Labour MP absolutely terrorises Royal Mail bosses over worker conditions at Select Committee

Do whatever you want in life, but never ever get on the wrong side of Darren Jones.

The Labour MP grilled Royal Mail execs at the BEIS Select Committee on 22 February.

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38 thoughts on “Labour MP absolutely terrorises Royal Mail bosses over worker conditions at Select Committee”

  1. I actually have had a CCJ as I never received my letters . Over 10 special delivery items not delivered. My post person actually admitted that they were told they were only delivering parcels and I complained without any help.

  2. My local delivery office held my debit card for three months. I was getting my mail delivered on average once a week. The manager tried to blame industrial action but theyd already had it six weeks before the first strike day.

  3. When he said "are you standing by your claim that this was a rogue poster?", I knew there would be other examples he was about to whip out, but I was not prepared for the sheer number! And presumably, that is just the ones that were photographed, and nowhere near all of them. Darren Jones, top man!

  4. Aa with any private company that becomes shareholder owned… maximise profits for shareholders at all costs. Cut hours, cut or stagnate wages, devalue workers and replace with machines, increase prices but reduce services…. do anything that will increase profits for those that, in reality, do nothing or how no involvement in the company except vote on dividend payout and ceo salaries.

  5. Thompson is hated by postal workers with his brutal attacks on terms and conditions to turn Royal Mail into a gig economy job, shameful behaviour by TERRIBLE THOMPSON

  6. I tried suing Royal Mail two years ago for withholding mail for up to thirty days, confirmed by four postal workers. Unfortunately we have a corrupt court system in Durham which through the case out even though there was more than enough documentary evidence to win the case

  7. This man is wot/ need in this country, he really knows who he represents, who pays his salary , he should be held up as the standard we demand from MP who have no moral courage, understanding of wot we the people require/demand from them .Most MPs struggling reading/deliver a paragraph/sentence of the KING'S ENGLISH, with out stuttering hands waveing ect this man shows the way it has/must be.

  8. I tried to track a package through Roysl Mail and I would have had to allowed cookies. Screw you, Royal Mail, just show where my package is without having your prying fucking fingers invade my phone.

  9. Judging by the performance of our Royal Mail Delivery office at Harlesden, the staff should be made to take a paycut until they learn to deliver mail to the correct addresses. Woeful service.


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