Keir Starmer's rampant dishonesty

Keir Starmer has just destroyed what is left of his own credibility on LBC, unable to answer a simple yes or no question!
Right, so as far as interviews with Keir Starmer go, we tend to know what we’re going to get don’t we? We know it’ll his dad was a toolmaker and his mum was a nurse, we know it’ll be I was Director of Public Prosecutions, we know it’ll be Labour is a changed Party, we know it’ll be my wife works in the NHS, it’s the same soundbites over and over as he mixes and matches these tedious rote responses he’s learned, to virtually any question he gets asked, because he can’t answer a straight question with a straight answer.
However by now you’d have thought an interview with Nick Ferrari on LBC would be one to avoid, because he does seem to come unstuck! Probably the most infamous and damning interview Starmer ever gave was to Ferrari when he of course told the nation, though has denied it ever since, that Israel had the right to withdraw food and power from Gaza, collective punishment. But this week when he popped back on Ferrari’s show a question from a member of the public stopped Starmer in his tracks. No textbook response would do this time and it has exposed Starmer’s dishonesty as his past lies all of a sudden caught up with him and he had nowhere to turn.
Right, so that was Keir Starmer on Nick Ferrari’s show the other day, where 6 or 7 times there he stated that he did not believe that Labour were going to win in either the 2017 or 2019 General Elections and I’m going to come onto Starmer’s role in that specifically, there’s more to it than just his Brexit sabotage going into the 2019 General Election which I spoke about the other day on a recent video, but I’ll come back to that in a moment. Firstly, let’s deal with this question Starmer was asked, which was quite reasonable, quite simple, if Corbyn had won in 2017 or 2019, would Starmer have served in his cabinet. He couldn’t say yes or no despite being asked to give a yes or no answer – you’ll notice Starmer never can do that in interviews, look out for it – instead he incredulously repeated that he didn’t think Labour would win, despite him being a shadow cabinet minister from pretty much 2016 onwards, through both of those elections, campaigned in both, signed off manifestos for both, wrote part of them himself as Shadow Brexit Minister and yet throughout he expects us to believe he took those posts, the extra money, the position despite not believing his party would win? Well how do we know in which case you were even trying? Were doing your best work? Serving your party and the leadership the membership, myself included at that point, had mandated you to do, by electing Corbyn to lead the party, his vision for the country what we all wanted? Right now, you expect the country to vote for you in the belief that Labour is a changed party now, to serve the people of this country, yet for years now, by your admission in this interview, to this question from this chap Graham, that you weren’t working in the interests of your then party membership?

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Hi, I’m Damien Willey. I’m a former welder, but now I’m a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on
I’m an unpaid carer for my disabled wife and daughter and as such we know all too well the difficulties that associated with that living in Tory Britain and I personally believe the answer lies in socialism.
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Damo Rants Kernow Damo starmer,keir starmer,kier starmer,labour,general election,election,keir starmer latest,keir starmer lbc,keir starmer jeremy corbyn,jeremy corbyn,jeremy corbyn keir starmer,nick ferrari,peoples vote,brexit vote keir starmer brexit,keir starmer lies,keir starmer phone in,keir starmer interview,2017 general election,2019 general election,morgan mcsweeney,kernow damo,damo rants,starmer lies,labour party,uk election,keir starmer labour


17 thoughts on “Keir Starmer's rampant dishonesty”

  1. God you talk utter rubbish. Keir has had everything but the kitchen sink through at him by the media. He has completely turnaround the labour part and so called flip flopping is dew to the fact he is working with a 14 year Tory disaster and has wind back on things when he releases the budget isn’t there to achieve them that’s called honesty.

  2. This twonk is so ingenuous. How can the plans not change. 14 years of Tory lies and this is the best you can do. Just vote Labour and save your breath to get some proper work done!

  3. If you haven’t seen the many compilations of keir contradicting himself over and over no wonder you’re voting labour. His ridiculous answer to how he would take his wife to the NHS instead of private while being a millionaire shows the dishonesty. Idc who you are if you have the money you would be taking your significant other to private because the standard of the nhs wait times and standards are pathetic to that of private in this country. Perfect example I heard recently hip replacement for nhs is 4 year for private it’s 1-3 months. But anything’s better than the tories and unfortunately we live in a “democracy” so we only get 2 choices realistically.

  4. So agian i will challenge to name thing where Starmer has changed his mind that are not in direct relation to Tory incompetance. I don't agree with all of Starmers policies not even close. But I will say that he is the most honest of the cureent generation of leaders. He set out one thing we can judge him on, that was to get Labour ready to win an Election. On the one thing we can judge he is 100% sucessful. Disingenous people like you are a discrase. Use facts not rhetoric please. I can not decide if your a Reform turkey voting for christmas, or a failed Corbynite that still does not understand why he lost to BoJo the clown.

  5. Starmer is emblematic of how toxic and demoralised Britain has become. How the paucity of intellectual and ethical political talent in the Public Arena has led to Perfidious Albion's isolation in the Real World, the distrust the Nation is held in both at home AND abroad.
    He and his ilk are why the Nation has no Champions for the poor and downtrodden, why the Biosphere is so trashed, why the UK only finds friends in Dictatorships and Brutal Regimes.

    I see no prospect for the generations to come. The only sane course is to get out whilst you still can!


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