A magic carpet ride through waking dreams and technicolor dreamscapes.


26 thoughts on “CYBERDELIC DREAMING”

  1. I just popped back here after years off the channel. Uploaded just a few hours ago… he’s making the exact same stuff but with shorter hair and a grey stubble 😂 some people never change

  2. The 60's was all that but what did it actually give us as result!. A generation that raised the next generation so poorly its slowing down human progressa because of economics and the dumb culture. And the way I see it its getting worse. Most people just want to be rich or famous in any means necessary regardless of how ethical or beneficial it is to overall society. just look at the products produced most is poorly made.
    You would think otherwise looking at digital products and stuff like that , true technology is progressing what im saying we could've been a level 1 civilization on the Kardashev scale by now.

  3. This data transmitted through space time was picked up by a cognitive process of hazy reality recordings and a pattern was recognized which was reinforced within the cognition but it also contained a unique puzzle to be solved. I'm only approximately picking up what you're putting down but that's expected with new data, it takes time and more communication attempts for this cognition to more accurately approach something resembling understanding. Now I'm attempting to transmit data back to the cognition source of the data I received in a blind expectation that more data will be transmitted to complete this exchange of information.

  4. Speaking of the mind and dreams … have you ever dreamed a snapshot of the future that you later experienced? As if your conciousness reached into the the book of your life and skipped ahead a few pages and glimpsed a phrase of your future, out of context. It's happened to me a dozen or so times in my life. Just curious, keep up great work, your eloquence is inspiring.

  5. and then came the 70's and the 80's and those destroyed power structures and hierarchies were sorely missed as brains spills from open minds, free souls didn't want to re-enter the solid world and many remained on the brink in tents and in poverty. We won the freedom, now we need to survive the aftermath.


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