Let down Australians ‘tremendously’: Greg Sheridan blasts Defence Minister

The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan has blasted Defence Minister Richard Marles and the defence establishment, claiming both have let down Australians “tremendously”.

Mr Sheridan joined Sky News Australia to discuss defence and the release of the upcoming surface fleet review.

“The surface fleet review, it seems clear, is going to cut the Hunter Class frigate order from nine to six – that’s a pretty bad result,” he told Sky News Australia.

“The Hunter Class frigates only have 32 vertical launch cells; they’re configured for anti-submarine warfare.

“We have given our normal bespoke madness to a design which was already immature.

“So they now weigh 10,000 tonnes as opposed to our destroyers, which weigh 7,000 tonnes, and they’re simply under-gunned for modern warfare – we don’t get the first of them till 2032.”


35 thoughts on “Let down Australians ‘tremendously’: Greg Sheridan blasts Defence Minister”

  1. Yep utter madness. However, this is not just one governments fault its multiple governments fault compounded by dreadful ADF leadership, no modern real world strategic understanding and therefore hopeless strategic vision, insight and planning. Rank incompetence of the first order. They don't seem to understand what "missile" warfare looks like, particularly with ships. They need to be capable of launching LRASM, AShM and SAM – and they need to be loaded for bear, a lot of them – missile warfare is about strike and counter strike and in a peer to peer conflict the side with the most long range missiles wins the engagement. The F35s are the right decision but are they well located and well supported by sufficient growlers and wedgetails. Defence is not about excellence, its about long term strategy, effectiveness and logistics.

  2. Hubris has let down the AU people. Arrogance & Exceptionalism in the face of strategic reality, is a legacy condition only recently exposed..for the world to see. 'Values' are indefensible. Natural, International & Humanitarian Law will prevail. 🕊⚖

  3. Albo and his team mates are too busy destroying prime agricultural and bushland with solar panels and windmills. No money left for defence and destroying patriotism with woke ideologies giving young people no reason too join the military as what is there to defend when history is cancelled

  4. Not competent to stand trial, but competent enough to run the western world? how does that work ?
    I wonder how many murderers or rapists or other criminals willnow use that as a defense not be prosecuted? "Sorry sir, too old to be charged for murder, k bye!"

  5. Australia has enjoyed generations of prosperity so where is the defence capability to show for all this wealth? We need a much larger defence force armed with nuclear weapons and their delivery systems.

    Governments, on both sides of politics in this country, are elected promising all sorts of outcomes, only to do nothing while they serve out their time in office before passing the problem of ongoing decline onto the next government, who then repeat the same process. It doesn’t bother them that our living standards have been in long term decline as they lie to the public while assisting wealthy tax avoiding interests to pilfer our national resources such as our gas.

    The wealth from those pilfered resources could have been used to build the sort of defence capability needed to defend this country. Instead, we have the nonsense of governments like, for example, Labour who sat on the submarine question when they were last in office for six years and did nothing before passing it on to the Coalition government who then lost another nine years. That is why we still don't have any submarines to replace the Collins class.

    We have been badly served by both sides of politics in this country because they are beholden to donor interests, many of whom are not Australian in their motivation.

  6. Australia should have a close look at the Korean KDX- destroyer , it is 10,000 ton , is armed to the teeth with 80+48 VLS and 4 quad launchers , has the Aegis CS and can be configured to air , land or submarine warfare and are a good price , we should buy 6 off the shelf and build 6 ourselves.

  7. 1. Defence pay is crap
    2. DFRDB is gone
    3. DVA won't support you
    4. Military assets and equipment is decades old
    5. Army Reserves was destroyed in the 90s with Ready Reserves and no chance of ever being promoted
    6. Navy and Airforce doesn’t have direct entry Reserves.
    7. Army Ready Reserves requires weeks/months of block training and workplaces will not allow this much time off. The General Reserves in the 80s and 90s was 2 weeks.
    8. After 16 years in Defence Reserves and Permanent Navy i was given a TAFE Certificate IV in Leadership.

    I spent 5 years in Army Reserves prior to Ready Reserves and had advanced training in Artillery Signals, OPCP field calling in fire missions, fired the Howitzer Guns, Infantry Training and advanced medical training in a hospital. Ready Reserves offers none of this and twice the commitment


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