Will Israel Cause a World War?

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The New Map by Dan Yergin
The Human Tide by Paul Moreland
The First World War by John Keegan
Long Cycles by Goldstein
The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer
Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin
The Economics of Discontent by Jean Michel Paul
The Next 100 Years by George Friedman
A Secular Age by Charles Taylor
The World in Conflict by John Andrews
The Global Crisis by Geoffrey Parker
The Military Revolution by Geoffrey Parker
Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan
The End of the World is Just the Beginning by Peter Zeihan
The Accidental Superpower by Peter Zeihan
The Best of Times and the Worst of Times by Michael Burleigh
A Quick and Dirty Guide to War by James Dunnigan
Destined for War by Graham Allison
War, What is it Good for by Ian Morris
Destiny Disrupted by Tamim Ansary
The Invention of Yesterday by Tamim Ansary
World Order by Henry Kissinger
Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall
Global Catastrophes and Trends by Vaclav Smil
Asia’s Cauldron by Robert Kagan


47 thoughts on “Will Israel Cause a World War?”

  1. Netanyahu is not center-right, is far-right allied with extreme-right. Also you forgot to notice how Netanyahu financed Hamas in past years as he saw them as an asset. The fear of hamas rockets is what kept Netanyahu in power, hence he propped them up for years.

  2. Wow! I wrote a lot about the draft (my own exp Vietnam era) in my 3 DADT books (chk Amz). I'd love to see you wind up on Tim Pool's Timcast IRL live program (from W Va I think). It would be lively.

  3. USA held Afghanistan for 20 years. That isn't exactly failing. Same as Vietnam. We just gave up invading, which is the key. The equivalent would actually be Afghanistan invading USA……no chance.

  4. I think that's always been the plan. WWIII and everyone thinks it's worth it to be sacrificed for the sake of the "chosen people" and that will get them into heaven. It's truly sick and unnecessary.

  5. The tunnel in Gaza are death traps, the Israelis are flooding them. If that doesn’t work cutting ventilation power, water or adding CO2 gas will work. They could even send in drones with guns or explosives, some as small as a wasp. Plus Gaza is a small area all openings can be blocked or watched. The only thing Hamas has is hostages it slow this down….

  6. I’m scared of an American civil war causing a larger conflict at this point a weakened U.S. changes up the entire balance of world power and now seeing trump banned on the ballot in Colorado with possibly more states to follow makes me nervous of a civil war if the democrats win again in 2024

  7. Don’t feel bad about our Middle East policy, there is no such thing as a rational policy in that region. It’s like a curse of insanity that affects all who are involved, chaos rules !

  8. The Kurds are honestly and honorable people, I agree we have no geopolitical reason to support them. They live in a bad neighborhood, just like Ukrainians, Israelis, arminians and lots of other peoples. But the Turks are back stabbing nomads, same with the Arabs. You can never trust them and they are not friends or allies. It has nothing to do with the Kurds, they want to be a empire again.

  9. We are not Rome, Rome couldn’t figure out how to transfer power, plus it lasted 2000 years, yes I count Byzantium empire. Plus Rome had many periods of corruption and decadence. We have too, our systems are more resilient and we don’t have an out side threat. We are in realignment of our politics, this happens every 50-80 years. The last was the 1920s and 1930s. Examples blacks ware republicans and the NE /midwest was GOP strong hold?! The democrats were the party of big business and the south/midwest
    was there strong hold. Unions were not a thing until the 1920s or the urban poor.

  10. You make good points when it comes to western culture but have massive biases when talking about other cultures. Would be great if you could collaborate with your counterparts in middle eastern culture (like caspian report) and other cultures. Otherwise it feels like listening to one sided propaganda.

  11. World War I Lesson #2: The US intervened in a European conflict that had reached stalemate. Same as Ukraine/Russia conflict as of today. 

    Given that the war is Russia's to lose, the question has always been whether Putin could overcome initial setbacks. By now, the Russians have reorganized and regrouped enough to take the Ukrainians – unless the US and Europe step up their support.

    Will the US administration find the political wherewithal to continue support for Ukraine? I don't know, but in WWI, Americans were strongly isolationist and it took a succession of German mistakes like unrestricted submarine warfare to swing American public opinion around toward intervention.

    Will Putin repeat Germany's mistakes? Time will tell….

  12. I agree with and sympathise with many of the points you made in this video. However the one point I can never agree with when its made is that "China will inevitably invade Taiwan". There is a smorgasbord of reasons why they won't. 1. They would lose all claim to be global champion of "peace and prosperity". 2. The resulting destruction of Taiwan's chip industry would crush the global economy and thus the CCP's grip on power. (the CCP depend on prospering economy to maintain their 'mandate of heaven') 3. Not invading Taiwan benefits the CCP's main interest (staying in power), as Taiwan acts as a boogeyman which Xi can continually point at as evidence of US interference/oppression of China, thus creating a rally-around-the-flag effect. 4. The US coming to defend Taiwan would strangle all Chinese overseas trade overnight, being like the WW1 blockade of Germany but far worse in scale and devastation, China would likely collapse politically. 5. Despite demographic doom-mongering, China still has a good couple decades left, and their only real deadline for this is *2049*. At risk of stating the obvious, the international scene will be wholly different in 25 years time, and, to Xi, who knows, maybe it will be more conducive then, or perhaps the Taiwanese will consent to annexation. 6. There is an election in Taiwan in less than a month which could see de-escalationists come to power in Taipei. Even if it doesn't happen then, there are many more elections before 2049 to see things change.

  13. The christian prophecies came true…
    Whatifallthis… what if… the probability that the future its written and that prophecies actually have a deeper meaning in history?
    What would be the implications of a society that listens way more than the current one to prophecies?

    Have you seen Miley and the prophecies of Parravicini? The similarities are uncanny.

  14. 18:29
    Also very unlikely to rally a majority of the population. In fact, many dissidents are hoping Israel bombs their government.
    The majority of secular iranians hate the regime and are generally the least antisemitic Muslims in the world. Iranians and Jews get along very well in the west. I used to have a boomer aged Persian landlord and I would talk to him about Iran all the time…

  15. Part of the issue with the analysis is that the percentage of people that could join the military in the U.S. is so wrongly calculated. You could fake someone who had some anxiety or lower level depression or is overweight but not uselessly so and whip them into shape to fight. The military has had the luxury of ultimate choice and so raised the bar ridiculously high. It's almost like playing possum on the world to make them miscalculate. Give 6 months of training and PT under solid guidance and it would all work out fine.

  16. Also, the degree if our dividedness as a nation is often grossly overstated. We are miles and miles from anything beginning to approach civil war. America has always been divided till we face any outside force. This is probably the same miscalculation the british made before the revolutionary war – and those 13 colonies had far less in common than we now have.


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