Jim Jefferies Couldn't Do This Joke in Kansas


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34 thoughts on “Jim Jefferies Couldn't Do This Joke in Kansas”

  1. I lought at it at first, but then I realized that I so a "chalanged" guy once, who needed some one to explain to him how to eat… he was testing a meal that is suposed to be combined take a small bine from everything and cominde it in your mouth, and the dude was taking a big bite from everything swalowing all one by one, and sayd this food is meah… he was doing a review when he dose not know how to eat in the first place… what's the point of cooking…. just eat the ingredients one by one….

  2. Quails are basically flightless, just like chickens, only a lot smaller, logically, given their egg sizes. They're hunted with shotguns though, because, like chickens, they can fly short distances. Quite the delicacy in some countries, but then again, in Italy and Japan they hunt sparrows and eat them, so size doesn't always matter. 😉

  3. (from what I have heard) historically the French retreat during battles. Also when people from other countries visit France, the French act like they're better than them and behave condesendingly towards them (just like in this bit).

  4. Just for information, the Australians call everyone 'cunts', 'fucks' and whatnot, they don't mean anything with it

    Soooo, the French. Many people will tell you lots of bad things about them. Patronizing, rude, arrogant etc. Very bluntly put, they have dominated European politics, science, culture and so many other things on and off for centuries upon centuries. As a result, they have been at war at one point or another with all their neighbors, more than once. Except maybe the Swiss, not sure about that one. Especially the English have been at odds with the French regularly.

    Somehow, being powerful didn't make them many friends. Who would have thought.

  5. Quail live under my porch, they are adorable. You look down to see quail not up. The French tend to be rude to American tourist. Jeffries mouth is outrageous but funny.

  6. I'd guess the rest of Europe hates France so much because, up until WWII, the French were one of the strongest militaries in the world, and probably used to bully the smaller nations around them or something like that. Plus the whole thing with Napoleon running around kicking everyone's ass (it took some 6 or 7 coalitions of nations to finally defeat him at Waterloo.) So yeah, it all probably goes back hundreds of years, and is a matter of national pride.

  7. The only thing about the French I dislike is the language – by which I just mean the aesthetics of it; how it sounds in general. I don’t know what it is exactly, but hearing people speak in French (or even hearing English spoken with a French accent) just really deeply bothers me in a very nails-on-a-chalkboard, makes-my-skin-crawl sort of way. So yeah, there ya go, that’s my fun fact – I know you were wondering.

  8. I had a French coworker once, that i convinced to say the French guards said to the Britains. He didn't understand what it was about but said the lines anyway. Everyone was cracking up and he just stood there confused. It was great. If you ever get the chance to do it, go for it.

  9. Nah, the French (specifically Parisians) are extremely rude. Especially people who work in the tourist industry. There is no expectation for them to do their job of being hospitable in the hospitality industry, because its almost impossible to get fired in france.

    Paris also has that big city attitude of "f*** you get out of my way"

  10. I honestly think the general negative reaction to the French (full disclosure, my father is french) while multi-layered for other Europeans given the deep history over hundreds of years, is actually just a form of xenophobia for a lot of people outside of Europe.


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