LAYLA VS DIONA – SHIELD, Energy and Cyo application COMPARISON

It’s only natural to compare the OG 4* Diona with the newest 4* Layla because the are both Cryo shielders, but there is more to them than only their shield. This video will break down the math for their shield DMG absorption and show a comparison between their energy generation and cryo application and ICD. Hopefully you will be able to draw your own conclusions and choose which of the two is the right fit for your team.

Additional info for maximized Layla shield:
Assuming C0 Layla had a Tenacity set with the same exact substats, her shield DMG absorption would turn out like this

[(39,538 x 0,184) + 2,115] x 1,24 (4 stars) x 1,3 (Tenacity proc) = 14,460

Adding her C1 and C3 we have:

[(39,538 x 0,216) + 2,660] x 1,24 (4 stars) x 1,2 (C1) x 1,3 (Tenacity proc) = 21.665

which would be arguably the second best shield in the game, only beaten by Zhongli’s.

Layla’s shield can still get the Tenacity buff from other characters, for instance in my usual freeze team:

Sucrose: VV and Sac Frags
Layla: Noblesse and Fav Sword
Ayaka: Blizzard Strayer and Amenoma
Kokomi: Tenacity and TToDS

Kokomi can reliably proc the Tenacity buff, giving Ayaka +20% ATK and granting Layla’s shield 30% more DMG absorption. In this way Layla can keep Noblesse to buff Ayaka even more.


7 thoughts on “LAYLA VS DIONA – SHIELD, Energy and Cyo application COMPARISON”

  1. I have diona c0 and layla c3, do you think it's better to sacrifice some shield for some healing or keep layla? Count that I have a ganyu reverse melt team and therefore I need to keep ganyu alive as much as possible. I really can't decide whether it's better to grant me a heal at the expense of a weaker shield and a cooldown that doesn't respect the duration, or a stronger shield with a cooldown equal to the duration, but without healing.


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