Kitsu Reacts To Memes Only Men Will Understand

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42 thoughts on “Kitsu Reacts To Memes Only Men Will Understand”

  1. My big takeaway from this is that Kitsu is going to make a very tall man extremely happy one day.

    21:10 If it helps any, when filming that scene, they tried using real logs for the effect, but they didn't bounce enough and wouldn't have caused the immense pileup seen in the movie, so they used CG logs instead.

    22:47 Well no, because dating a werewolf actually sounds like it would be fun. You could play fetch with her, and scratch her behind the ears, and you know she'd be into collars!

  2. 7:10 Normally, that joke is so much darker, so avoid the following explanation if you are not okay with these sorts of jokes.

    Pretty much if Spider-Man (or another superhero) comes to visit a kid with cancer, it means that the kid has terminal cancer and it's in its last days.

  3. I hope the girl at 3:09 is just bullshitting. Oh by the love and wrath of God she better be just fucking bullshitting!

    And if she isn't, then she should ask LowTierGod what she should do now. ^^'

  4. in all fairness, a lion doesnt have fists so youd win a dist fight be default, if it clawed at you or bit you thatd be cause for disqualification, so by technicality everyone can win, maybe not survive but yknow, thats not the question

  5. Guarantee you the cheater chick at the end never stfu to her friends about how good he was in bed. These girls don't realize it's a double edged sword, they get jealous sure but also intrigued makes it easy to run through them when you break up.

    Dated two separate girls like this, didn't cheat but I broke up with them cuz they refuse to stop airing our private business to her friends. Almost immediately had the friend group sniffing around, several were in relationships at the time too. Wonder if the ever found out, betting it wasn't the first or last time one the exes ran through that group.

  6. Okay, so when she was talking about the Dark Souls armor and was struggling for his name, I said "Artorias" without actually thinking because I was more focused on my food. Only for her to immediately say "Artorias! Yes!" and almost make me smear it only my face as she momentarily shut my brain down.

  7. We underestimate what a man is capable of because of how separated we are from the rigors of the wild. Like that guy with the tiger show whose tiger attacked him and he killed it with his bare hands.

  8. 8:09 as a white guy, that shit ain't that spicy. Then again, I'm comparing it to my home grown ghost peppers. Don't really get this "white people can't handle spicy thing" we're all individuals, while yeah there's a lot of people who are wimpy about it that are white, but there's also Ed Currie who created the Carolina Reaper and Pepper X. Also, Gregory Foster has the world record for the most amount of ghost peppers eaten in one minute. So many people downplay white people's spice tolerance way too much 😂

  9. 12:35 people like that makes me genuinely scared to help anyone in need of help. Scariest part she doesn't even have the colorful hair that would make it obvious she is crazy so now you just have to avoid saving ALL women.

  10. I know for a fact that I would win a boxing match against a lion. I would of course die immediately, but the lion would be disqualified and I would be posthumously proclaimed a winner.

  11. I remember waking up at 6:30 am so that i could watch Ed, Edd and Eddie and then Oggie and the cockroaches. Old Greek TV was wild. It used to play Macross Δ and i was HOOKED


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