Learn To Heal From An EXPERT Healer! New World Life Staff Guide & Build!

In this New World Life Staff guide, we’ll go over the basic of this healer weapon! Check out Myca: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWADR6K62b-lAwPQgcNJomw / https://www.twitch.tv/mycawins
The life staff in New World is currently the only healing tool. In this guide, we will have a look it’s general use, abilities, leveling order and what weapons to combine it with! The life staff is great in both PvP and PvE and can even be used for solo PvP. Due to its AoE heals, it’s also highly effective in wars!
#NewWorld #Life #Staff


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0:00 Intro
0:20 Our Expert
0:46 Introduction to the Life Staff
1:38 Attributes
2:04 Abilities
6:41 Weapon pairings
7:19 Life staff leveling order / build
10:12 Go check out Myca 🙂
10:50 Please consider subscribing & bell!

Paul Leonard-Morgan – Bells of Laguna Bend

Ross Bugden – Ice and Fire
INSTAGRAM! : https://instagram.com/rossbugden/ (rossbugden)
TWITTER! : https://twitter.com/RossBugden (@rossbugden)
This track is licensed under a ‘Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License’. You can find the link to that license here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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32 thoughts on “Learn To Heal From An EXPERT Healer! New World Life Staff Guide & Build!”

  1. Dedicated healer and thanks for giving me the thumbs up on Beacon. I figured it was good, just needed reinforcement. I think at the start, I'm going to try and go without a direct heal. First of all it is going to seem clunky having to target and fire and second, you don't seem to get a lot more healing for it.

    I would like to know if you are going to need to clear a lot of debuffs for groups, So that you have a use for Splash of Light?

  2. Outstanding! And, yes, although our Company is tiny atm, we have multiple souls who'd been dedicated healers in ESO PvP who really need to see this video. And Myca is just great…well…just so long as she doesn't go for some silly avatar wearing a Conquistador helmet 😂 🤣

  3. fun fact about beacon, if you place it on the ground you don't need to keep standing in it to get the healing benefit. Just entering it is enough, you'll continue to heal from it when you leave the AoE.

  4. weis den schon zufällig jemand wie es sich in new world mit krits verhält sprich feuer stab + rapier lohnt es sich für die 10% cr 50 dex zu skillen oder ehr nicht?

  5. Yo, Duke! I recommend that when you have a guest speaker (props for the collab work) you spend a moment balancing the volume of the voice clips in post production. Keep up the great work!

  6. For me I prefer all the protection skills with some of the passives from the healing side. I like to be able to deal as much damage as possible and essentially act as a support healer rather than a dedicated healer. Works well playing with my wife who is essentially tanking.

  7. Good video but it's just already out-dated. This was clearly recorded before the more recent beta. As many of the moves mana costs and effects have changed %

    good guide though – I won't dislike.

  8. Wow those are LONG cooldowns ! Does this game play that skow ? I cannot imagine having to wait 10 – 35 seconds to cast a spell. I wouldn't call a spell with a 4 second cooldown "spam-able" either. Most MMOs I have played have no cooldowns on most of the heal spells. I wanted to play a healer but this looks terrible. I love healing in MMOs but that looks like a SLOW and boring toolkit.


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