FASTER THAN LIGHT: The Dream of Interstellar Flight 4k

Next-generation rocket technology, now in development, is fueling the dream of traveling across the void by exploiting the physics of extreme speed.

The dream of venturing into the unknown, to see what’s over the horizon, is as old as humanity. Today scientists believe our galaxy is filled with planets similar to Earth. But if one proves habitable, how will we ever get there? Can NASA take us? What are futuristic engineers conjuring up in their labs? Next-generation rocket technology is not just for blockbuster movies. It’s on the drawing board now as scientists investigate the mind-bending physics of extreme speed.


25 thoughts on “FASTER THAN LIGHT: The Dream of Interstellar Flight 4k”

  1. Surely a nicely produced and entertaining thought experiment. Even with exponential growth of both knowledge and physical capabilities it may take us a few centuries to come close, if at all possible.

  2. One more observation…. Among the life giving components needed for life, one of course is water. On other Planets water will need to be fully explored, top to bottom. However we seem to overlook exploring our own bodies of water fully, top to bottom. Wouldn't we need to master exploring our own bodies of water, developing new technology through innovation and discovery: (1) to explore our own planet and
    (2) to give us the ability to explore water elseware
    Yes, the mystery of space is alluring, and now we can see more of it using the JWST. When is the science and space community going to produce someone who has enough "STROKE" to get them to realize this. I did not mention Hydrology or Oceanography because I believe they know this already.

  3. The following coment by myself is only a question, because I clearly don't know any answers to it. If anyone has answers eg, people who do realize this and are pursuing it please let me know. I don't mean to rub anyone the wrong way. My intention is to not be aggressive or combative.😊

  4. You're all so short sighted. Interstellar travel would be irrelevant and pointless because by the time we would have the technology to do such a thing we wouldn't need it. That's why the ides of little green aliens is absolutely ridiculous.

  5. To explore the galaxy, we need to realize that those currently alive on Earth will never live long enough to explore any data sent back home. Exploring distant stars and planets can only be done by looking into the past. To see the present would take several lifetimes.

  6. Realistically we cannot travel faster than the speed of light. To travel to other world outside our own Solar system is currently just fantasy. And, there is nothing wrong with that but we need to stay focused on the here and now. Elon Musk has the right idea but he is just a small piece of the puzzle so to speak.

    1.) We need new types of energy sources that don't in tale blowing up the planet.
    2.) We need new alloys that can withstand the heat of plasma generated during reentry.
    3.) We need to discover flowing water (fresh would be nice) other than on Earth. This could mean that we dive into Jupiter moons or figure out ways to move water latent asteroids into rocky bodies like Mars to thicken up the pressure on the planet and reseed what bleed off into space millions of years ago.
    4.) Also, how to warm the planet up even with it being so far away from the Sun.
    5.) Or, we build space stations that act like miniature Earths. Movable habitats to take us anyplace we want to go. They could even act as a way to reseed the Earth if everything went to hell in a hand-basket leaving everything dead.

    Point being, we need thousands of new engineers and scientist. We nee thinkers who can dream up stuff we haven't. We have a long way to go but it looks like we are moving in the right direction with SpaceX. Lets hope we can keep up the momentum.

  7. Relativistic speeds are impossible to obtain for crewed missions. The reasons are many, the proof is easy to verify. We would have seen evidence of this type of travel by now. We also would have had visitors to our planet at various times in our past.

  8. How far and how fast? Sadly, not very far and not very fast. We have made almost zero progress in propulsion since the 1960s. We are still using chemical rockets, which will struggle to even reach another nearby, planet and forget the outer solar system. It still takes decades to send a small, unmanned probe. Sure, we can find exoplanets, getting good at that but we have zero options for getting there.

  9. Sun isn't projecting light from it self like humans think in schools, it's light getting pulled out of the sun outwards into anti matter fattest state of further out of no well it has hard tune but almost no frequencies allowed yet it has a steady and almost at 0 frequencies allowed bit it fold over like into other stages of universes like same untill it folds and they all have an oval 0 like more like flower of life look in all possible and foldable allowable possibilities. Gist only abstract everything as possibilities are endless only gust I can give right now. Not ready her won earth for the rest of the bigger picture. It's all dimensionnal frequencies and more. Hehehe


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