Krueger & Elliot – 49ers listening to trade offers on Lance

Krueger & Elliot – 49ers listening to trade offers on Lance

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26 thoughts on “Krueger & Elliot – 49ers listening to trade offers on Lance”

  1. Trey has no value! Zero that he's been "jimmied" is undeniable. Value ruined, draft a disaster costing you rings, you don't care, you extend a sub 500 coach!!! Then Larry calls the owner a genius lol lol from bootlickers, to circle jerkers!! This party has been busted…

  2. Why is there this huge divide and animosity amongst 49er fans on picking one quarterback over the next and shitting on the other guy? Lance vs Purdy. Shouldn't you be supportive of who you're starting quarterback is regardless if it's who you'd like to see start? It's like, are you a 49ers fan first or a Lance fan or a Purdy fan first? You all sound like a bunch of entitled crybabies. The 49ers players have come out and said it should be Purdy as the starter. John and Kyle have now said as much as well, and some niner fans can't except that and are acting like they are conspiring against Trey or that he's forever ruined because of it. I personally saw something in Purdy during the preseason and he carried it over into the regular season. I think he should get the start when he's healthy again ,but it Doesn't now mean that I'm rooting against Trey or wishing any ill will towards him. He's a good kid and if he starts this season and lights it up I'll be cheering for him to do good just as much as Brock. Seems like some of the so called fans are wanting to see the other one fail to try and prove a point and that's just pathetic.

  3. Bravo Larry! Thank you for calling out the race inflammation. It's stupid, ignorant and not even close to being reality based. Has any Niner media member ever asked Trey if he felt that the Niners or Kyle are discriminating against him? One of the most egregious race baiters in Niners media is Grant.

  4. I agree with Jordan about the lack of consensus in the Niners FO/coaching staff with Trey. I think Kyle was overruled and didn't get the guy he wanted. But that seems to be a pattern with Kyle. He doesn't seem to fight for the guy he believes in or wants.

  5. Making a big deal out of nothing. Wait until practice actually starts. I think both Lance and Darnold will get reps, because you have to see what you have. Trey has to step up to take the job! He has not done that, yet. 50% completion rate will never fly! To his credit he’s been seeking mechanics help from QB gurus. Let’s see if it pays off. Also, I wish people would quit saying they traded 3 #1’s for him they traded 2 #’1’s and swapped #1’s.

  6. Looking back they should have drafted an OL instead of Trey and a corner last year seeing as they went with jimmy anyway so the whole thing has been a mistake. The 3 first rounds rounds really could have been better spent.

  7. Think your overthinking on the sharing reps things. Nowhere did Shanahan say they would share them equally, also Sudfeld took some first team reps last year and there was no fuss then.

    All this seems a lot about nothing at all but I guess it keeps the content creators busy.

  8. 49ers often make the first year cap hit of a new contract pretty low, you only have to look at the Hargrave contract to see that. This means it's fairly likely they could afford both Ayuik & Deebo during 2024. Deebo's cap hit even goes down by 9m in that season, 49ers are doing a good job of staggering contracts.

  9. Great guest & show Larry. I thought what everyone liked about Jordan were his long winded answers. :0)

    Jordan is one of the guys I listen to and think, this guy not only knows more than me about football but he finds interesting stories and angles I would never come up with.


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