Asmongold Goes 'NUCLEAR' on New World – The Hero We Need

Asmongold went full Nuclear on Amazon’s New World in a twitlonger post that can really only be described as amazing.

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33 thoughts on “Asmongold Goes 'NUCLEAR' on New World – The Hero We Need”

  1. Monster Hunter Rise sells cosmetic stuff in $15 packs. I got a skin for $1, but people were complaining about the $15 packs and I'm like….. "then don't f*&ing buy it." It's like the people who jump onto the subreddit for Minecraft and ask people to buy Minecraft for them because they spent all their birthday money on something else. Like people don't understand that if you don't have the money for something DON'T BUY IT. Or….. learn to save up. If you suggest they save up you get downvoted.

  2. I m also with asmon ,no wonder gaming industry is having for the last 10 years a hard time to make persons play their games .Meanwhile Private servers are going (indiferent of games) STOINKS because most of those privates removes the shops or are leting the shops but change with only to donate for the servers maintenance and sustaining (elysium or many other private servers ,If they do these monetizing streategies why would i bother to play on their server just change to private and have fun )

  3. So, I'm going to say something that is probably heresy, but could New World benefit from a battle pass? We would gain a sense of progression, the developer would get a new revenue stream. It probably wouldn't eliminate the cash shop, but you'd still get the best stuff locked behind a fair amount of grinding or even an achievement system that changes each season. If you keep it cosmetic, then people's vanity would win out, and $10-20 every few months sounds a lot better than a subscription, especially if you can pay near the end of the season

    Yes, I know the battle pass adds a lot of chores you have to complete. But look at the current state of wow, that seems almost standard.

  4. Honestly, the last good MMO I played was Phantasy Star Online 2. Sure, it's a F2P game that does feature a cash shop. But the developers are actually pretty generous with how many XP and loot drop boost you get from playing with paying. Wish other MMO devs would take note.

  5. the game not being out yet is bad but its so much worse that they tried adding the cash shop in alpha. FUCKING ALPHA. Like adding it in the Beta is really sketchy but doing it in the APLHA is beyond insane.

  6. I think these critiques are relevant for almost every game that has come out in the past years. The game industry seems almost completely consumed by large greedy soulless parent corporations. From phone games to massive MMOs, theyre all tarnished.

  7. "The oh well it doesnt effect me" attitude, is a cancer and the downfall of the human race. I would love for them to be homeless and wonder why no one gives them money on the street. Because the people who have money are not on the street so it doesnt effect them. I wonder how they would feel then.

  8. I've actually been going outside a lot lately.

    That's how bad the mmo scene is rn.

    Ashes of Creation is the last hope for the genre, and maybe for the industry.

  9. Imagine if the NFL allowed people who play football in a local flag league to simply pay for their slot on their favorite team. Your got a million dollars? Sure you can be the starting QB in the superbowl next year. Why shouldn't everybody be able to experience football on the same level?

  10. Everyone talks about their nerf to rested xp to sell boosted rested xp.. You ever think of them all of a sudden adding more fast travel points and never adding mounts to the game? Maybe it was all to sell fast travel in the cash shop. I'm against mounts too, but it does look like a created problem to sell. Thoughts?

  11. Game Companies can't even think about the major influencers that will negatively affect their sales.
    Even whales have influencers to listen to.


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