Kill Team: Darktide? Easy Scabs and Dregs from Chaos Cultists [How I Paint Things]

After having mentioned Kill Team specifically, it occurs that tweaking something like Space Hulk would also work remarkably well for representing close, tight combat with enemies that follow simple decision trees for taking their actions. Hmm…

There’s also Five Parsecs Bug Hunt worth investigating; not strictly a Warhammer 40,000 game, but one which would reskin easily enough to let your operatives take on hordes of diseased cultists and maniacs…

00:00 – Intro
01:07 – Priming & Basecoats
09:28 – Shading
10:24 – Highlights & Finishing Touches
14:39 – The Finished Cultist

Thanks to Producer Patrons Alan Nuttall, Kyrie Crawford, Andrew, Jimmy, and Rod – as well as all the other Patrons that made this video possible, and Exit23 Games for recording equipment that helps keep the channel ticking over! Find out more at the following links:

THE BASE: Astrogranite, wash with Agrax Earthshade, drybrush (lightly!) Underhive Ash and pick a few dots of PVA to add scraggly, dead-looking static grass of your choice.


Matt Black (Army Painter)

Rhinox Hide (Base)
Mechanicus Standard Grey (Base)
Zandri Dust (Base)
Iron Hands Steel (Base)
Abaddon Black (Base)
Leadbelcher (Base)
Death Guard Green (Base)
Bugman’s Glow (Base)
Mournfang Brown (Base)
Khorne Red (Base)
Morghast Bone (Base)
Catachan Flesh (Base)
Agrax Earthshade (Shade)
White Scar (Layer)
Plaguebearer Flesh (Contrast)
Skrag Brown (Layer)

Steel (Model Air Color) – Could just as well use Stormhost Silver

Moon Dust – This is about as light as Bad Moons Yellow, but more rich. You could try Dorn Yellow here as well.

Munitorum Varnish (Citadel Spray)


22 thoughts on “Kill Team: Darktide? Easy Scabs and Dregs from Chaos Cultists [How I Paint Things]”

  1. The mini is OK, but why did all these cultists/gangers from GW seems all get out from a Mad Max – style movie?
    P.s. to add variety to your Wild Bunch of cultists you could try to make some Blackstone Fortress style bases.👍

  2. Super cool paint job! I can't figure out any benefits to using black as a primer, though. I switched to white years ago, and have never gone back. its very easy to go dark, but having to put down layer after layer of paint to cover up black primer is no fun.

  3. Very very cool, great job. I wish GW would have options for models that are much simpler, come in higher numbers, and are obviously cheaper. Boxes with like 24 shirtless/disheveled chaos lunatics with just melee weapons and maybe the occasional pistol would sell gangbusters, especially with how big Darktide is right now.

  4. Very nice job 👍, huge Papa Nurgle fan, I'm currently trying to finish my gobo's and traitor guard army only twenty more troops to go for my guard and I'll have a hundred of them,as for the goblins about 300. 😆🤣😂🙏😇🇺🇸

  5. Another one of your videos that I added to my painting inspirations list :). Since I've gotten the Moroch box I've been wondering how to paint the traitors. After the open beta I thought that maybe something like that would work, and now I have an easy to follow process of achieving that :)! And as for the solo games, I think that it would be easiest to use something like Planet28 or OPR. Or the solo rules for Stargrave and just use those minis 🙂

  6. As a new baby youtuber… how do you film like this with the camera seemingly right in front of you? It's such a great place for the viewer to see from. I tried mounting in front of my chest and had trouble actually seeing what I was painting. Or do you use a good phone camera to film that angle?


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