Let's Play Avernum 6 – 03 – Masters of Our Destiny

Ah, take a deep breath! Can you smell it? The smell of freedom. And rotting mushrooms.

The epic conclusion of the award-winning Avernum series. Travel into the strange subterranean land of Avernum, full of dungeons, labyrinths, and constant warfare. A final set of disasters threatens to destroy your homeland in a spasm of famine and warfare. Only you can help your people to get to safety before everything falls apart.

Developed by Spiderweb Software, the second Avernum Trilogy continues the events of the first in three all-new epic, turn-based fantasy role playing games, that are not remakes of older titles. They were originally released for Mac and PC between 2005 and 2010.

Check out http://www.spiderwebsoftware.com/products.html to buy this game (and more), or get more information and free demos!
…or get the full game at https://store.steampowered.com/app/206040/Avernum_6/
…or at https://www.gog.com/game/avernum_the_complete_saga


2 thoughts on “Let's Play Avernum 6 – 03 – Masters of Our Destiny”

  1. 13:20 – Negative resistances would be quite nasty. Reminds me of that D&D story…. Party is told to go and save a village from a marauding dragon, so they ask around to learn more, and find out it's a white dragon, coming from a nearby mountain. So they buy a bunch of cold resistant magic items and gear up in heavy coats and such, well prepared for this frosty encounter, then climb up into the mountain cave. They engage the dragon, and as expected, it begins it's huge inhale, but they confidently charge, knowing they are well-nigh upon invulnerable to it's cold breath. Uh oh! Turns out this dragon breathes fire (and thus, instead of taking almost no damage, they in fact take extra damage for being so cold aligned!). The party flips out on the DM, who calmly explains. Yes, it does look like a White dragon -> because it's an albino Red… 🙂

  2. You can always shield up the wizard with an unbulky shield, and even if it was bulky maybe you dont lose casting until -15% or so. Also the ranger priest, but I dont remember if using your bow "disables" the shield armor bonus.


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