Kate Middleton Cancer: "I've Lost All Faith In Humanity" | Kinsey Schofield SLAMS Royal Critics

In a recent interview, royal commentator Kinsey Schofield expresses her anger and disappointment over the treatment of the Princess of Wales amidst her health crisis. The vulnerability and bravery shown by the Princess has been overshadowed by online gossip and mocking, leaving many outraged and calling for accountability.

Schofield criticized public figures such as Kim Kardashian, John Oliver, and Stephen Colbert for making light of the Princess’s situation and turning it into a punchline. She expressed her frustration at the lack of empathy and respect shown towards someone going through a serious and difficult time.

The Princess’s health crisis has been further exacerbated by invasive paparazzi and online trolls, who have spread malicious rumours and attacked her credibility. Schofield highlighted the importance of acknowledging the seriousness of the situation and showing compassion instead of resorting to gossip and speculation.

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39 thoughts on “Kate Middleton Cancer: "I've Lost All Faith In Humanity" | Kinsey Schofield SLAMS Royal Critics”

  1. All this speculation what people have been insinuating, horrible lies about our beautiful Princess Catherine should be ashamed and you have all FORCED her to tell the world what she is going through, more than shame on you all, you are all vicious

  2. What is it about human nature or the times that makes us want to tear down people who represent among the best that we have to offer as a species? Why do we choose to do this when they are at their most vulnerable? It's disgusting! Kate's an exemplary personality, mother, wife daughter and role model. The people criticizing her couldn't hold her shoelaces. I am optimistic about Kate's prognosis… just leave the family alone and treat them with the respect with which any of us would hope to be treated.

  3. These reality stars, media personnel and the paparazzi need to zip it, be quiet, sh.t up and go away.
    Kate is entitled to her privacy. She is bravely facing a showdown with C. She is doing this with grace and strength and dignity, surrounded by all of her family.
    We the people need to show her our respect, compassion and empathy, by giving her what she needs most, privacy to deal with C. In her way and time needed to become healthy and stronger physically. God Bless you Kate, take your time, recover well, and we'll be here for you when you are ready for us. Light and blessings to you Kate. X❤

  4. Why are you both still expecting decent behavior from the demonic duo? Do you really think Catherine wants any communication from them? The idea only serves to keep your narrative going.

  5. Nobody wants to hear a statement either privately or publicly from Megawitch or Hazbeen!! They are liars & nothing they say would be real or heartfelt. Leave them out of this, please!

  6. People are just envious, jealous, and/or don't have much going on in their lives who conjure up conspiracy theories. It is to make money at someone else's expense. They did this with Princess Diana and it is repeating again. The world is on disarray, there are wars going on.

  7. H&M would of announced the news if they were privy to it. They are just that pompous. Blake Lively shame on you and that stupid comment of a non-apology to Princess Catherine. It's like she commented to the world not to the person she offended. Kim K and family – go away already.

  8. Kate has shown she has more grace and dignity than all those trolls put together. They think thier opinion actually matters. We saw what happened to Princess Diana.

  9. Let’s let her be,,news media no one’s business sham shame. Just pray and LEAVE them alone,,, and celebrities how dare you poke fun and question the accuracy of her illness
    What goes around comes around shame shame

  10. Let's also not forget the impact this will have had on the children surrounded by so much negativity, is just simply cruel! How on Earth this has been allowed to get to the States of forcing someone, to disclose their medical circumstances to the public is most certainly not acceptable.
    Let's just hope that the individuals who've gained access to Princess Catherine's medical records, are equally forced to explain in public on who's authority!
    The world has become a circus for celebrity Status when it clearly only displays it's own insecurities for ME ME ME!! Attention

  11. So much drama about a photo…like all the so called ‘celebrities’ don’t photoshop photos left & right. Most regular public couldn’t care less about that photo.

  12. The whole thing has been outrageous disgusting and totally disrespectful and the gutter press was leading the charge along with keyboard warriors who if the shoe was on the other foot how would they like the onslaught of speculation and disgusting trolls and 24/7 prying into their most private lives and she was pushed into this I am disgusted that humanity has sunk so low to mock a young mother trying to keep her family safe from the vile stuff that’s been printed and trying to tell them she was going to be all right they have learned nothing since Diana all the newspapers that are saying today we send her our love were the very same people who slated and spread malicious rumours last week you can stick your “love” where the un don’t shine she does not need it or want it I’m ashamed to be a human being if this is what we have turned into then god help you all 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  13. Preventive chemo tells you right away that most likely after surgery, a pathology was done and they found pre cancerous cells. This means they found it very very early. Same happened to me. Catherine needs time, privacy – respect & she deserves that.

  14. Well done Kinsey, kimk is a h & m friend wannabe that being said, the internet especially in the USA has gone absolutely crazy and terrorised this poor woman and her husband saying that he's having an affair & all sorts of nonsense, when she should be healing in privacy with her family, these scumbags that have no life has not only made money off these made up lies but forced our poor Princess of Wales into publicly revealing that she has cancer just so everyone will leave her alone. The world especially the USA is a very very sad place.

  15. Kinsey’s unabashed expression of tenderness – to me a native European – is why I fell in love with America! You are the best Kinsey. thank you all at Talk TV for appreciating her and having her on as much as you do. It speaks well of you. Long live your beautiful Princess of Wales!

  16. After what happened to Princess Diana, how can anyone with a pinch of compassion do this to the Prince & Princess of Wales it borderlines on Bullying, yes she's a Royal but every citizen in England has the right to medical privacy, as does the Royal family. Stop Bullying Princess Kate & making money from it Kim Kardashian (I have boycott all things Kardashian)

  17. After what happened to Princess Diana, how can anyone with a pinch of compassion do this to the Prince & Princess of Wales it borderlines on Bullying, yes she's a Royal but every citizen in England has the right to medical privacy, as does the Royal family. Stop Bullying Princess Kate & making money from it Kim Kardashian (I have boycott all things Kardashian)

  18. After what happened to Princess Diana, how can anyone with a pinch of compassion do this to the Prince & Princess of Wales it borderlines on Bullying, yes she's a Royal but every citizen in England has the right to medical privacy, as does the Royal family. Stop Bullying Princess Kate & making money from it Kim Kardashian (I have boycott all things Kardashian)

  19. After what happened to Princess Diana, how can anyone with a pinch of compassion do this to the Prince & Princess of Wales it borderlines on Bullying, yes she's a Royal but every citizen in England has the right to medical privacy, as does the Royal family.


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