Labor’s nuclear ‘fear campaign’ to fight against Opposition’s push for power

GXO Strategies Director Cameron Milner says “good policy” is not always good politics as the push for nuclear power runs with the danger of Labor’s “fear campaign” against it.

“Unfortunately, good policy is not necessarily good politics,” he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“I don’t think anyone wants to live next to a coal-fired baseload power station, or a hospital, or a waste facility either.

“There is plenty of places you could put nuclear power in Australia.

“The danger is the fear campaign Labor will run.”


21 thoughts on “Labor’s nuclear ‘fear campaign’ to fight against Opposition’s push for power”

  1. Liberal have no intention of doing that, they know it's a snow job, but people will fall for it. It was brought up in the 90s by One Nation, but oh no, don't listen to them.

  2. It should come as no surprise whatsoever to learn of the ALP (Labor) socialist left government"s attempt to run a scare campaign regarding the implementation of nuclear generated electricity. Their campaign is pure political dogma and has zero to do with efficient and effective policy
    This rates as hypocrisy plus from a prime minister who has frequently stated his intentions are to reduce the cost of living (electricity).

  3. Labor hypocrites, we sell yellow cake around the world but punish Australia. FYI where do you think radiology and nuclear medicine and cancer treatment comes from, yep nuclear plant in Sydney

  4. nuclear will allow power to stay at the low levels needed to reduce bills, solar and wind by the very nature of their varibility allow prices to regularly spike at peak demand times to 16000 a megawatt hour nuclear will remove this and their little scam with price gouging , plus all the back-up that has to kick in when the sun goes down or the wind stops

  5. Labors principal argument against nuclear is the cost. Simple google Hinkley point C see for yourself. £31-35 billion. Built by French and British engineers on ready site. Google Hitachi Anglesea £20 billion just to decommission and clean up site after 40 years of use. These are just two massive expenditures. LNP lied about snowy 2.0 $10 billion over budgett. This is Labors objection to nuclear in Australia.


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