Judges 6-10 NLT – Bible Time with Melonie Mac

So happy to have this channel where I read the Bible to you all! Reading the Bible daily has changed my life and my goal has been to encourage as many people as possible to read and hear the Word of God, so I hope this helps! Today I’m reading Judges 6-10 from the New Living Translation. Stay tuned for more!


32 thoughts on “Judges 6-10 NLT – Bible Time with Melonie Mac”

  1. Keep building the Kingdom Sister.
    According to 1 Corinthians (If I'm not mistaken), Christ said he will bring all the earth under his feet.
    I know people often make major talk about end times approaching but something to keep in mind is that Jesus Christ himself said you will hear rumours of war but the end is not yet.
    In other words, Prophecy is coming true but don't run away from culture. We have to keep building a Kingdom regardless. That's the way of the Great Commission.

  2. A prayer for Israel: "Abba Father, our Yahweh, You see and know all that is occurring on the earth. Nothing escapes Your notice. We come to You in prayer that You will comfort those who are suffering in the midst of war happening now in Israel. We ask that You will reveal Your Presence to the people in Israel and also in Gaza, stir hearts from both sides and provide Peace, Your Peace that transcends all understanding. Rebuke all the enemies of God, and strike down the schemes of the evil one, principalities, powers and dark forces that come against Your children living in Israel and Gaza. Bless and keep all of us here also, for the coming of the Day of the Lord is near and is close at hand. In Jesus' name; amen." 🙏

  3. I was talking to my coworker about all of those today before work, and he said later down the road it's gets even more crazy. But this book should made into a movie, and done right, with how intense it is, I think it would be good.

  4. Hey fam. If y'all think about it will you please keep me in prayer. I went through lyme disease and about the time it was delt with i developed what seems to be a form of vasculitis as a result of reaction to meds and a compromised immune system. The whole ordeal has cost me my marriage and home. What is harder than this is that ive not seen my soon to be 18 yo old daughter in a couple of years.I know God is good but im struggling to keep hope after years of believing things will change only to get knocked back down by one trial or another. Im not trying to complain or be negative…again, i know that i know that He is good but im tired and tired of feeling bad and need relief and my heart is aching for my daughter. Thank you!

  5. Good reading, Melonie. Please, pray for Burt Young’s loved ones? He passed away. May God show up in Burt’s family’s and friends’ mourning. I shed tears because of how connected I feel with another man, even though I never met him or know him well. I remember his iconic acting from the Rocky series. R.I.P. Paulie. 😢

  6. Bible reading in a cloudy, rainy day is the best, most cozy way of hearing the Gospel. Can't wait for the temperature to drop to do so while wrapped in a blanket. 😍Great job as always! ❤✝


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