Lets Play Sonic Frontiers – Part 27 – Final Island, Ouranos Island


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30 thoughts on “Lets Play Sonic Frontiers – Part 27 – Final Island, Ouranos Island”

  1. Ian! I don't know if you did this already but this is very important: Make sure to switch to hard mode difficulty! I dunno why Sonic Team made this decision, but you can't do a major part of the final boss fight on normal, only on hard Mode.

    Edit: 19:32 Oh okay, he already did. Thanks! It was worth mentioning at least.

  2. This island really does feel like the final island. I love rhe music so much. I love watching/listening to you two. Im still sick, but i feel better after seeing you two play this game!✌️

    Edit: Metal Harbor is really great stage! I love the design of it.

  3. Just a slight Easter egg but the water balloon enemies, if you let sonic drown in them there's a remixed version of the OG drowning theme song from the old games, it's the only way it plays for some reason, but it's nice to see that it wasn't forgotten.

  4. ngl for a moment there i thought they were gonna have you play as amy, knuckles, and tails for the final stage after seein sonic frozen like that, like have them return the favor and work together to beat the final boss as a way of showin theyve grown and dont need sonic to be the one always saving the day. iirc all 3 of them have super forms so that coulda been an epic final boss fight where they pull out all the stops for them

  5. That end-of-island cutscene was excellent and everything I could have wanted it to be.

    Hey, you called it on talking to Sage!

    METAL HARBOR!!! They knew exactly what they were doing, holding out on this one until the final island.

  6. Throughout the vid you mention that the loading icon feels different. It is, every island you play on adds a new side to the shape. Kronos had a triangle, Ares had a diamond, Chaos a pentagon, Rhea a hexagon, and now finally a septagon.

  7. "Those visions we saw… we can drive back the corruption and bring him back."
    Oh… Okay… And you guys can do that… HOW EXACTLY?

    Like, seriously, was it ever established how Sonic's friends can just undo the Cyber Corruption? I thought they couldn't do anything about it! I thought they were just stuck in between realities unable to do anything special! You mean to tell me that they somehow learned how to use Cyber Energy in their time of getting stuck in Cyber Space? And we never got to see that? I mean, they surrounded Sonic with such confidence, it felt like they did. All this time we watched the Cyber Corruption make Sonic worse and worse thinking that something terrible would happen… but the game was all like "Oh, Sonic's corrupted", and then 3 minutes later, Sonic's friends are all like "Let's save Sonic"…… "We saved Sonic!"

    *big sigh* OKAY THEN! Since that seemingly minor incovenience is out of the way, we now move on to Ouranos Island and… yeah, I hate to be the bearer of sad news but knowledge is power and I like sharing it with people: It's around this point in the game where the game's false marketing starts peeking from behind the curtain. Rhea Island probably gave you that suspicion, Ouranos Island probably confirmed it, while the dataminers and modders already have it confirmed 100%.

    This game's marketing told us that we would be exploring 5 Open Zone Islands. At a first glance, that information may be technically true, but in reality it isn't because, like what we said in the previous episode, Rhea and Kronos are literally just two separate sections of the same map, awkwardly blocked off by an invisible wall at where the water fall is. And Ouranos? Well, this place is brand new, with brand new locales and landmarks for you to explore, except for one thing. Remember the biome style for Kronos Island? Grassy hills, ancient monuments and an overall lush area? Yeah, that's the biome style for Kronos… and also Rhea… and also Ouranos.
    …yeah… this place is just Kronos Island Part 3…

    My point is that Kronos Island was originally these three maps fused into one. Dataminers discovered this because the devs left an early version of the map for Kronos in the files for the Switch version of the game for whatever reason. In that version, you could access all landmarks from all three locations without anything blocking you off! That version even has unused puzzles that would work perfectly with the final game!

    Such confusion is futher backed by the fact that, in one of the Egg Memos, Eggman mentions that the Ancients weren't able to spread their influnce beyond "these three piddly islands". Interesting factoid. I mean, why would he mention "three islands" if the game is telling us that there are five? It's almost like the devs didn't have enough time to make everything that they wanted and they wanted to have something different with the finale.
    oh wait…

  8. It definitely seems like the last bit of the game was a bit rushed and not as developed as they wanted it to be (in reference to the fourth island seeming like it was missing something)

  9. I don’t know how to feel about the fact that it builds up all of this final boss stuff and then just spits you out onto another island and goes: “Whelp! Looks like it’s time to get some gears to do some levels to get some keys to get the chaos emeralds while saving your friend along the way to progress the story!”

  10. Omg use the quick cyloop on everything, you are literally making the game harder for you without it, like omg there are so many abilities and moves you can do and the only one you use is the x Sonic boom attack like dude you don't have the abilities for nothing

  11. You guys should watch sonic speed strats on the official sonic yt it may involve some techniques to make you faster in cyber space 👍 skip to 1:48 and that's the thing I'm talking about

    Hope ya have a good day ^^

  12. 4:44 Something I noticed is that the Ancient that says a smaller group will take the Emeralds to the Master Emerald looks kinda like an echidna. Seems like the group that took them there might have one day become the echidna tribe

  13. The unfortunate truth is that the ending of this game, both the story as well as the gameplay, are a result of sonic team cobbling together what they could while running out of time. There was clearly ideas and concepts that they weren’t able to explore because of this time constraint. On the bright side, it looks like there will be some exciting DLC throughout the course of 2023.

  14. I must would've much preferred a cyber corruption theme for the final island to show that the barrier between dimensions really was broken instead of just saying it. Imagine seeing cyberspace assets phasing into the open zone and puting glitch/cyber effects over the existing Kronos assets.

    If that was too much, then extremely simple and thematically fitting alternative, would've been a fall theming for the last island. In fact, there's already a mod for that! Just making the Kronos stuff orange would change the vibe enough for me not to feel underwhelmed. Though the island itself was fun.

    Rhea island being the other half of Kronos is fine, but the issue I have is them calling it an island in the marketing. That was literally, by definition, a lie!


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