The Honeymoon is Over for AEW

Tony Khan has lost control.

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32 thoughts on “The Honeymoon is Over for AEW”

  1. Tony Needs to stop being the rosters friend, and start being their boss. also they need to stop making every dynamite episode seem like a ppv with names like fyter fest and stuff. the weekly show should be able to bring viewers without being branded as a special event. it becomes less special when it’s every other week

  2. You missed the dark order fallout. After Brodie Lee's sudden and unexpected passing, it was expected that a new leader will be shown. Instead the faction is more or less getting vanished.

  3. Describing Bryan Danielson as "damaged goods" is selling short just how incredible his work-rate actually has been in AEW. For the entire build-up in his feud against Adam Page, Danielson was having technical bout after technical bout, week in and week out. We can not really pretend Danielson is so fragile, not with that conditioning. CM Punk likewise has put on hard hitting matches, and it is more rotten luck that he got the injury when he did. We should be thankful that AEW has depth in its roster to begin with since Punk's slot was quickly filled with Jon Moxley and he will hopefully continue to have a successful run with the belt for the rest of the year, provided no shenanigans take place at All Out. I still think MJF is a wild card in that regard.

  4. Im actually kinda happy, not that i have anything against aew but when aew was rising ive always sticked to wwe. I mean it’s cool aew iust use wwe wrestleers and change their name but they need something original.

  5. I know I’ll take heat from WWE fans but I don’t think AEW is in anyway not on the same track of momentum especially with All Out later this year. I think the honey moon was over long ago but set great foundations for the marriage to grow for a long time.

  6. I was saying this from the get go..same mistakes wcw made..u had a good thing going but tony decided to sign all wwe released talent and and went away from what got him to the dance..losing cody was huge..MJF not being there is huge.and now he caught in a bubble of keeping these over priced guys happy who really wasent that good..tony is gonna have to make huge decision's which is why vince mcmahon is a smart guys..u gotta have huge balls to make the tough decision's

  7. I think there's too much AEW and ppl are getting burnt out and they sign everyone that WWE fires like wcw did, plus they're too focused on competing with WWE instead of doing their own thing

  8. I think everything was fine till Forbidden Door. But when wrestlers got released without knowledge, they signed way too many on the roster n with recent backstage heat & too much control of Tony did play a part.

  9. WWE Is allways have a good class allways been an A show,where aew missed that…soon this show comes to an end.. on the other hand as allways WWE gone to rock under the hunter HHH 😍

  10. lol like wwe didnt have issues in the back and STILL dont? sasha and naomi just left recently, remember that. alot of people in the back are still upset. hhh or not. aew having issues is nothing new, and not really news. aew is still the better product and thank god for tony kahn for giving us somethign other to watch than the recycled wwe matches and storyliens thats been going on for the last few decades..

  11. Yeah ngl, AEW lost me. I mean who cares about my opinion but all I know is I’m not the only one. Too much insider wink-wink, nudge-nudge into the storylines you won’t get if you’re not keeping up with the backstage drama.

  12. Unpopular opinion, The 20+ belts on AEW is completely unnecessary, all those Roh, AAA, IWGP belts (that pointless FTW belt) Tony needs to focus on making the AEW titles prestigious, it’s hard to do that when a huge focus goes to other company’s belts.


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