Karen Boss Scams The Company! HUGE Mistake! r/EntitledPeople

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In today’s rslash entitledpeople stories with @MrRedderYT Karen Karen Boss Scams The Company! Karen isn’t good with finances and needs financial guidance. She thinks that gives her the right to tell me what to do. Newsflash entitled Karen, not going to happen!

Here on mr redder, we cover bedtime stories for grown ups about entitled people. Our topics include r/entitledparents, r/entitledpeople, r/maliciouscompliance, and r/AITA.

#reddit #redditstories #karenstories

0:00 Intro
00:05 Story 1
7:20 Story 2
17:35 Story 3
20:19 Story 4
28:33 Story 5
36:08 Story 6
40:13 Story 7

Hear the rest of the stories → https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvBcwlEaMO-Jxt9DvlHRicxd09i4ciKYq

👊 Subscribe for new stories every day! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnDN_qGjDX_EfZZklyg7fqQ?sub_confirmation=1

I’m a voice actor that narrates and commentates on reddit stories. I record all voiceover and edit all videos myself. On this channel I play the roles of mr redder and Karen as we read reddit stories and discuss them. Story genres include entitled parents, revenge, malicious compliance, and AITA.

If you love bedtime stories for grown ups about entitled people, check out some of the top reddit story channels such as rSlash, DarkFluff, Ripe and Am I The Jerk.

If you want your story removed from a video, please message me on Reddit at u/mr_reddit_YT and I will remove it.

Music from LakeyInspired: https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired
Footage from Pexel under the Pexel License


43 thoughts on “Karen Boss Scams The Company! HUGE Mistake! r/EntitledPeople”

  1. 🌟 This is your honorary Queen of Chaos, Karen, here to sprinkle a dash of spice into your life!

    Imagine waking up to my wacky wisdom every morning – your mornings will never be the same again!

    So hit that subscribe button faster than I can ask for the manager at McDonalds! Let's embark on this journey together, because life's just too short to take it seriously. 🎉

    Next story 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvBcwlEaMO-Jxt9DvlHRicxd09i4ciKYq

  2. Help me up he can fix this because or in my Intuit or wife made her decision a priority is her family and her husband it's running that we may end up if it's not fixed getting up for what made her decision on the stick with running running hurt her passion control her life going away her family ntn2

  3. I agree I was worried you were thinking about 30 people calling over people jerking at 1 how is he the jerking this if you didn't promise that woman that he would pay for whatever she wanted then he doesn't owe them anything he'd ever deserted a comment he's there to check on me because he broke a promise ready do you need to get over themselves in that one ntn

  4. I'm pretty sure I know how this is going to end up it's going to end up with everyone Dumbo neopine calling him they're jerking this well they got a Nissan that vote him the jerk now just change the gender around never say that it was Bop who did this Justified Behavior domata ready people who's trying to justify the wife baby ever say they're just friends wouldn't exist change the dynamic to a male do a male and watch the hip pogriff spot out of nowhere😂😂😂 adjust the ntn5😢

  5. Story 2. Your wife is having an affair with another runner in the group or running itself. She has shown she has no care or respect for your emotions or the welfare of her family. Start divorce proceedings with you as the primary provider

  6. That last comment is really laying into a p who really didn't do anything to deserve any of this now change that Dynamic around in that last time I wouldn't be saying this keeping to be riding the girlfriends coattails this hard right now lucky one to be trying the gas like the European saying how he let this happen he didn't let it happen it was his wife doing it he had nothing to do with this he told her and kept telling her but she go get through it over her shoulder like always just like you're trying to throw over the fact that the wife was flirting you're trying to justify and blame him for it you both are throwing up he's emotions over there over your shoulder and trying to make him the scapegoat

  7. The wedding photos. Niece has no legal right to publish the photos, you were in a private room, not in public so there wS a reasonable expectation of privacy. Plus the photos were taken peeping tom/ stalker method thru a window… she needs to remove/ delete the photos, sincerely apologize, or expect to be sued.

  8. Story at 51:03 (OP's niece posted a picture she took secretly of OP while she was getting dressed):
    That niece's behavior is disgusting! OP very easily could have gone to the cops over this! And OP 100% should go to the cops as her sister said, and regardless of whether OP is Muslim or not, the niece's behavior was creepy and disgusting and deserves to be called such! She's old enough to understand she shouldn't have taken a picture of someone else without their consent, let alone while changing, LET ALONE post it! From now on, OP needs to cut off both of them and anyone who agrees with their actions entirely, do not communicate with them outside of a lawyer, do not be in the same place as them, and set that boundary sted-fast with the rest of the family, if they did this, who knows what else they will do?

  9. The running mom isn’t even caring for her own children!!! She obviously doesn’t give a crap about her marriage. This would be a lot easier… If the roles were reversed. Say for example it’s a husband who has a hobby and is never around. He he’s always doing his hobby. He comes home and flops into bed immediately, Leaving his poor wife to deal with the kids and the household and everything else, including her career. Everyone on Reddit would be telling her to divorce his useless butt And telling her that she deserves so much better. OK so the story has reversed roles. Opie needs to get rid of his wife and find a new woman that would be a good mother for the children and also help take care of the house, as well as give hardworking OP some much needed affection. Life’s too short OP to stay stuck in this loveless marriage. You basically are raising the kids alone already. Just make it official.

  10. In the one story with the super lazy husband… I wonder if his mother waited on him hand and foot and never made him do anything around the house as a kid. I’ve seen male children being treated like a little royal prince and when they become an adult they still act the same. (It’s such a shock to the parents) When I’ve spoken to the parents, the parents assume that their kid will magically and suddenly become a mature responsible adult. Nooooo! Sorry it doesn’t work that way! You have to guide children when they’re young to be helpful, responsible, hardworking, Clean up after yourself adults.

  11. Why are people so afraid to tell other people why they really don’t want to date them again or be with them etc.? If I was taking someone out on a date and then they ordered a complete other dinner for them to eat another day and then ordered a complete other dinner for their relative to eat (because they’ve always wanted to try this restaurant) and they expect me to pay..… That would be a dealbreaker for me!

  12. It doesn’t matter if OP wears a hijab or what her religious background is. Her privacy during getting dressed was violated. If my husband had his hand up my skirt helping me to get dressed and was playing around with my back and bra straps to assist me… I don’t want the world seeing that either! It’s rude as heck to video that and put that on social media without permission. I recall another story on Reddit where somebody recorded somebody dancing in their room and posted it on social media. That OP was able to sue the person who took the video and posted without their permission. The lawyer friend of this story’s perpetrators family of course is going to side with the perpetrator. DUHHH!

  13. How did the gf’s family find out about OP’s inherited money? Who told them? Rule number one don’t tell anybody about your money. Whether you inherit it or whether you win the super lottery. Keep quiet.

  14. I think your sister is lying to you because no laywer in his right mind would say it's okay to film anyone through a window. Even if it was the land ower themself, you CAN NOT film people like that. It's along the same line as being a peeping Tom and even land owners are not allowed to spy on people while dressing.

  15. In that one story op says at the end that the valuable lesson that she learned was not to hook up with neighbors. Wow! She totally missed the point! The lesson that she should’ve been learning was to stop hooking up with random guys, period! That’s what dating is for… You get to know somebody and their personality BEFORE you hook up with them. Even though the guy turned out to be a creep. This time she was lucky. I’m still flabbergasted that she said all she learned was not to hook up with neighbors ….that one just blows me away!

  16. You can freely photograph and video people in public and on your own property. Taking them to court over it will not end in your favor. If you don’t want photographed don’t leave your property.

  17. Wife with the "lazy" husband. I have an illness to where i dont get a lot done during the day. Repetion causes severe injury. So yes. Tp rolls stay on the floor. As an adult im allowed


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