JESSE PINKMAN – ''I have nothing!''

This is the moment Jesse Pinkman turned into Saul Goodman…

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Music – Message to Bears – You are a Memory

#breakingbad #heisenberg #walterwhite #bryancranston #brba
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38 thoughts on “JESSE PINKMAN – ''I have nothing!''”

  1. Walt didnt care about jessie
    Walt didnt need jessie
    Walt just wanted someone next to him because he started that way and was used to that way
    In return jessie thought he was valued by walt

    This is a very important life lesson to be learned even when context is completely removed

  2. I my opinion Walter destroyed a kindhearted young man and gave him a shit tone of lifelong trauma. He was his former student and young guy. He should have been protective of him!
    He didnt care so much about him as he cared about how he could benefit from him. He made him cook the meth with him otherwise he would turn him in into the DEA. Jesse didnt want to work with him to begin with. Then it was not enough for Walter what Jesse made on the streets selling on his own as little dealer. He wanted more money and better deals and made Jesse go for it and Jesse paid the price…he got beat up by Tuco. And so on and on and on. The trauma got only bigger and worse.
    He also put his wife Skyler through emotional hell. Walter was selfish as fuck. At least he admitted at the end that he did it for himself.
    The biggest victom of him was Jesse I think. Poor guy needed father figure and peope who would actually love him…. not some batshit crazy former teacher who would get him deeper into bigger crime and even murder and all that trauma


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