Lawrence: Rupert Murdoch's 'temple of lies' at Fox exposed by Dominion lawsuit

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains the truths revealed by the latest court filing in Dominion Voting System’s lawsuit against Fox including that Sean Hannity was ‘disgusted’ by Trump and Rupert Murdoch says he ‘could have’ stopped Fox from airing election lies, but didn’t.
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34 thoughts on “Lawrence: Rupert Murdoch's 'temple of lies' at Fox exposed by Dominion lawsuit”

  1. Murdoch is public enemy number one. His media is nothing but spreading propaganda and fake news. He contributes nothing positive to any countries. He supports candidates for his benefits not for national interest. His News Corp must be banned in all western countries. This Australian American is very toxic to the world.

  2. Rupert Murdoch has been destabilizing politics in Australia, England and the US for decades. Like a Bond villain, this piece of work just wants to see the world burn, and make a buck doing it. I'm half convinced he works for Russia. Murdoch is global terrorist, using money & influence to do what bullets can not. He should never have been given US citizenship, and it's time to drop him and his family off in the nearest oubliette, and dismantle his criminal empire.

  3. Any one who reads Peter Gay's 'Weimar' and the activities of Huggenberg during the fall of Weimar and the rise of Hitler will understand what a monster, and how dangerous Murdoch was, is and will always be.

  4. Isn't it ironic that the station calling others "fake news" all the time is the one who is lying by design since decades and only now that they have to pay for it and after having blood on their hands, they confirm in front of court that fake news is their only business model. I am surprised the US legal system will only dig up basic stuff like that after a private company is asking for billions.
    They called the Clintons, the Bidens, Obama, Comi crime families and put up nonsensical boards showing links from one image of a person so another. I think it would be only fair if each of these families also requests hundreds of millions until that problem has (dis)solved itself. If every person that got defamed by lies from this corporation and then terrorized by viewers who believed this BS, gets reimbursed for their torture, I think Mr. Murdochs money may run short and his lying anchors have to try to work and make money like a normal person does, with actual honest labor.
    What a nice twist that would be.

  5. I believe the American people should be next to bring a class action lawsuit against Rupert Murdoch and the Murdoch family for the stress they have caused us and the almost irreparable damage they caused this country; naming tuck the hemorrhoid, hannity and all the other grinning monkeys at Fox.

  6. Rupert and his family have abused democracy everywhere his filthy companies have operated, starting in Australia..over to the U.K and now in the U.S.A..
    And it has all been in the name of capitalism ..or better known as greed…

  7. Brilliant summation of the repugnant piece of vermin that is Rupert Murdoch. In Australia, we were glad to be rid of him. Unfortunately his corrupt manipulative ways has changed the world. Btw, he left Australia for the US because he couldn’t achieve enough power here to satisfy his phenomenal, out of control megalomania.

  8. It's always been Fox Fakery but to see people buy into their BS like people have has been unbelievable. I know this country has a lot of uneducated and mentally deranged but now we all know how many. Mass majority are the GOP faithful tuned into only Fox Fakery on a daily basis and believed every single word of their nonsense. I can see why the GOP is so against mental health coverage.

  9. The thought that these people did this to the country, because of basic almost childish greed, is even more disgusting than had they done it for some (fascist) political conviction.
    Greed, that's it…….wow.

  10. The acquisition of money, along with continued, steady Profit is the kind of "Ends justifying the means" philosophy that has been a staple of our cultural 'diet' throughout American history. Obviously this mindset didn't originate in the United States, and appears throughout history. However, it could be argued that, aside from the Roman Empire at it's height in: C.E. 117., as a Culture we have excelled in the Real world application of this concept beyond all expectations. 🇺🇸😎

  11. Today court ruled that you can sue Trump over Jan 6!!!! If I was one of the toothless bumpkins in jail for J6 I would get me a lawyer and sue the sh*t out of Trump. For sure if I was a Capitol cop.

  12. Over at Fox News all the culters want everyone to forget jan6 move along it never happened why are you harping on it? Can you imagine ii Obama when he was president tried a J6? They would have hanged him in the Rose garden. It would J6 all day everyday at Fox…

  13. don’t forget that Lachlan Murdoch is suing a minor independent media outlet Crikey in Australia for defamation in relation to their reporting of Newscorps activities in the big lie.


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