Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony [Touhouvania] | Part #2: Bilinear Embiggening

The thumbnail for this playthrough was drawn by GalaxyStarX:

In Part 2 of the Touhouvania playthrough, a little girl grows up. Or at least she gets bigger; the “growing up” part is up for debate.

Now with an official English re-release, “Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony”—better known as Touhouvania—does its best imitation of the Belmont Strut and we’re struttin’ right along with it.

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20 thoughts on “Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony [Touhouvania] | Part #2: Bilinear Embiggening”

  1. My friend and I are both perplexed why many anime-based games DON’T have dubs. It’s not like anime/dubs are still a niche thing. My Hero Academia One’s Justice 2 got a dub but AFTER it got released

  2. Merry 1st Christmas Day. In Denmark the festivities are on the eve of the 24th, and the 25th and 26th are then what's known as 1st and 2nd Christmas Day, which is essentially just "gear down" days.

  3. For me "that one franchise where you gotta have everything about it", would either be Project Zero or Another Code. Maybe mostly the former, since the latter only has two games to its name and NO merchandise to speak of.

  4. 18:35 johnny: "well even then, why would the 8-bit games make it hearts." i mean, the castlevania games were always horror inspired, so i'm guessing they chose hearts because, y'know, blood, and since it's an 8-bit game, a realistic heart is outta the question, so valentine's day heart it is.

    either that or you're beating all the monsters with the power of hope and love, i don't know.

  5. No you want to talk weird art styles of Castlevania, Last Judgement literally had everyone done up by the creator of Death Note so Simon just looks like a buff redhead version of Light.

  6. I don't think the ghosts n goblins games are as masochistically unfair as their reputation on the internet makes them out to be. Think most of them are about on the same level as the harder Castlevanias.

    The only ones I think are particularly brutal are the original and the Dark World of GnG: Resurrection because its about as hard as the old games with similar checkpointing but the levels are twice as long.

    My personal favorite is the arcade Ghouls n Ghosts which is also on the Genesis, as I found it pretty brisk and fast to play through even doing the full two loops compared to the rest of the games in the series. Super is solid too but it's a bit slower and longer than arcade/MD Ghouls for my liking.

  7. 7:25 fun fact, thats been shown to not be entirely reliable (thanks genetics!) The only true way to tell what sex a skeleton was born with is to sample the DNA. Archaeologists found that out the hard way when someone sampled some dna from a bunch of Scythian warrior graves they all assumed were male. Turns out every last one of them was female, lending credence to the theory that the Scythian people were likely an inspiration for the mythological Amazon warrior women.

  8. Fun fact. The Japanese version of Castlevania Bloodlines (which is entirely in English by the way) shows you the ending in full regardless of your difficulty. It's also easier (Japanese Normal mode is the same as English Easy mode only it doesn't skip mini bosses for example)


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