Language Arts Teacher gives 12 year olds a pornographic book for Christmas present

At Coloma Junior High in Michigan
Language Arts Teacher gives 12 year olds a pornographic book for Christmas present
Printable Report on book can be found here:


40 thoughts on “Language Arts Teacher gives 12 year olds a pornographic book for Christmas present”

  1. This is where America needs a uk army of parents… cause I would’ve floored that teacher and any other that comes near my kids with that filth. Thank God my kids are not in school anymore..

  2. The teachers union may have been a good thing in the beginning!! Now they and the school board in a lot of schools are the downfall of our children!! Making them sexual way too young!! This is absolutely sick!!

  3. Unbelievable, I would have come unglued if a teacher had given my daughter or son such a gift when she was in school- even High School. Teachers are Over Stepping their boundaries. Did that teacher get fired???

  4. So if the teacher gives the children sex toys as educational materials I suppose would be acceptable as well? This is a criminal act to expose sexually explicit materials to a minor child and also each gift is a separate charge.

  5. Thank you for caring enough to do what you do! None of this should ever require your efforts, but it does require these Idiots accountability. Your efforts are very much appreciated. They are tearing away at the fabric of society!

  6. The first questionable book I read at 13 was Julie of the wolves and that was 30 years ago. There was a scene where she was forced into marriage and her husband took advantage of her and then she ran away to Ca. On the way she was befriended by wolves.

  7. I got gifted a book once in nursing school. In college. It's called the Four Agreements. If my teacher gave me a book like what these kids got, as an adult, I woukd be uncomfortable. What is the purpose of it, honestly? What was the intent? To normalize sexual acts for 12 year olds? I just don't see any rational reason for it.

  8. Why are ppl still sending their kids to these introduction camps? Why are they not filing child sexual abuse charges against these teachers,? What this guy started to read is inappropriate for an older v teen much less a 12 yr old. What are these parents waiting for? Rise up now!

  9. OMG–you're in communist Michigan. I got myself, with the absolute help of God, to Florida 16 months ago. Patriots MUST wrest control of all agencies that handle elections. If you're a GOPer, change your affiliation to independent. You must infiltrate the ENTIRE PROCESS IN ORDER TO RECORD AND GUARD THE BALLOTS and make sure the process is transparent.


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