from is from the Bible, and the Bible tells us the only way to the Father is through the Son.

  11. I think your a very smart man, my sister was downs syndrome, she saw the world so diffand often it was cruel to her, she would be hurt but never mad. I lost her a few years ago. I learned some while she was alive, but have learned even more, now that she is gone. ❤

  12. When you mentioned or when anyone mentions god as a man, that has always turned me off but then when yo referred to 'him' as an it, rather than it offending me I reflecting on a whole self identity crisis and the way I viewed it as demonic or agenda based. Maybe I'm making an arbitrary correlation but it seems to be on point. Maybe I was wrong about my thought process…

  13. Please come the Jesus. The power and love of god is so great once you go you’ll never go back. Jesus loves you so much and just wants a relationship, He’s here to fix your problems and take away your pain. Just give it a chance. I love you, but Jesus loves you more, take care💙

  14. “spare the rod, spoil the child"
    is not punish a child when they do something wrong, they will not learn what is right.

    Its Means that a parent must guide his or her child and teach the child right from wrong

  15. No when you “die” your in a sleeping trance so its a dream read the Bible when you die no one goes to heaven or hell you’re sleeping until the day of judgement but God definitely will see you and try to make you change your ways he will send angles to save you that one last moment of your life he gives you a choice to change before you take your life and end up in hell after judgement day .

  16. You sound like a really genuine guy, we should all separate ourselves from circumstances and remind ourselves that we are all the same just passing through our earthly pilgrimage all that we are is consciousness and then we return to the source, I always try to see my situation as if I was looking in at it from someone else's perspective and it always looks better I'm not so judgemental so I can forgive myself or at least understand that it was circumstance


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