Liberals have the 'freedom of thought, freedom of choice, and the freedom to cross the floor'

The “beauty” of being a Liberal Party member is that they’re not “told what to think and how to think”, according to former Liberal MP Nicolle Flint.

Ms Flint’s remarks come after Liberal MP Bridget Archer crossed the floor to vote for Labor’s Housing Future Fund in the House of Representatives.

“You and I are true blue Liberals, and we know that as Liberals, that’s the beauty of being part of our party is freedom of thought, freedom of choice, and the freedom to cross the floor if you believe in something strongly enough,” Ms Flint told Sky News host Peta Credlin.

“Bridget Archer will have to go home to her electorate and explain to taxpayers down there why she has decided to support a program that is double the cost for exactly the same outcome.”


11 thoughts on “Liberals have the 'freedom of thought, freedom of choice, and the freedom to cross the floor'”

  1. Tickle me Tudge..
    Pork barreling Barry..
    Mein Fuhrer Dom..
    Jean Claude Perrottet..
    Voldemort and the LNP dreggs wasting millions on their last resort " why is it always more expensive under Labor" campaign after already wasting $1,000,000,000,000 plus compounding interest…
    The sinking ship LNP Titanic can't be salvaged…. it's over.👋

  2. His wrong demographic and not Isis wife who they now jailed
    Smart bring in 200,000 when you can't run the hospital now and keep power and food down
    I'm guessing these will be OK rite demographic and fast track to benefits and housing with bonus payments
    So all our homeless get houses first and these migrant's move into the cars our homeless families living in I bet not


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