Kim to the Rescue

Farm video


22 thoughts on “Kim to the Rescue”

  1. Minke not crazy just glad to be out and free from little pen. Hope she goes inside somewhere to be warm too.
    Glad to see goats got wind break on their pen.
    Cold here tomorrow night in 30’s!! 🥶. Cold for Orlando. Need a good freeze to kill off insects- – fleas😳
    Stay warm and safe.
    On Epiphany, I was moving a very heavy oak pedestal table and top heavy and fell face first on the underside forehead landed right on hinge! Holy Moly, stunned me, got up moved out of door way, iced my forehead. Every time I looked another bruise popped up.
    Dr was not happy as said at 78 should have gone to ER as could have bleeding in the brain. – – (ASAP) been waiting 2 days for referral 🤪.
    Hope Gi is ok. Terrible accident with Jami. I got kicked in face by my horse (100% my fault) when 8 and do know the wired jaw!! Ruined my teeth. My dad “blessed me” 😢 his way, after doctor did his fixing. I grew up country in New Hampshire- very rural ❤️❤️it.

    In the 30’s here Tuesday night🥶

  2. Kim is a self efficient lady!! Love her!! She has 3 amazing sons. Levi…😂 he makes me smile. He has a fabulous laugh. Buddy… very smart. very level headed. I love his long hair. Tony.. he chooses not to be on video.
    Stay safe..

  3. Good Morning PawPaw❤ Good Morning GiGi❤ Hi Kim❤❤ she amazes me nothing she can’t do❤❤I am in Florida we are getting 4 nights this week in the 30’s. I got a pair of Doggles dog goggles I’ll send for Woody. Gigi your new baby is so Cute ❤❤hopefully Jake will have a Boy for Bubba to play with ❤

  4. You are right Paw paw, Jamie’s accident could have resulted in brain injury. They are truly blessed. I saw what cancer does to the brain when my late husband was diagnosed with stage 4 glioblastoma. Never been sick in his life. He had a seizure and that’s what led to testing. He had three brain surgeries due to reoccurrance. He lost his battle four years ago.

    Kim is truly and handyman woman! lol I wouldn’t know how to do what she did to repair the water leak but I have watched my husband make repairs like that. It’s sure different when you attempt it yourself.

  5. I'M ANITA: Hello Paw Paw! It was nice of you putting down carpet for Kim to lay on. My Husband gets a Big Piece of Cardboard he lays on to work. Kim is so Talented in Everything She does. I told My Husband ; "I would Marry Her". Lol I hope this little dog makes a Good "Comfort" dog for Gigi. I have a Yellow Lab and a Papillion dog and it's the little Papillion that almost trips me up every time. Luv from Tenn. God Bless Y'all and God Bless All the Animals

  6. I'm in the Pacific NW. We've been in the teens since last week, we've had snow and freezing rain. It looks like Wednesday will warm up into the high 30s, and all of this melts.
    Layer up when you're outside. Gigi, get rest so your shoulder heals. ❤
    I love your videos. Gigi, I miss your videos. 😊


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