Justin Trudeau Cannot Stop Being A Tyrant – Video Montage

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28 thoughts on “Justin Trudeau Cannot Stop Being A Tyrant – Video Montage”

  1. Because the Canadians are fed up and don't like corrupted Trudeau anymore he has become vengeful towards we the people. He is a WEF dictator placement and so are half the cabinet. Klaus Schwab bragged about it of WEF.

  2. This is what you get when a politician makes flashy promises. Free this… legalize that… etc.

    That ťwåț got in because he promised to legalize weed, and every dopey pot head came out and voted for him. Now they complain that the government weed is overpriced garbage. 🤷‍♂️ I don't even smoke it, but I could have told them that. No no, they thought Canada was going to be like Woodstock.

    Now the rest of us have to deal with unchecked illegal immigration, never ending scandals, ethics violations, corruption, embarrassment on the world stage, CARBON TAXES, $2+/L gas, frozen bank accounts, internet censorship, lost jobs, crippled energy sector, rampant hypocrisy, diminishing rights and freedoms, inflation, shortages, medical tyranny, and apartheid.

    All because people voted for their vice.

    Think about that when the next guy vows to legalize something, or, make something "free".

  3. Lies lies lies and more lies ! How come it is just soooo easy for the left to lie about anything and everything. Surely to GOD liberal voters recognize that they, the left, are lying over and over.

  4. Hrs lying again, also he won't join the rest of the world relaxing travel restrictions , under the guise of keeping Canadians safe , hes getting ready to introduce the digital ID. system like in China.

  5. Canada needs to get this pathedic discrase of the whole human race lieing libral crime minister j. trudeau and the rest of the lieing libral criminals out of power immediately !!!!!! Save Canads and put these criminals in prison where they belong !!!!!!

  6. Where does he pull that stuff from? How does he IGNORE reality?
    Abuse? Hateful rhetoric? Get proof, plenty to counter what happened.
    Find the fingerprints on the Swastika for a big surprise. It might be
    someone he knows!!! We must keep talking to him.
    I wonder if his oral retention goes further?

  7. Turdeau is so nuts, it's pathetic! Hard to believe he actually believes lies and slander that comes out of his sick mind, mouth and naval! I was going to say heart, but he doesn't have one!

  8. If this moron actually saw violence in any of the protests in Canada I would be shocked because Antifa and BLM were both violent protesters and both the swastika and rebel flag were planted by Trudeau's hired trouble makers.

  9. It's amazing how Trudeau tries to manipulate citizens
    He uses teacher tactics, that he previously used to control his "drama class" full of young people
    That does not work particularly well when used on educated adults

  10. Vaccinated can still transmit, there is no medical science behind the restrictions. Only political science. They are not gone only suspended and they WILL come back in force. That is certain.


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