Karen Throws Party At My Beach House! Claims She Is New Owner & Steals My Property!

In this video, my an entitled Karen breaks into my beach property and throws an illegal party! She claims she is now the owner of my house!

#reddit #neighborstories #entitledpeoplestories

0:00 Beginning
0:20 Story 1
7:10 Commentary
7:35 Story 2

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Music Credit:
LAKEY INSPIRED @ https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired
Lakey Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmy8wuTpC95lefU5d1dt2Q

Official “LAKEY INSPIRED” License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported “Share Alike” (CC BY-SA 3.0) License

Credit for Video Background: Pixabay & Pexel

If you don’t want your story in this video please message me on Reddit at u/aconwright and I will happily remove it 🙂

I’m a voice actor that narrates stories. I record all of the voiceovers and edit by myself. I like to read stories about HOA (homeowner associations), neighbors from hell, revenge, entitledpeople & Karens & discuss them with my viewers & bring the stories to life with funny voices and commentary! I also like to show my cat “Disnii” ❤️


39 thoughts on “Karen Throws Party At My Beach House! Claims She Is New Owner & Steals My Property!”

  1. This is a new not Karen for me. Not an entitled mom Angela. not grabby Gretchen. Not hitting Helen. Not Bossy Betty. Not psycho Sally. Seems she is lying Lena but in a big way. She may be part right Rita too makes up a story and sticks with it. One thing she is not is Karen unless you are just saying Karen for click bait. Bizarre enough to be a ripe story but I suggest when you get your silver you edit out references to entitled people they are not. You could on this one go with wackadoo Wendy. Stealing a beach house is over the top. Good one Ripe🌠. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  2. We need to get Ripe over here for some wine. May I suggest fortified Mad Dog 20 20. There may not actually be any grapes in it LMAO. This is California and we actually have some great wines. My preference is a good Malbec probably from Argentina and if white can't beat a good wine from Rhineland. I really like Mead too. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  3. On the worker who made reproduction furniture – OP is a excellent craftsman and people attempting to nickel and dime him down – let them buy from Walmart or a flea market then.

  4. Okay I want to put this into reddit but this is too juicy of a story lol: I was at work today doing server stuff instead if being on the cook side. I almost encountered a Karen why because the woman was in my section of 4 tables, this crazy woman wanted a medium rare hamburger which my restaurant can't do because of health regulations. I literally didn't know how to tell her because I had that feeling that if I did say something I get yelled at,right at that same time a manager that was working that night decided to tell her for me. When he does just that he gets berated and yelled at before the woman and her husband stormed out of the place. She started yelling cursewords and saying "I'm gonna sue this company and get corporate involved" or something of that nature… Thank you for there being a manager to save my hide cause if one didn't I'd either be in tears or going to prison rn for knocking the crap out of that woman.

  5. Of course the right thing to do when you find other people in your house is to call the police. Unfortunately US law tends to favor not giving them chance to explain themselves; once they claim to have a right to be there the owner is playing defense.

  6. And people thought having a baby face is a good thing. Nope, I can say from personal experience, no one would take you seriously. I had new staff thinking I was the new hire because I look like I just graduated. My boss thought it was hilarious though 😒 Good thing our IDs have our photos on it or else meetings with higher ups would've been awkward coz I had bosses who rarely meet us wonder why is this child looking person was in the meeting. So, that was fun.

    Note: One of my boss thought I was a staff's child. My colleague who was mistaken as my mother had laughs over it for weeks. She's a chill lady in her 50s and I looked young enough to be her child at 26. In fact, I was only 4 years older than her oldest child and I look younger than him! The kicker was he thought I couldn't have been older than 18. I can't say I didn't sulk to my mother about it because I got the genes from her anyway lol…

  7. Yeah, no. You want nice furniture handmade by a carpenter, you pay for the cost. Wood costs a lot of money and craftsmanship is something that takes years to get better and better.

  8. Unless there is a prior agreement that you'll bring the wine as your contribution to the dinner, it's a bit presumptuous to assume the host hasn't already chosen wine(s) to go with the meal and will pop open yours. Many people have a wine rack, cupboard, or even room filled with bottles, and may have decided a certain one would be the perfect accompaniment; your bottle may be appreciated as a contribution to their collection in thanks for the meal. I always say jokingly "For your cellars" when presenting wine, and often enough, the host will open it anyway. But unless you've asked "May I bring the wine?" and the host replied "That would be great," don't expect it to show up on the table.

  9. wine story, I'm sorry what? Unless there was an agreement before hand that someone would bring a wine to serve with dinner, then the wine that was brought the other times was basically a hosts gift. this is like buying the host a box of chocolates, then expecting it to be served with desert. Most people who serve wine will have their own picked out before hand to accompany the meal, i think the Op in that story was a little entitled.

  10. BEACH HOME ** My Mama and Grandma own a RENTAL home in Buena vista next door to Disney world. A couple with 4 kids plus 2 sets of grand parents was to rent the place, they called an hour before check in one is in the hospital they are canceling the trip, the tickets for flight was non refundable. so they wont be coming. we gave back there deposit felt sorry. we got a call from the condo manager the family checked in plus more, some how got in with out signing in. Did I send them a key. Nope, Nope and Nope. we live 4 hours away got there in 2.5 hours lol. their was 22 people in the home with 5 dogs, they put cigs out on the furniture and wall, pee and poo already in home they locked dogs in the wash room they bite the bottom of door trying to chew way out and the door jams. its a no pet, no smoking condo. in contract they agree for price of rental, second price for use of amenities on property out side of unit, along with a damage spread sheet itemized for every thing can think of per damage, even option of insurance paid for each day. to go with or with out their home insurance… we had 3 cards given to us one for the deposit, one for 3 days payment in advance, one for the insurance. they was to rent for 5 days. Tuesday to Saturday.
    well we got there, we walked in for they are not renters. they called the police, we showed and played the recordings and agreement's. they claim miss communication, we found one with the keys and amenity keys they was illegally copies of no copy stamp keys. turn out a pass guest of one day. they call and cancel knowing will be vacant and they sneak in. the cops kicked them out about 7pm why took so long beyond me now it was a full day stay according to the papers, we billed their cards immediate with damages of 30k first card, $400 second card and 22k last card the max they have on it. they sued us for the return of the money the cards paid it with sending of the contracts. when was under pending. either way we got the money. we counter sued for the balance of the last 16k and won. when they packed out they took near all not bolted down even the bulbs the swirly ones that's $30 each. took light fixtures the kitchen sink faucet, bath shower heads, door knobs of cabinet, the small appliances and dishes and pots was fully furnished. they took all, nice thing is we just renovated it and we have all prices plus insurance man walk thru with photos day before they came lol. Zero wear and tear. we got additional money, 30 days loss of rental time. the cops took picture only after they left. Allowing them to leave with the items C|CTV shows they packing the truck with furnishing like washer and dryer. we would have settled for the $70,000 already paid to thru the cards and mediation. then mediation broke down and court we went. we got additional money of $60,000 for the hassle of it all. we never asked for but got it. now we put on that real-estate lock on the door only the manager can unlock and us. we have bars on the windows tasteful in side on the inside of home. like sliding shutters department stores have, also known as storm shutters. people cant tell if in or out and gives guess the choice to lock up well or not to. never had a bother like that again TG. I own it now and we still rent it out. still no big issues minor lamp issues, sneak in dog is a $3,000 fine plus $600 cleanup fee to disinfect. fine the manager screens all the CCTV coming and going each I let her keep $1k of it lol as a finders fee. we bust so many lol. we rent only by the week, new contract to be sign for longer stay. So fines are to the week, and its well seen, sign as enter, back of each door in home and fire exits by law codes, and o the grass the stepping stones red no pets allowed lol. We bust avg once a week, $12,000 fines $8k for me for each month alone then the rental fees lol love it. hassle but love it. all with cctv busted to. we even have cameras coming and going of the gate to road coming in for safety and scammers faking falls ect. Now we run back ground checks on them best we can we even look up fb and social media to. the manager loves doing this works for me. now we have a manual digital passcode with finger print. it works hassle pain in the but but the renters love it. pass word by us and there finger print only way to get in they love it. even ask for the maker info. now we get kick backs for items of the home to.


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