Jungle trained, Coronation ready | Welsh Guards | British Army

What do the jungle and a parade square have in common?

The Welsh Guards deployed to Jamaica in February to hone their jungle warfare skills.

They’ll be using those same skills – but in a very different way – on the streets of London during the Coronation.

Read more about their deployment: https://www.army.mod.uk/news-and-events/news/2023/02/welsh-guards-in-jamaica/

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26 thoughts on “Jungle trained, Coronation ready | Welsh Guards | British Army”

  1. I like how the Brigadier can put his cam cream on and join the lads However the half colonel chin's it right off in his fresh rig (Qualities of a leader! Do as I say not do as I do!)

  2. Nice one lads. Both are just as important. One will ready you for the other in the discipline. Best wishes and congratulations to all who’ll be participating in the Coronation.

  3. mmm, I am from Jordan in the middle east. I used to work with the British army while I had been a 2nd lieutenant in Jordan Army. what I see strange here in this video is that some British soldiers hold the American rifle m16…… the others hold the British SA80….how come!!!! all in all, I respect the British Army, especially the POACHERS – a battalion I worked with ….my best regards to Sam Wilson a platoon commander who used to be my counterpart on the British side 20 years ago, now I think he is a brigadier with a top rank…

  4. I'd argue with the Major saying "The jungle is the hardest environment to operate in". The Artic is definitely way more harder to operate in, the Artic is the harshest environment of them all


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