Letter from President Xi: Bangladeshi girl hopes to become envoy for China-Bangladesh friendship

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Twelve-year-old Bangladeshi girl Alifa Chin has a unique story. In 2010, her mother was diagnosed with a serious heart disease. Local medical conditions were poor but luckily a hospital ship from China visited Bangladesh at the time, and they managed to successfully deliver the baby.

Sheng Ruifang was one of the Chinese doctors who treated Chin’s mother. She now works at No. 1 Hospital Affiliated with the Naval Medical University in Shanghai. Chin calls Sheng her “Chinese mom.”

This March, Chin wrote a letter to Chinese President Xi Jinping, telling the story of her birth. At the Chinese Embassy in Bangladesh, Chin received a reply from President Xi.

In his letter, Xi encourages Chin to work hard and study medicine in China in the future.

CGTN spoke to Chin and her family.

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42 thoughts on “Letter from President Xi: Bangladeshi girl hopes to become envoy for China-Bangladesh friendship”

  1. Chinese people are intelligent and kind as well. This soft power is powerful than wars and bombs and this why the west hates China.kudos to China 🎉❤

  2. Kisah kemanusiaan yang menyentuh hati.. terimakasih China.. terus lah menjadi negara besar yang selalu menyebar kebaikan… ❤❤❤

  3. This name Ching is testament to their gratefulness for the help they received. I respect the values they uphold. China can work very well with Bangladesh for mutual growth and benefit.

  4. Bangladesh is going through a pretty rough time in all these economic and political turmoil in the world. I just hope these dark days soon come to an end and economic prosperity grows via partnership and trade.

  5. A moving tale indeed, one of thousands, I’m sure, since China has been helping the underdeveloped countries for decades! I remember since childhood there were always aunties and uncles in the neighbourhood traveling across land and oceans taking part in all kinds of ‘help teams’ , medical teams, infrastructure building teams as well as disaster relief teams. These noble endeavours never stopped.I’m always so very proud of my country men and women! So proud to be Chinese. We’ve always been a nation of peace, harmony and benevolence! 中国万岁❤

  6. Where can u see another president call as grandpa by civilians, xi act as Father to his people's although sometimes look tough but he was doing it for better life n he act as a grandpa for the kids n Show them warm n protective their future


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