KISS ALREADY | Heaven Official's Blessing Blind Reaction Finale

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41 thoughts on “KISS ALREADY | Heaven Official's Blessing Blind Reaction Finale”

  1. bl romance is very censored in donghua due chinese strict censorship, but you can still feel the connection between the characters. In the original source material novel they do have more romantic interactions but I'm still happy and impressed by how much these shows gets away with. I do feel the frustration of this fact. It's mostly sad tho :/ A woman in china who wrote a gay-themed novel was sentenced to 10 years and 6 months in prison for "breaking obscenity laws".

  2. The novel is much more superior then the show. Tho out of the 3 series by the author, for me personally, its the weakest one.

    But maybe that's because it's the one that focuses the most on romance compared to the other two that were more plot and comedy driven. Just a personal taste, it's still a great 8/10 book(s) tho!
    If you wanna get baited on zombies, Grandmaster of demonic cultivation might be more up your alley, though get prepared to be confused af during the first season! The show just throws you into plot and character relationships that you have no clue about.
    But it's the strongest plot-wise! A murder mystery fantasy comedy.

    Thank you for your reaction as always! Always makes my day! <3

  3. The novels definitely work better because the donghua keeps giving you glimpses of what is to come while the books are already kind of caught up to most of it (in the official english translation). Currently they are only 5 books in official english translation out, I believe you would prefer them due to all the martial arts and the twists

  4. As someone now watching ur older content. Bud so glad u accidentally watched heaven official’s blessing instead of mdz because like this boi is interspersed backstory and flashbacks. Mdz is different and is like straight many episode flashbacks. And u really did not like the bsd flashback episodes of season two so uh mdz just be prepared. I mean just not saying it not good but just as ur someone not fond of continuous flashback episodes hmmmmm be prepared. Really glad u liked this boi tho it’s my fav and goes hardcore at times which is fun

  5. I haven't read the novel. I don't know where to read it. All I know regarding the novel is from Gacha React videos. Though I might prefer the Donghwa more as I read a Chinese novel once, and could barely understand what some of the paragraphs are saying. Mostly as a majority of it included Chinese sayings or included Chinese words that do not translate well into English. It felt like I was reading either a badly written fanfic or a paper written by a grade schooler.

  6. Danny i promise they kissed in the later volumes in the book..altho not as romantic as you want it to be cuz Spoiler alert…

    They kissed each other in order to exchange mana(lending powers)just an excuse tho we all know they just like kissing each other

    Plzz read the novel I promise you won't be disappointed…

  7. I discovered the novel after beginning the animated series, and I love both! The novel is beautiful to me, and the series gives amazing visuals and music that helps me enjoy and fall in love with the story even more.

    However, in regards of the storytelling, I had the same issues that you have.

    Because of how one is exposed to the story in the series, it feels that one is missing out on something everytime, or is being given a lecture on the story, rather than experiencing the story.
    By the thrd or fourth episode of the series, I had to look up the novel and read it to catch up with what I was watching, and eventually I learned to read in advance before watchin the episodes, so that I had already finished reading the "first season" before watching the final episode.
    It definitely helped me. However, I think people shouldn't have to know previous material in order for them to enjoy something like this.

    I feel that the series is made of the novel and for the novel fans, and it's not handled as a stand-alone product, which is kind of sad.

  8. Thank you for this reaction for one of my favorite series! ❀️ I sarted watching you when you reacted to my lovely BSD but stayed for your funny jokes and honest reactions. Keep it up, you are amazing! πŸ˜‰
    P.S. There's special episode nr 12 of TGCF/HOB~ ;3

  9. I like the donghua and the novels, I don't think I can pick a favorite between them. I think the donghua does a good job for the amount of the source material it covers (a little less than 1/8th I believe?) and I LOVE being able to see the facial expressions. The novels are all from Xie Lain's perspective so you it's not quite as obvious from the get go that San Lang is just a huge simp, but in the show it's obvious from like the first appearance. I'm really excited for the donghua to continue and for the next couple of arcs to get animated. The exposition is still there, but the pacing picks up and I think those arcs will lend themselves to animation even more so. I also think the donghua is more easily consumable for those who are less immersed in the genre, the novels can get a bit dense and be intimidating, so I'm excited about how it will open up this awesome story to more fans. So yeah. I like them both lol

  10. fair warning tho danny, if ur gonna react to grandmaster of demonic cultivation, i suggest learning the names first cuz they just straight up bombard u w the 5 different clans and all these same-sounding names. if i didnt watch The Untamed, I woulda been completely lost on the donghua

  11. Another finale another request for Iruma kun- you will not regret watching it I assure you. It's so good and fun, the dub is fantastically enjoyable as well and just I can imagine a series better fit for your channel

  12. Ok guys- I know most of the gay content is heavily censored and lacks resolution for heavily implied romance arcs- but we gotta give something to this poor patient man who needs some actual canon kisses πŸ˜…


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