Last Minute Christmas Plans!

Last Minute Christmas Plans! Vlogmas 2022, Day 26. We finish up our London puzzle, open Advent Calendars, and Jessica goes over the plans as Christmas approaches. All of our videos are closed captioned and always family friendly.

#vlogmas #ballinger #ballingerfamily #family #vlogmas2022 #adventcalendars

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Ballinger Family
2674 East Main Street, Suite E-747
Ventura, CA 93003


46 thoughts on “Last Minute Christmas Plans!”

  1. Christmas Eve is jammies and book night even though its just hubby and me. For the first time in 29 years – I bought them. We're doing Christmas small this year as next year we will be on a Cruise in the Bahamas. So we only have stocking and are gonna have a movie marathon and chat to our overseas family.

  2. Pavlova with a berry coulis is a great substitute for fresh berries, just use frozen and blend them. Even here in Australia it can be hard to find fresh and lovely berries the day of. Have a wonderful celebration!

  3. Iโ€™m so extra excited this year for Christmas! I am 28 and from the uk, in our house we do stockings in our bed. Kids cuddle in and do their stockings, then downstairs for a bowl of cereal, that normally doesnโ€™t get eaten as they can see all the presents under the tree Hahahah ๐Ÿ˜‚ for lunch we have a roast dinner! Most people do turkey but we have chicken in our house cause no one likes turkey! So chicken, veggies, Yorkshire puddings, carrot and sweed mash, pigs in blankets, stuffing, sprouts and parsnips. Also I think you have a couple things with those names in America but theyโ€™re completely different, like our pigs in blankets are tiny cocktail sausages wrapped in bacon. And my little boy who has autism has pizza for Christmas Day dinner as he doesnโ€™t eat much and loves pizza. This year to make it a little more Christmassy my husband is going to make his pizza in the shape of a candy cane! We do crackers while we eat and play games. And then for the rest of the day we go to visit family and just be lazy lazy laZy! Eat alllllllll the sweets and play loads of games! The day goes by so quickly Iโ€™m already getting sad that itโ€™s gonna be over hehehehehe. But I am so excited to see the kids faces on Christmas I honestly donโ€™t think their is anything better! I hope you guys have a great Christmas! Thanks so much for posting vlogmas itโ€™s been great to watch and cheered me up on some bad mental health days (I have autism, adhd, gad and bipolar) so bad mental health days are often, but you guys always cheer me up! Merry Christmas from my house to yours! โค

  4. Today I went with my mum and grendma to see a musical called Joseph and his coat of many Colours. Tomorrow which is Christmas Eve we thatโ€™s mum and me go to grandmas for lunch and do presents. Christmas morning we wake up early well I do and go wake mum and we do presents and than head over to grandmas sons for lunch with rest of their family. Than Christmas night we have some friends over for dinner we are having cold meat and salads as itโ€™s meant to be hot here in Australia. Boxing Day we are having a BBQ at home with some other friends. So that is what we are doing for Christmas this year of 2022.

  5. i cant believe how fast parker is excelling at swinging on the bar! wow!
    also, i could seriously watch if there was a camera that just followed luke around all day! he just exudes happiness + finds fun in every little thing! ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿซ

  6. My family celebrates Hanukkah and Christmas! We usually get smaller gifts for Hanukkah and the other, bigger things for Christmas. We also each get a new ornament every year and do advent. We are Jewish on our dadโ€™s side so we celebrate Hanukkah and other Jewish holidays (as well as other types of holidays) to honor our ancestry!

  7. this year it's just going to be me and my mum and are dog my brother is going to there partners for Christmas and my other brother is staying at his house due to suffering with his mental health and depression I wish him the best of luck with it and finally my other brother is working Christmas day

  8. Do your kids constantly ask to do advent all throughout the day even if you've already opened it that day? I have a three-year-old and an almost 2 year old who do that and it makes it hard to Constantly say no. Do your really little kids try to open the Christmas presents early that are already sitting under the tree? You guys show such a patient and loving parenting model! Any tips on dealing with these issues? Merry Christmas Ballinger family!

  9. We just heard my partnerโ€™s brotherโ€™s family and mom all have COVID or been exposed to COVID. It put a bit of a wrench in our plans. Weโ€™ll have to do a do-over sometime later ๐Ÿ˜ข

  10. My mum and I converted to islam (where christmas is not a holiday you typically celebrate), but before we converted, we always celebrated christmas and I grew up celebrating christmas and I looooove it so much! It's such a cozy holiday about giving and love and light! We really enjoy it. (Also we loooove christmas movies!) When my brothers and I were younger (I'm also the only girl out of 5 siblings), we'd always get a DVD on christmas eve, that we would watch and on christmas day we'd get a present and we celebrate it witg my mum's side of yhe family! All my cousins and I are teenagers/grown ups (early twenties) now and I wish we still had some younger kids, because they get SO excited! That's what I love about your family, you are ALL excited! Also, I'm from Belgium and here we have "Sinter-Klaas" (saint-nicholas) and he comes to all the children on the 6th of december and if they were good, they get a present and if not, the "roet-piet" gives them black coal! Thought that would be interesting for you to know! So on christmas we just get presents from our family! the last ALSO! I grew up in Switzerland and there, the "christ-chindly" (so translated: christ-child aka jezus) brings gifts to the children on christmas day! And they also have saint-nicholas! Much love and happy happy holidays!

  11. I'm a 13 year old girl who celebrates Christmas with 4 siblings,my dad and my memaw and papa and every Christmas Eve we attend our evening church service and then come home and make cookies and usually I can never sleep because I'm so excited for the next morning but we try. And on actually Christmas morning we do the same thing as what you guys do, we try to take out time before our morning break feast/brunch with our family and focus on the gift giving and each of us 4 kids take turns being a present elf it's really fun and we really enjoy it!

  12. Our kids are 3,6,9 and itโ€™s definitely crunch time ! I work another overnight tonight and when I come home tomorrow Iโ€™m gonna prep Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinner ! We spend Christmas with just our kids because we both lost our parents young.
    We always stay up to late to and watch a Christmas story while wrapping ๐Ÿ˜Š

  13. I love using croissants instead of bread when making either French toast casserole or just French toast. If you haven't tried it you should delicious. Sending love ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’œ

  14. i wrapped all the presents for my mom and for my grandma, as well as my own. i wrapped as they arrived for the most part. gotta be at least 75 or so. iโ€™ll count them and get back to you lmao. but yeah now iโ€™ve only got i think 3 presents left to wrap, two are gonna have to be wrapped last minute due to orbeez shrinking when left out of water lol.

  15. I have to thank you guys for one of our newest Christmas traditions. In 2020 we moved half way across the country away from our family and we effectively lost all of our life-long Christmas traditions. In one of your vlogs that year, maybe Baileyโ€™s birthday, you mentioned Wentworth puzzles. I had never heard of them before. My husband and I decided that weโ€™d start a new tradition and buy a 500 piece holiday puzzle from them every year and complete it on Christmas Eve – either by ourselves or with whoever is spending the holiday with us. We look forward to it every year now. So thank you for giving us an idea of a new tradition of our own! โค

  16. I love your Christmas morning videos and appreciate that you unwrap gifts one by one. I do the same with my kids and the same was done by my parents. It does makes things so much more special! Love you all and your beautiful family! โค๏ธ

  17. Hi from wales uk itโ€™s 12.40 in the night here so itโ€™s Christmas Eve. Iโ€™m going to friends this year once my children have gone my oldest Amelia moved out this year and Isabella is with her dad this year . Boxing Day we have a big family party. Wishing you and your beautiful family a merry Christmas xx

  18. Just realized I started this vlog and never finished it so I got a twofer of you guys today! Well one a half! ๐Ÿ˜ French toast casserole?! That sounds amazing!! Can we get the recipe in an upcoming vlog or even a short please?!๐Ÿ™โค One of my Christmas traditions (not always on Christmas but just around the season) is to make Wassail! It's a hot apple cider drink with a bunch of different juices mixed together along with cinnamon sticks and cloves and it is delicious! You can always add some alcohol, usually brandy if you like as well, but I make it without any. You can easily find a recipe online if you're interested! (I learned the recipe years ago in a foods class in high school and have made it and loved it ever since!) I highly suggest trying it sometime when it's cold! Super easy to make and really easy for kids to help make as well as it's literally just mixing different juices! โค๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŽ„

  19. Not specific to this video but I was wondering if there are any updates on your families struggle with hives?!

    Iโ€™ve had chronic hives too and the past couple days itโ€™s been really bad. My lips swelled up and now Iโ€™m on steroids but I still have hives. Itโ€™s such a frustrating health problem!

  20. We have 2 Christmas days. So on the first day we always go to my parents with my sisters and niece and nephew. We eat and have fun. Before our son was born we also went to church in the morning but for our one year old we think it is to busy of a day. Last night it was 8.30 before we got home (he slept till 9.30 this morning ๐Ÿ˜ฑ have to say that he woke up like at least 5 times). On the second day we go to my in-laws.

    Oh and we do not do presents, we celebrate Sinterklaas which is early December. We celebrate it wit my side of the family. My in-laws don't really like to celebrate Sinterklaas.

  21. We had to celebrate Christmas on the 26th . I got a Belgium Chocolate, Computer vacuum cleaner, oral water rinse, and money . My Aunt and Uncle didn't want to go to their house and Grammy house two days in a row . Christmas eve is my Grammy 's birthday and we had a potluck to celebrate her birthday.


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