Latest opinion poll shows King Charles III's popularity is 'growing'

Former BBC royal correspondent Michael Cole says the latest opinion polls show that King Charles III’s popularity is growing.

“Also, the heir apparent – of course, Prince William and his wife, Kate – their popularity ratings are 71 and 72,” Mr Cole told Sky News Australia.

“Every politician in the Western world would die for popularity readings of that nature.”


38 thoughts on “Latest opinion poll shows King Charles III's popularity is 'growing'”

  1. I'm going the other way. I was pro-monarchy before but the more I see of Charles the more I want to get rid of the whole lot of them.

    It's that stupid face, the way he failed to take away Harry's title and his support of climate tyranny. I can't see how I can like such a weak stupid tyrant.

  2. The King has many opinions which are influenced by his Greek Orthodox Church connections. Therefore if you don't like his opinions look at that Autocephalous Church. It was not one of the originals Alexandria Jerusalem Antioch Rome and Constantinople. It promotes too many political opinions in my view , including support for the present 'government' of Ukraine which is persecuting Christians of Orthodox faith.. These are not reported in western media…. The King had a grandmother who was an Greek Orthodox nun in later life. so he has family affinities.

  3. The British royals have a 1000 year+ history of rape, theft, murder, and worse. Why do they still have any status or power. And Andrew proves their perversion still continues. Princess Di cheated on by the new King. In a modern world, he should be king of nothing.

  4. As a person born in GB and who lives in Canada now, part of the Common Wealth, I am proud to watch King Charles take his long awaited place on the throne. He is a man of great intelligence, and who has been a promoter of the environment long before it was popular. I'm proud of his attempts to include as many groups and faiths during the coronation. And I say this as a committed Christian. God Save the King.

  5. Queen Camilla the Hag. King Charles sashays around town with bags stuffed with cash from the Bin Ladens. To avoid a trial for sex crimes, Prince Andrew, a pedophile, bought off the victim. Camilla and Charles used, abused, and destroyed Diana. Meghan’s claims of racism are confirmed by recent events at the palace. The royals are greedy, stupid, spoiled, selfish, vulgar, and irrelevant.

  6. Charles did put a foot wrong when he invited Harry and Meghan. After that shameful mocking curtsy of Meghan and Harry sitting by quietly, I am utterly shocked that they were still invited. She had the audacity to mock a 96 year old lady , who was the much beloved and respected Queen of the UK for 70 years. This lady who Meghan so publicly mocked was her husband’s grandmother. Shame on Charles for ignoring this insult to his mother .


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