leftist tiktoks that are all over the place

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20 thoughts on “leftist tiktoks that are all over the place”

  1. 13:30 Listen I'm not one to body shame, but you cannot have that much lip filler and that much of a british accent and go and complain about an ethnic restaurant not serving the food you expected it to. It's like checking to see what the mean girl from high school is doing as a career and seeing something either in the nursing or childcare/education field.

  2. i was at a furniture store the other day and they had a poster up in their breakroom that said "don't let unions take your voice away" with a picture of a guy crying on it. i hate it here.

  3. sign language official second language is a MUST, your population not being able to speak sign is equivalent to being illiterate in my book. its such a useful form of communication hearing/verbal or no and sign not being taught universally the same way writing and reading are is a disservice to humans

  4. autism city sounds incredible i want it so badly
    i couldnt live in a city because city but disability makes it hard to live in the country and autism city would solve all of ny problems with cities

  5. 18:16 does anyone know what date this was posted on? I feel like this happened in September because the prices went up then but I had no idea it was because of strikes if that is the case

  6. hello my loves! (/p) ive been learning about OSHA recently, so here's some things for YOU GUYS to remember.

    when reporting to OSHA, your employer CANNOT penalize you (firing, demoting, transferring, etc) for reporting to OSHA about anything. if your employer does so… well… don't be scared to speak up. you have your rights. file a whistleblower report (i believe that's what they're called? correct me if i'm wrong!!)

    employers must keep records of serious injuries. you have a right to see these records, whether to compare your injuries to what other employees have experienced in the past, or just to see if there's a pattern in injuries, or any other reason you feel the need to.

    add anything you feel the need to, and correct me on anything i got wrong! ill change it if need be <3

  7. 20:01 is earthing just walking bearfoot cuz ive done that on hikes and its nice (depending on terrain, this one was paved a bit for accessibility and then had nice packed dirt kinda)

  8. About the first TikTok, my mom follows Dave Ramsey advice, and she tried to introduce me to his advice. I had an immediate bad feeling about it (I was probably just angry I couldn’t listen to my own music instead Mr. Ramsey while we were on a road trip, but that whatever ig) I couldn’t pinpoint exactly why, but the very first video kind of confirmed my idea. Glad I don’t feel so doubtful anymore :]]


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