JPL and the Space Age: The Hunt for Space Rocks

Asteroids and comets are among the oldest objects in our solar system. They mostly reside at safe distances from Earth, but some find their way into our planetary backyard.

Every day, the Earth receives visitors from outer space: tons of space debris that mostly goes unnoticed. Some of these “shooting stars,” however, do survive the fiery descent through the atmosphere. That’s what happened to the dinosaurs 65 million years ago when a massive asteroid – or comet – struck Earth. But as the saying goes: “The dinosaurs didn’t have a space agency. Fortunately, we do.”

“The Hunt for Space Rocks” chronicles JPLs pioneering work to understand asteroids and comets as part of NASA’s larger effort to protect our planet from cosmic marauders. From JPL’s effort to mount a mission to study the most famous comet of all – Halley’s comet – to the lab’s current role in planetary defense with its Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS). The documentary drives home a clear message: We need to find the asteroids and comets before they find us.

Documentary length: 1 hour 52 minutes


This is the 16th episode in the documentary series “JPL and the Space Age,” which uses rare archival footage and interviews to help tell the story of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s trailblazing role in space exploration.

Watch all episodes of the “JPL and the Space Age” series:
* JPL’s Website –
* JPL’s YouTube Channel –


20 thoughts on “JPL and the Space Age: The Hunt for Space Rocks”

  1. I just can't help but laugh like a kid every time someone mentions Uranus – this video went the extra mile and stated that "Uranus is an absolute mess compared to everything else in our solar system due to one large chaotic impaction" …….. This made me spit my tea out with childish laughter so thank you once again for making an old man smile lol. Long live Uranus

    But numerous people including miners have dug & searched for the meteorites hoped for valuable Iron Ore in the Barringer Crater. But no meteorite rock has ever been found or recovered ! Casting serious doubt that this crater has anything to do with Meteorites at all !!! Indeed its far more likely that this crater was formed by extreme weather patterns thousands of years ago, during the age of the "Cataclysms". Much of which involved extreme Electrical & Meteorological behaviour not seen on Earth since. Such as Lightning strikes involving Billions of volts/amps & supersonic winds of over 1000mph !!

  3. I am in total shock the way that people are laughing this off this is Ludacris, no wonder our world is the way it is people like this feed your brain full of bulshit and then make you laugh about

  4. The Earth was made to last to time indefinite, or forever, It was not made for nothing. Jupiter did it's job. Our solar system is, as the evedince shows, exquisitely balanced. It is in fact unique among planetary systems we have observed, what other is like it? Give me a single example please. We should not think to much of ourselves, but also let's not think to little of ourselves either. Life, mankind, is extraordinarily precious and valuable. No precious metal or rare stone can compare in value to the life of a single human being, any human being. The more man looks outward, the more he sees how exquisitely special the Earth truly is. What a magnificently special place.

  5. All Nations with ICBMs should set aside 1% of them for immediate deployment, armed with 1+ Megatons warhead(s). So if some asteroid under 1000 feet or a bit over 300 meters or less is determined to be on a collision course with Earth, a multi-national effort can quickly launch Rockets to deflect it away. Of course anything bigger ought to compel at least 50% to be deployed if it is calculated to be able to save Earth. Maybe nothing immediate is known to threaten the Earth in a serious way for 100 years, but if that is wrong somehow, better to be prepared! So UP-RATING propulsion systems to at least 10 miles per second (well beyond the 6.94 miles per second or roughly 11 km per second ESCAPE VELOCITY of Earth)
    so that any ICBM could get to an asteroid months before impact would make a good alternative potential use for Nuclear Weapons…to SAVE Earth rather than harm it!

  6. If anyone knows anything about neuclear bombs/ missiles these days, there WONT be any sending out into space of said objects.Governments around the world know this & so should ppl from NASA & similar companies.


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