Joe Biden Just Sent America Straight to HELL!

On December 13th, 2022, President Joe Biden signed the Marriage Equality Act into law that provides same-sex couples unprecedented rights, and the entire country celebrated! But was this a time to rejoice or a time to mourn? At the end of the day, President Joe Biden has a nation to lead but after one is sworn into office and they place their hand on the Holy Bible, they better be careful what they do, because it God is going to hold them accountable! I believe President Joe Biden just opened the proverbial floodgates and the worst is yet to come. In this video, I provide some thoughts and concerns about this recent event.

#Samesexmarriage #JoeBiden #Christianity


45 thoughts on “Joe Biden Just Sent America Straight to HELL!”

  1. ALL Religions are fraud!

    Religions must be held responsible for their claims and actions!

    All religions must be be brought into the courts!

    As was done with all businesses, eg. tobacco and the Pharma industry,

    -to prove their claims

    or to be heavily penalised,

    and restricted from proselytising their false claims!

    Religions are still destroying Human Rights; esp Women's Rights!

    Report all religious sites Often!!

    Religions are fraud!

    We will soon start arresting parents for child abuse when they tell these lies to children!!!

    {we already are imprisoning the religious parents for refusing medical help to children based on idiotic religious beliefs…}

  2. I want to believe the US is Babylon the very same that is spoken of in Revelations and I’m with John MacArthur on this one. This is God’s judgement. I really do want to think we are starting to see the wrath of God.

  3. Ain't even Joe Biden. The GOVERNMENT is the only thing where all the characters are not even the charts but CGIs, bots, clones and puppets.

    Ppl need to stop believing all these BS. The GOOBERMENT isn't even real

  4. 🧮We cannot hold UNBeliver's to the "Standard of the BIBLE" 🧮SIN is LEGAL🧮
    🧮America has NEVER been a RIGHTIOUS place… from the time European Colonization Started with MURDER, SLAVERY and STEALING…LAND…
    🧮America held up the FAKE standard and finally the "HOLE in the WALL" Ezekiel 8:1-10
    God said to me, “Son of man, make a hole in the wall.” So I made a hole in the wall, and there I saw a door. Then God said to me, “Go in and look at the terrible, evil things that the people are doing here.” So I went in and looked. I saw statues of all kinds of reptiles and animals that you hate to think about.
    🧮I looked, and I saw a hole in the wall. He said to me, "Son of man, now dig into the wall." So I dug into the wall and saw a doorway there. And he said to me, "Go in and see the wicked and detestable things they are doing here. "Ezekiel 8:1-10
    ===Repent the kingdom of God is at hand…Come OUT from AMONG them!
    🗞 📰 One Journey🗺🌎🌍🌏 Let's Make It Count❗

  5. He is not the pastor of the United States. He is president of the United States. He cannot force God’s commands onto anyone. God allows free will so we must respects people’s free will to choose and so should be as President.

  6. Look at that old video with Joe Biden and look at him in today's time. Those are 2 totally different men in those videos. Joe Biden fills and flops according to what's popular OR whatever benefits him the most in the moment. AND unfortunately, most people in America actually voted him in office, including church folk. You get what you vote for.

  7. My brother I agree with you 💯. I believe in marriage between a Man and woman only. The disagreement I have Pastor Frederick is John MacArthur and the Black Pastor that talked about Marriage in this video which I agree with them but they are very Right Wing Pastors who dont believe in women Ministers or Pastors and this where I draw the line. I notice none of these Right Wing Pastors never seen to call out Right Wing Presidents like Donald Trump who did much evil as the leader of the free world. He got the Blessings of many of the Right Wing Pastors. Joe Biden is called out quickly for the wrong decisions he has made but Donald Trump and his admistration stole, lied cheated, vulgar perverted conversations and behavior was done and some bad laws was pass. I never heard such an out cry from the Pulpit or from these Preachers against Trump. There was excuses made for him. I heard some of right wing televangelists who taught truth which I use to listen to but they got Partisan in their Christian beliefs because of their Political stance. The televangelist said with all the Evil that Trump had done he said Trump was a Baby Christian. They stood with Trump because he was Pro -Life and he didn't like gay people. Trump knew how to play the game so the Religious Right kept on following him right down that rabbit hole. It seem like to me according to these kind of Preachers God only bring judgement when the President is a Democrat. I thought God judge all Sin not certain ones. I dont agree with some of the laws that are pass by President Biden like Same -Sex marriages
    or some of the Abortions laws, but what I do agree with the President is when he is talking about being kind and reaching across the aisle, treating others like you want to be treated. These are things you can't pass laws on but I believe are what pleases God as well. When others are continually treated poorly I believe these things will cause God judgement on a nation also. Even if they are the LGBT+. God loves all Man kind. He may not like what we do but He loves us and want all of us to Stop Sinning and come back to His Biblical teachings. I don't believe God is Blessing a Party or the Reglious Right behavior that is Opressive.

  8. You must ask yourselves whether you believe God created all men as equals and in His image? Further, the majority of gays feel they were born gay, it isn't some sort of "choice" just as none-gays feel they were born straight. So if you believe in an all encompassing church treating everyone as equals regardless of race or orientation then Mr Biden's actions should be applauded, and welcomed by Christians everywhere. As an Atheist, I don't have any religious baggage to fight with and can applaud equality and decency in others and their actions. Such unashamed prejudice by religious fundamentalists illustrates why more and more people turn away from the medieval standards of the Abrahamic religions.


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