'Lammy's playing the race card in order to sure up the Labour Party' | Kelvin MacKenzie

Former Editor of The Sun, Kelvin MacKenzie, discusses whether David Lammy’s “white saviour” attack is behind Comic Relief’s declining funds.

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26 thoughts on “'Lammy's playing the race card in order to sure up the Labour Party' | Kelvin MacKenzie”

  1. So sad to think they can warp every good act of kindness from people that aren’t of their colour or ethnicity into some hypothetical cruelty bullshit. He should be ashamed because I don’t think they people of Africa actually care who donates, I’m sure they’d just rather not starve, doesn’t affect Lammy really now does it

  2. None so blind as those who will not see, and none so vile as Kelvin MacKenzie. Same goes for most of you leaving comments here too. Plain and simple racism. I'll give most of you the benefit of doubt, and put it down to the one brain cell you all share.

  3. We can’t afford to give anymore. I also don’t like the old cronies which turn up for comic relief to boost their ailing careers. Lenny Henry got a gong for it! When he went out there he was asked to stay with a family. He lasted a night! The smell was too bad. His answer was to interfere in the families life a build them a new house, totally unsettling the rest of the community. Stacey Dooley has done marvellous work, all over the world, especially investigating unpalatable issues.

  4. Ever since he came out with that statement and then followed by Lenny Henry , I haven’t donated to any organisation other than for cancer or animal charity.. I don’t do comic relief or use Oxfam

  5. Lammys playing the race card, NEVER. He is the most Racist person out there. Hates WHITE people with every fibre in his body. Another like Henry who didn't have a problem with the 2 WHITE men in Ure and Geldoff who first started the ball rolling in the support and help for African countries and its people. They always forget about that. Conveniently


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