JEWrassic the TRUE NEO and the MATRIX PROVES IT!!


25 thoughts on “JEWrassic the TRUE NEO and the MATRIX PROVES IT!!”

  1. Now that was a genuine 'WOW' moment, ha ha ha. No way those patient's names could be a co-in cidence. Would those pp's hire that woman, to make sure you were given that exact slot in the queue?

    May i offer some advice, jL? It's no good beating one pp poi son (gambling), only to replace with another, by eating pp processed non-foods. You need to eat clean natural food (pots, rice, fruit, veg, salad, water, oj) and give up animal parts, oils, and processed garbage. Your brain fog will get worse if you don't stop, and may leave you permanently confused. How will you refuse the christian mark then? I'm not of your faith, but believe in these clue codes, and your work.

    Btw, country singer James (Jim) TraVIS REEVES, died in a plane crash on 7/31/64, seven days before i was born. He joined the 'Louisiana Hayride' radio show in 1954, a year before they signed a young el-vis. His plane crashed in Nash, TENN, with the wreck found on 8/2/64. He was buried on 8/4/64. He also 'conveniently' failed his army medical on 8/4/43. Another ritual death, imo.

  2. 74 & 47: 47 years from 11/20/1908 the date Howard Robard Hughes Sr filed for his oil industry patent to 11/20/1955 the date my grandfather William McDermott was murdered Boston MA with 1955 & 11/20/1955 & Rosa Parks 12/01/1955 the predecessor to the 1963 pattern JFK assassinated 11/22/1963 & JFK's former US Ambassador of Ireland E Grant Stockdale murdered Miami FL 12/02/1963. And 47 years from 04/02/1917 – 04/06/1917 the time period that Pres Wilson got the United States into World War 1 to the 04/05/1964 attempted murder of my father Robert B McDermott Sr a car accident that was not an accident with a photo of the wreck on the front page of Boston's 04/06/1964 Record American.

    WOW – of course is Walk On Water.

    They're gang stalking for hundreds of years geniuses & the bloodlines of Jesus Christ & Mary Magdalene if they were parents & the bloodlines of the siblings of Jesus Christ & the bloodlines of the prophets the majority of whom were geniuses & spiritually gifted geniuses.

  3. 2:25 it just hit me, a bit stretched maybe: Presley backwards is ”yel serp” (yell serpent or yell ow sir pent, solid/🌞 🆔 )

    a loud, sharp cry of pain, surprise, or delight.
    "her foot slipped and she gave a yell of fear"

  4. 19:59 73 is El and 74 is Lucifer ( a tiny difference)

    7&4 is 11/EL-even as reduced

    11th sign of the zodiac is Aquarius, ruled by Uranus (who was the father of Saturn/Satan, and who got his name from ”urinate”/pee in Greek).

    And a serpent can’t pee, since it has a cloak where all excrements are mixed (neither a bird can pee, the feathered serpent).

    Also the word ”feather” is closely related to ”father”, ”fe ather” (the Aether). Compare with the feather 🪶 pen 🖊️ (and ink, as in ”Th ink” and ”S ink” 🖋️…

    S-ink, South ink ✍️ (also the ”kraken” is an animal producing ink, the S-quid/squid🐙🦑, the octopus/ octo=8/ate).

    (Reality is a riddle/ are ID thee El)

  5. 27:53 John the baptist, Garabeth was the Forerunner, he was seen as Christ/messias before Jesus entered the stage.

    You are in the left brain hemisphere mostly, dealing with numbers (numb errs), Jesus was the water, the right brain hemisphere (truth is existential, reality is not to be found in concepts, the snake 🐍 say ”I’m all there is!” But he’s a deciever!)

    In French ”Je Zeus” means ”I’m Zeus”, Zeus is Greek for Jupiter the king of Gods (and his wife was Juno, the Queen of Gods, and godess of marriage… the Greek version was Hera, compare the name Heraclitus (Hera sea lit us).

    Again; my license plate on my car; CJL 937

    See Jurassic Liars 9/new 37/El

  6. hELO from Spain 🥰
    Hubby surprised me with a birthday holiday so I've lots to catch up on!
    My whole journey was loaded Garo !! 🥺
    I know Pe0PLE won't believe this but I was sitting on the plane when I realised we had parked at lot A8 (1-8) boarded gate 8 and took off from runway 35.
    Hotel name is A.S (119)
    address 37 Ave. PomPeu (EL 11616)
    Can you believe this Garo???!!!
    Walking to my room, the dude in front of me has a massive tattoo on his back 'JESUS LUCY forever' written over 2 mexican skull types kissing!!!!
    I'm like WHAT!!????
    Behind him all the way up to my room and only hours later realised my room number is 154!!!!!!👿
    I am officially freaked out and now believe that Elvis is stalking me or worse Garo 😬
    This is the absolute truth, no lie Garo, I'm completely overwhelmed!!!!! 😳😱😭
    UNDENIABLE confirmation of EVERYTHING you've been saying!
    JESUS GOD bless and protect us all 🙏🏼👑✝️🩸🐑💕

  7. Still watching but you've done a great job putting all of this together Garo 👏👏👏
    And it's such a difficult subject to explain to most but if Pe0PLE don't see these connections and "coincidences" then they do not have the Holy Spirit 🕊️ or the god of this world has blinded them and GOD JESUS has sent them a strong delusion! 💯
    StELlar work my friend as usual, GOD JESUS bless you eternally and may He have mercy on all our souls 🙏🏼👑✝️🩸🐑💕

  8. Im blown away by this JL,ive never seen a numberplate like that before and the names in your doctors are definitely wow worthy.. unbelievable… thank you ❤️🤗❤️

  9. The process in putting together all the information you provided is really time consuming and shows the dedication required to finish the objectives…God bless you and your family Garo ..

  10. 52:03 I also followed Everything that happens, and constantly add puzzle pieces to the ”holistic image”.

    As Hegel said ”the bird of Minerva flies in dusk” (the sack can’t be tied up until you have the last piece of the puzzle, you can only understand fully in retrospect!).

    I’ve just started to write on a book, though I think that this show we call ”reality” will already have shifted before I’ll be able to release it, but I’ll share here the chapters that I’ve decided now to write about. If anyone feels like wanting more details about my knowledge regarding anything let me know!

    Together we will break the matrix, it’s a fraud based on ”tyranny of reason”! (Truth is existential, not conceptual! The matrix is a linear structure that consists of a bond between the elements air & earth that we’ve been tricked into calling ”REALITY”! Our inside, the fire and the water has been deliberately hidden to us, to keep us in darkness, and an ancient human civilization has been kept in the shadows to reap benefits of our labour and also kept us as slaves… This is not the peak of human consciousness, it’s the darkest period possible, the end of Kali yuga!)



    THE EXTERIOR AND THE INTERIOR (saturn vs jupiter)

    FLOW VS CONTROL (currency vs vessel, manifest vs potential)

    THE LINEAR VS THE CYCLIC (mystic, logic, the symbol of the sun with nothingness and the circle/dash)

    THE EGO AND THE SELF (dichotomy of the ego and self-image)

    THE HARD AND THE BEAUTIFUL (alpha omega, twins)

    LOGOS (D) G, L, S and its mathematics (0=9)





  11. 40:33 🤯🤯🤯 W0W
    Gar B (You're crown 0 is in heaven)
    Pres/Serp 🐍
    Initially I thought the Eve C was Eye C……
    Can you believe this place Garo ⁉️
    Just incredible when you have spiritual eyes 🕊️😳😇🥰
    JESUS bless you 🙏🏼

  12. You got some interesting stuff for book Morgan, the left brain is more logical, male the right is feminine, emotion ect, but a balanced mind uses both male or female , plus instinct from the heart or gut can usually guide u , it's spiritual instinct. Most people heart has grwn cold due fake materialism, or garbage propo , every1 wants to go back to morals that help grow society in right direction deep dwn. We need to balance the yin ,yang , positive negative scale we're way to far from the feminine/ spiritual side

  13. I believe your information is relevant & is the conspirators' cryptic symbolism including with Elvis except I think you're on the wrong track concerning the interpretation of the symbolism concerning Elvis – the symbolism concerning Elvis symbolizes that the conspirators were gang stalking & demonizing Elvis not that Elvis is demonic – Elvis was not demonic. And besides Elvis's 08/16/1977 death happening on my father Robert B McDermott Sr's 51st birthday my belief is Elvis was covertly murdered 08/16/1977 & I'd focus my research on whomever the maids & cooks were. Similarly the JFK cryptic assassination plot #1 information early November 1963 & the maid/made at the Chicago Hotel that saw the weapons in the hotel room early November 1963 – I believe this is only cryptic & 11/22/1963 was the only date intended as the date of the assassination. And Elvis's tremendous weight gain suggests gang stalkers covertly facilitating the weight gain with gain as the Cain deranged rhyming malapropism cryptic symbolism & fat as the cat Cataracts of the Nile 25th Dynasty black Pharaohs BC era Egypt deranged rhyming malapropism cryptic symbolism. The conspirators allege that they believe that those of them that are descendants of Cain are also descendants of Satan & that Satan was Cain's father – I believe the majority of them do NOT actually believe this & are 100% aware that Satan was NOT Cain's father. Similarly 1200s 13th century the ancestors of the current conspirators alleged that King John & the House of Plantagenet were descendants of a demon 🙄. Demon is the deranged conspirators deranged rhyming malapropism cryptic symbolism for reaming & it the deranged rhyming malapropism cryptic symbolism pattern that is also found with the allegations that Christopher Marlowe 1500s was counterfeiting with count from counterfeiting as the deranged conspirators deranged rhyming malapropism cryptic symbolism for mount 🙄. The deranged conspirators are criminally sexually insane-csi pedophiles. King John is the King that reluctantly signed the Magna Carta 1215 in a field at Runnymede. It seems the field information is intentional & is yet again an example of their deranged cryptic symbolism with this instance from the 13th century & specifically is the nail nailed cryptic symbolism that cryptically symbolizes Jesus Christ & the crucifixion cross that was also cryptically symbolized by the gang stalkers that were gang stalking Nikola Tesla with the name of the alleged Black Edison GRAN-VILLE TAIL-ER WOODS 🪵 🎄 who with the exception of lies invented absolutely nothing with Edison as his sidekick just as Obama's side-kick was the son of a man that worked for Comm EDISON Chicago Illinois with a name that is deranged rhyming malapropism cryptic symbolism similar to demon & counterfeiting deranged rhyming malapropism cryptic symbolism Bill Ayers the alleged revolutionary. And an example of hidden Magna Carta cryptic symbolism is the original house from the TV show Roseanne – 619 South Runnymede Avenue Evansville Indiana 47714-2005. Besides any intended cryptic symbolism with the Evansville IN zip code the street number 619 is perhaps the as above so below 69 cryptic symbolism & is definitely the deranged conspirators 6s & 9s murderous cryptic symbolism for example 1969 the brother of Pat Nee who was Peter Michael Nee was murdered 04/26/1969 South Boston MA with that April time period a cryptic reference to all of the white population slaughtered in HAIT-i from 01/01/1804 to 04/22/1804 after the name of the country was changed to HAIT-i 01/01/1804 – hateful & discriminatory & murderous & genocidal. And 1996 Amschiel Rothschild covertly murdered Paris France 07/08/1996 same location as Princess Diana 08/31/1997 on the 25th anniversary of the 08/31/1972 murder of my brother Robert B McDermott Jr & with the 7/8 from 07/08/1996 also cryptic symbolism for Christopher Marlowe & a gematria number 87 for Marlowe. Because of gang stalkers Christopher Marlowe faked his death 1500s & then he assumed the alias McDermott. My family name is actually Marlowe. Note that besides 1969 cryptic symbolism the date of Peter Michael Nee's 1969 murder 04/26 is a numerical anagram for a gematria number 642 for McDermott. And the 1999 attempted murder of me 11/26/1999 a car accident that was NOT an accident about 4 months after JFK Jr's 07/16/1999 suspicious plane accident that 1999 was the 1963 – 1964 pattern of JFK assassinated 11/22/1963 & about 4 months later the attempted murder of my father Robert B McDermott Sr 04/05/1964 a car accident that was NOT an accident with a photo of the wreckage on the front page of Boston's 04/06/1964 Record American. Additionally Lisa Marie Presley's suspicious death occurred 1/12/23 one day before a sculpture The Embrace commemorating MLK Jr was unveiled 01/13/23 in Boston MA with the sculpture highly criticized as resembling a phallic symbol. From 1/12/23 & 1/13/23 123 is the count mount deranged rhyming malapropism cryptic symbolism & 323 is the deranged same number frontwards & backwards cryptic symbolism that was also cryptically symbolized 11/22/1963 with whether JFK was shot from the front or the back or both.

    The perpetrators for hundreds of years are non-white African ancestry supremacists. They came here in chains is not about slavery – it is a deceptive treacherous cryptic reference to Tubal Cain & Ogun the god of iron & war. And the criminally sexually insane-csi pedophiles of every demographic are the expendable accomplices.


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