American Reacts War in Ukraine Summarized 2022 | Animated History

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27 thoughts on “American Reacts War in Ukraine Summarized 2022 | Animated History”

  1. Minsk 1 and 2 never happened because Ukraine reneged on them. This vid is very partisan. I am not Russian on Ukrainian but l DO remember seeing the horrific result of the Azov militia in the Donetsk republic. And the smell of burning bodies is a smell you never get rid of

  2. There'll be no clear view, or opinion on that until it's all over and the dust has settled. Everything now is propagandised one way or the other. History is with hindsight and no matter who wins, (they say history is written by the winners. Only in the short term) truth eventually (usually) wins out.

  3. IMO, that opening offensive was the only chance Russia had to take Ukraine. Now that Ukraine is armed and angry there is no way in hell that Russia could ever hold that amount of territory, especially when a hell of a lot of Ukrainians are willing to fight to the very end after seeing the atrocities committed by the invaders

  4. Russia will keep what it wanted in the first place – that is Luhansk, Donetsk, Crimea, Zaporhozhia & Kherson Oblasts….still a bit more fighting to do to complete the task. Kiev btw was just a 'feint' to draw UKR forces from the South in order for Russia to create the 'Land bridge ' to Crimea, there's was no way 40,000 Russian troops were going to take a City the size of Kiev with it's 2 million population. Also the 2014 coup was initiated by the US neocons (Cookie Nuland…anyone?) to expand NATO even further East and place nukes in Ukraine just two minutes flying time from Moscow, Russia was never going to allow that to happen.

  5. Such an awesome episode. I’m from the Netherlands, and just like for the Ukrainians, this war started many years ago for us. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17(MH17) was shot down above Ukraine on the 17th of July 2014. It was shot down by a Russian missile, which killed all of the passengers and crew on that plane. Including a friend of mine and 192 other people from my country. I feel so sad for the people of Ukraine. Because they are caught in a war which was started by a guy that still believes we are living in the 19th century. I’ve seen the woman and little children arriving on Amsterdam Centraal Station, with not much more than some clothes in backpacks. This war must end, and the ones responsible must face Justice at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. We’ve got enough space for all of those war criminals. Slava Ukraini! Heroiam slava!

  6. To emphasize the status of Ukraine as the “breadbasket of Europe”. It has been this way since the Middle Ages. And it’s actually part of the origin story for Dutch trade. The Netherlands, or the Low Countries as a whole, didn’t produce enough food for its population. That’s why Dutch merchants went to the Baltic Sea to buy wheat on that market. Mostly in cities like Gdańsk, which has access to Ukrainian wheat producers. This trade was so important for the Netherlands that it was the “Moeder Negotie” or “Mother of all Trade” for centuries. This is where the Dutch trade empire really started.

  7. Look up "Dedovschina". It's the horrific tradition of "hazing" (spoiler: it's much worse than hazing) new recruits in the Russian army. Tells you much of what you need to know about why the Russian army is so disorganised and incompetent. Also look up "The Foundations of Geopolitics" by Aleksandr Dugin (the guy whose daughter was killed in a car bomb meant for him last year) and that will tell you a lot about how Russian propaganda works both at home and abroad

  8. The causes of this war go way beyond 2014… Listen to Putin's speech in Munich in 2007. He said then that he strives for a multilateral world where Russia, China and India surpass the unilateral power of the US. Putin compares himself to Peter the Great. Beginning in 2003 he has step by step crushed free media and the political opposition. So, this war was never about Ukraine and protecting Russian speaking population there. It is an imperialistic war with geopolitical goals. After annexing Ukraine Putin would attack and annex other sovereign countries that once were part of the Russian empire or Soviet Union. If you wish to see excellent videos on Putin and Russia check out interviews of Ekaterina Schulmann, Vladimir Kara-Murza and Yevgenia Albats by Frontline PBS (The Putin Files).

  9. Ukraine is in top 10 of grain producers, and it is not just wheat but also biggest producer of sunflower oil, and major producer of corn, barley and rye. And it also showed how fragile our system really is, and how reliant we are from the global trade. Pretty much all western countries have started to invest to be more self sufficient but those are really just a fraction of what they need. So, we are more are more reliant on each other and we simply can not have wars anymore.

    The reason why Ukraine produces so much is that their soil is "black soil" that is peculiar because it lasts SO long time compared to normal top soil. You can easily double or triple the amount of time you can cultivate a piece of land before you have to do something to it. They have more of that high producing arable land than the size of Italy. And it is also in very good geographical location, having long growing season but also a real winter… that keeps the worst pests away. It is a bit like a goldilock zone, not too cold, not too hot, has also good amount of water… and has warm seaports to export the grain abroad. At the moment the problem really is that Europe is flooded with grain, so much that it starts to hurt EU countries own agriculture.

  10. To Russian propaganda at the time it was more useful to blame an accident. They continued the same excuses each time Ukraine managed to penetrate their defenses and strike Sevastopol and other targets behind the front lines. To understand Russia, you need to fully forget the kind of logic we are used to. It does not work like other countries. Sometimes Russia will take the blame of hitting their own stuff rather than give credit to the enemy. It all depends where and when the strike occurred. They are not averse of sacrificing their own for "shit happens" but if the enemy could hit them.. well, that is a sign of weakness. They are rather incompetent and messy than weak. They are the "i meant to do that" guys that broke their own window by trying something stupid. That is the mentality of the whole nation.

  11. 2 months before a sniff of any WW3/Ukraine business, I woke from the most vivid dream that haunted me every day after, that London was under attack in the true beginning of WW3 and I was packing frantically with choppers passing the window,
    (I now have a huge backpack ready to go due to the gravitas of said dream and a lot, of dehydrated everything/fuel canisters), it doesn't help that this exact area of London was bombed first in WW2, even my local oriental deli and the local city farm have just 'recently' been rebuilt, the Thai lady who owns the place now, was curiously born on the same day as the man who used to live their died, (from a WW2 bomb dropping on that place), :p nor does it help that the Russians said they wanted to bomb London first, if things escalate outside of Ukraine.. (so, 'happy days').. :/
    Never had my heart beat so fast from a dream, and though it seemed logically impossible that the U.K. could be targeted I couldn't put it away.. however, the moment I dropped my guard after two months of worry I woke to the news of Ukraine/Russia and U.K/U.S. involvement.. I'm prepped to the hilt so will have to let the pieces fall where they may, done my bit so what will be will be is my 'peace of mind' attitude and I v much hope everyone has the means to be safe + prepped too.

  12. No, the armchair 'historian' is not a good source of information. No mention at all of Victoria Nuland and the Polish snipers' role in Maidan, glosses over the bombing of civilians by Kiev killing 14,000 of them as a 'war', and demeans the voting in Crimea as an annexation. (No questioning of American elections allowed of course.) This is a proxy war aimed at Balkanizing Russia and ruining the European economy so that a faltering American dollar is propped up.


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