Kari Lake Leans Into Trump And Stolen Election Claims During Gala | CPAC 2023 LIVE News | US News

Kari Lake Leans Into Trump And Stolen Election Claims During Gala | CPAC 2023 LIVE News | US News
Former Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake heaped praise on former President Donald Trump as a “bull in a China shop” during a gala speech in which she repeatedly rejected the legitimacy of her electoral defeat last year.

Lake contended that there is a battle between the “globalists vs. we the people” and characterized Trump as the great champion on behalf of the people during a keynote address to hundreds of VIP guests at the Ronald Reagan dinner for the Conservative Political Action Conference. Her speech illustrated Trump’s dominance at CPAC.

The views and opinions expressed in this video are those of the speaker and do not reflect the official policy or standpoint of CNN-News18

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10 thoughts on “Kari Lake Leans Into Trump And Stolen Election Claims During Gala | CPAC 2023 LIVE News | US News”

  1. It was not democrats, who did something with ellection! It was kgb agents set up to all bothe democrats and respublicans , it was kgb rf regim action against democracy! Covid virus was kgb rf regim creations to get los from chineez lab! So whole world become against China too. Kgb rf regim has it as method to separate frends, partners and get power or adventage in situation ! Stop hateful and wrong arguing inbetween against americans ! Hold you united or you all loos ! Stop being naiv!

  2. Kari Lake and this Big Lie as an appellate court ruled last month that her claims are ‘sheer speculation’ backed by no credible evidence.
    Why CPAC allows these nut jobs to speak is beyond me.

  3. This woman is crazy we have to back Ukraine against Russia for her to stand here and tell Ukraine that were not going to back them and we aren't going to send our troops over there which I hope to God we don't but it's the same time Russia and China want World War 3 if we have to go over there to protect Ukraine and Europe where we're going to have to do it cuz otherwise if we don't we will be a communist country we are already a socialist country that's the truth we are and Obama started it they've been pushing towards it since the fifties check your history I don't want this woman near the White House or in Congress never never never


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