This SHOCKING New Plan Is Set To DESTROY The Entire U.S Economy

This SHOCKING New Plan Is Set To DESTROY The Entire U.S Economy

#saudiarabia #energy #gas

Did you know China recently received its first yuan-settled LNG cargo from the United Arab Emirates? This groundbreaking development marks a significant step in the internationalization of the Chinese yuan and has caught the attention of global financial analysts.

But what does this mean for the US economy? The implications of China’s growing influence in the Middle East and the increasing use of the yuan in international trade have raised concerns about potential effects on the US economy.

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Thanks For Watching Our Video; This SHOCKING New Plan Is Set To DESTROY The Entire U.S Economy

China’s involvement in the Middle East has grown a lot in the past 20 years. It now trades more with the region than the United States and has become a major source of investment and technical cooperation.

This has changed the Middle East’s political and economic situation. China has made smart partnerships and created forums to strengthen its relations with Middle Eastern countries.

The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, or FOCAC, was started in 2000 to help China work with countries in North Africa and the rest of Africa on politics, economics, and security. Similarly, the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, or CASCF, was started in 2004 to create a way for China to interact with all the countries in the League of Arab States.

The strategic partnerships and forums China formed have helped them become more involved in the Middle East. They work closely with countries in the region to boost trade, investment, and technical collaborations. In addition, China’s influence in the Middle East goes beyond economics.

They actively address regional issues and contribute to peace and security. In 2004, China appointed a Special Envoy for the Middle East to focus on the peace process. And in 2016, they set a Special Envoy for Syria to help resolve the civil war.

But expanding China’s economic and political involvement in the Middle East doesn’t mean they want to exclude the United States. Although China is becoming more present, the United States still has a strong economic presence in the Middle East through investments and relationships with local companies.

China hasn’t shown interest in replacing the US as a regional security provider. So far, China has stayed neutral in conflicts and focused on activities like UN peacekeeping and fighting piracy.

China has made big progress in making its currency, the yuan, more global. The yuan is now the fifth most-used currency for payments worldwide, showing that more people use it in international transactions.

It’s also the third most used currency for trade settlement, meaning it’s becoming popular for exchanging goods and services. Plus, the yuan is now the fifth biggest reserve currency, which is an important part of global financial reserves.

Countries like Argentina and Brazil are interested in using the yuan for trade, as they want to be less dependent on the US dollar. This helps China in its goal of making the yuan more international and making the global financial system more diverse.

These countries hope that using the yuan can strengthen their economic connections with China and reduce the risks of relying too much on one currency. The CME Group recently launched options on the US dollar to yuan futures.

This shows that the yuan is becoming more important in global financial markets. Now, investors have more ways to manage currency risk, and there is a growing demand for yuan-based financial products.

As the yuan’s influence keeps growing, international financial transactions are more exciting and give global investors new ways to protect themselves from risks. China’s efforts to make the yuan international benefit its own economy and make the global monetary system more diverse and balanced.

It offers an option for the dominance of the US dollar, which reduces the problems of having one currency in control. Experts think that as China’s economy strengthens and its financial sector opens up more, the yuan will become even more important internationally.

The yuan being used more in international trade worries some people about the US economy.

Experts say relying too much on the US dollar can be risky for countries facing American sanctions or policies. So, countries want to find other options to lower their risk. The yuan becoming more popular globally allows countries to have different currencies and reduce the impact of US-focused economic choices.


37 thoughts on “This SHOCKING New Plan Is Set To DESTROY The Entire U.S Economy”

  1. US has weaponized the dollar and it's value is diminishing due to over printing which have caused the world pain and chaos. Dedollarization is a must and a self inflicted problem by the US. The world is reacting to the US recklessness, irresponsibility and warmongering.

    Why would one can think that printing money freely and irresponsibly, use US dollar as a weapon where everyone has started to forego US dollar plus sky-high debt have no consequences? This bubble busting is in the works for many years already and yet the people here are burying their heads in the sand for ages.

  2. No other country is needed to "destroy" the rogue state terrorist of the United States of America. It is doing it to itself all by itself. Other countries are just keeping as far away as possible from its toxic fallout.

  3. The Yuan is a real and massive threat to the U.S dollar, but it is not clear how Washington can overcome this threat other than allowing the Yuan to compete internationally.

  4. See this is what I'm talking about Saudi Arabia wouldn't have nothing like this if it wasn't for the United States for helping them a long long. Time ago look how they treat us this is what I'm talking about countries that don't give a s*** about what United States has done for them now. It's time to help United States but you can't get it from them so you guys. Let's pull up our big Brittany's and say h*** with you guys. We'll do it on our own. We've done everything else on our own we can do it guys buckle up let's get going.

  5. Tell Sally o'reilly to go to h*** we can do it on ourselves. We don't need our help we can do this guys. We got the brains we got the money we got can do anything in United States. Want to do if we all work together okay gotta guys run the game now

  6. I'm tired of these world countries that are in other worlds and all that kind of stuff taking advantage of the United States. Let's pull out of them countries let China take them let's see how fast they want to come to the United States when they're in trouble the h**. With all of them you know United States has helped everybody in the world where was China where was Russia? They are not there when you need it now. They're there because United States has helped them so much. But no help to united states so s*** y** guys

  7. Pull all our military and everything let them guard United States Canada and Mexico come on. Let's start trading with Mexico. Let's start trading with this country set connect with the United States. The heck with it tired of these guys taken advantage of the United States. Just like Donald Trump said they don't need it appropria needs help. Mexico need help canada let's all work together we're all in one

  8. Right now looks like Saudi Arabia to me is making fun of us because they think they're. So mighty OK so they think they are wait till China gets? A hold of women takes them over and they have nothing

  9. I'm telling you people we need to get trump back in there. We need somebody with somebody with somebody with some balls not a fact. We'll take all the money away from Biden and all these other guys that are taken money left and right. I? Bet you're trump to figure out who's making money over united states and we can take it all away from them all of it

  10. Its not against the US!
    It is the US that have overdue the friendlyness and generosity from peoples and countries all around the world!

    UShave been treated as the finest gests.
    But not understod that they are gests.

    And as the old saying is,
    gests and fish starts to smell foul after three days.

    And according to this "film", the arabic and persian world have been generous since at least 1972!!!!
    Thats a hell more than three days!

    And what have they got for theire oil?

    Dollars, something that at best are a paper sheet.
    But wich for more than fifthy years have been a cancer on every others currensies and hope for wealth.

    So what is so strange in the peoples around the worlds expectation that they will change gods to gods and products to products.
    And without someone sitting in the midle and taking all from 10 % and upwarts, just to let you change your product to another product!

    The US is in this respect, just an armed bandit.

    And when producers now take another route to the buyers with the products, then the hooligan screams "foul play".

    it is time that the US starts producing beneficial products and services, as it ones did.

    And for goods sake, kick the "merchants" the hell out of every important part of the american society.
    If not,
    they'll drag you in to some new war they can profit from.
    On you!

  11. US could have maintained her position if their leadership of today is better equipped like their leadership of the last quarter of the last century, instead we literally have jokers and shysters taking the lead and spend time on wokeism issues which seem more important than solving homelessness and broken infrastructure at home and turn this frustration into international policy of confrontation with hardware against other nations! Really, you can't have the cake and eat it too!

  12. What ever benefits US get from the $ will be getting China. That means not easy money for US eat lobster and make BBQ everyday . What’s ever go around , comebacks around. Rich Countries go on rice and potato’s, poor countries gets T-Bone stakes hehehehe

  13. UNited Snakes have shot itself when it militarized the dollar to sanction other countries through the swift system. US have got all the world resources & Product for free through its printing press.

  14. USA keep taking DET CUZ never intends to pay back, simply can't. ZIONISTMAFIA👹☠️🤑 BLOODSAKERS(1.5%)😋 EATIN by PINTIN💵💰FREE🆓 d PIPOL🌹💐🌺


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