John Joseph Mearsheimer is an American political scientist and international relations scholar, who belongs to the realist school of thought. He is the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago. He has been described as the most influential realist of his generation.

Mearsheimer was born in December 1947 in Brooklyn, New York City. When he was eight, he moved with his family to Croton-on-Hudson, a suburb in Westchester County. When he was 17, Mearsheimer enlisted in the US Army. After one year as an enlisted member, he obtained an appointment to the US Military Academy at West Point, which he attended from 1966 to 1970. After graduation, he served for five years as an officer in the US Air Force.

In 1974, while he was in the Air Force, Mearsheimer earned a master’s degree in international relations from the University of Southern California. He entered Cornell University and in 1980 earned a Ph.D. in government, specifically in international relations. From 1978 to 1979, he was a research fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC. From 1980 to 1982, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University’s Center for International Affairs. During the 1998–1999 academic year, he was the Whitney H. Shepardson Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

Since 1982, Mearsheimer has been a member of the faculty of the Department of Political Science Faculty at the University of Chicago. He became an associate professor in 1984 and a full professor in 1987 and was appointed the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor in 1996. From 1989 to 1992, he served as chairman of the department. He also holds a position as a faculty member in the Committee on International Relations graduate program, and he is a co-director of the Program on International Security Policy.

Mearsheimer’s books include Conventional Deterrence (1983), which won the Edgar S. Furniss Jr. Book Award; Nuclear Deterrence: Ethics and Strategy (co-editor, 1985); Liddell Hart and the Weight of History (1988); The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (2001), which won the Lepgold Book Prize; The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (2007); and Why Leaders Lie: The Truth About Lying in International Politics (2011). His articles have appeared in academic journals like International Security and popular magazines like the London Review of Books. He has written op-ed pieces for The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and the Chicago Tribune.

Mearsheimer has won several teaching awards. He received the Clark Award for Distinguished Teaching when he was a graduate student at Cornell in 1977, and he won the Quantrell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching at the University of Chicago in 1985. In addition, he was selected as a Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar for the 1993–1994 academic year. In that capacity, he gave a series of talks at eight colleges and universities. In 2003, he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is the recipient of the American Political Science Association’s 2020 James Madison Award, which is presented every three years to an American political scientist who has made distinguished scholarly contributions. The Award Committee noted that Mearsheimer is “one of the most cited International Relations scholars in the discipline, but his works are read well beyond the academy as well.”

Mearsheimer’s works are widely read and debated[according to whom?] by 21st-century students of international relations. A 2017 survey of US international relations faculty ranks him third among “scholars whose work has had the greatest influence on the field of IR in the past 20 years.”

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22 thoughts on “John Mearsheimer | THE US CREATES CONFLICT FOR THE WORLD”

  1. So the conclusion is…. that Ukraine has no right to decide on its aliiances or its own defence policy , because Russia….even irrationally …May feel threatened. Fk russia. The whole of Europe feels threatened by Russia for last 50 years , feels threat of its nuclear missiles…maybe we should have invaded Russia then

  2. This professor is welcome to live in Russia. The Ukrainians, who had ballistic nuclear missiles, gave these up after given assurances by the West & Russia that their UN recognized borders will be respected.
    Did Ukraine invade Russia? No.
    Did Ukraine try to get rid of Soviet era corruption? yes, but it is hard since Putin kept poking the corruption stick inside Ukraine.
    This professor, from his speech, could be easily seen as a Putin agent.
    America & the West did not push the Ukrainians to seek freedom and Independence from Russia. Everytime they tried to clear corruption, Putin's agents inside Ukraine kept on destroying the good that the Free & Independent Ukrainians had built.
    Si, let us ship this professor to Russia. He does not represent the founding fathers' values.
    Could it be that this professor's origins are Russian? If Trump was president, will Ukraine have faired better?
    On the Social media channels, there are quite a good deal if Americans that work in Russia's propaganda. Lack of truth in their reporting, while their American values are so thin.
    From President Reagan's time onward, how many Russian spies did the American Security Services catch? Most of these spies are Americans.

  3. Why expansion of NATO is right and concept of Greater Russia is wrong.
    Why USA is driver of train and as you rightly said USA keeps pushing other countries as is open secret like an elephant.
    Why US Dollar despite being paper currency should be only currency of financial system.
    Why a western person who is clean shaved and wearing a suit👔 is only opinion of moving forward.
    Analysis of past acts and past & present policies of USA reminds me only "WHITE COLLARD CLEAN SHAVED INTERNATIONAL THIEVES".

  4. that's because the world brings the problems here wtf !!!!! then explain why everyone comes here to run away from wherever they come from ….. these people fleeing build a life here and now all their family member want to come and when they are not allowed they cry boohhooo and yell and chant "death to America " or USA is the problem lol

  5. What this guy does not understand is that Russia is far more likely to use a nuclear weapon on enemies it considers to be weak. If the West had not come to Ukraines aid, Russia would have probably nuked Ukraine by now.

  6. Russia invading a country ; China illegally claiming and occupying a whole ocean , and this guy still thinks that AMERICA IS STILL THE WORLD'S TROUBLE MAKER . THIS GUY SHOULD HAVE BEEN PLACED UNDER REHAB A LONG TIME AGO ! ! !

  7. What he says is what the Russian elite wants and believe. NOW how about listening to what the Ukrainian and Russian PEOPLE want? Do they want to join Europe? Do they want to live in a free country? Do they want to be free from oligarch and gangster running their govt? Ask the Russian people not what this academic…

  8. wake up people of united states…i just want to share david icke vision. , its look like fiction but its true..
    its not United States a trouble maker, but people who control it…United states leader is a puppet from secret society like illuminati, …the reason they want bring russia and china down is to create new world order… one world ( slave world) , one government( them) , one currency ( their currency system) , one rules ( their rules)
    so the " bad boy china and russia " must dismember into a pieces, other small country north korea, iran, syria, mideast will surrend after their big supporter colapse…
    who is that illuminati dude??? .. just search david icke, he explain them in detail…

  9. I've never heard of this guy, so I'm reluctant to judge him right away. But I hear a lot of controversial opinions with no actual proof to support them. We're in uncharted territory with lots of surreal activities occurring. Anyone who claims certainty about what's coming next might want to cut back on his meds.


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