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Here’s another Overwatch Grandmaster Junkerqueen match on Route 66! Make sure to like and subscribe for more Top 500 Overwatch gameplay.


44 thoughts on “JUNKERQUEEN IS LIKE ROADHOG… BUT BETTER | Overwatch 2”

  1. Merging pc and console pools while keeping the removal of aim assist for consoles would be a really bad idea, also I think OW is the only game that does this when pc players are in the lobby.

  2. Some thing I havent seen people say about her is how small her hitbox is for a tank, like shes around the size of sojourn. The closest other tank in size would be zarya but zarya is much larger

  3. I'm like a low to mid plat player. And I done saw a junker queen player have like 18 thousand damage yesterday. Second place wasn't even 10k. He was literally spawn camping them by himself.

  4. Looks like dogshit character. And peeps were like "SHES GONNA REPLACE ROADHOG" Her kit on paper looks amazing but watching this video makes you wonder who the fucking approved this. Her shotgun is supposed to be a lever action shotgun that has more range then reapers. Also upclose it should deal alot of dmg. But here its a fucking joke.

  5. I played her for like 6 hours yesterday and yes, she does good overall damage but it doesnt lead to many actual kills. You are feeding ult charge to the other teams supports more than benefitting your team with elims… I think they need to decrease the amount of initial damage on her abilities and increase the bleed damage. That would also lead to getting more healing back and thus more mitigation. Her self healing is completely negligible at the moment. If there is an ana on the other team you just have to swap. Its basically unplayable once you get anti'd if you dont have your shout.

  6. Destiny has pvp combined with pc and at many times console can actually pop off since they have aim assist but the best players are still pc, I know aim assist looks like cheating but in reality it just makes it so your crosshair doesn’t go to the stratosphere that’s it, any higher aim assist makes the players miss most shots.

  7. Dmg boosted axe almost oneshots mercy just one melee tap and she blows up, bladed knife cannot be matrixed and i think its a bug but axe initial dmg is blocked by genji deflect but the passive of bleed still applies, for maximum effectiveness of her healing is you want to bleed as many targets as possible to sustain longer. Im mostly expecting a buff on her as i see some potential tweeks that she needs but overall she seemed quite balance only issue is the interaction with zenyatta as she has no tools to fight against a good zenyatta, discord is just to strong in the game right now.


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