Jess Hilarious Called Out For Saying 'Trans Women' Aren't Real Women – CH News Show – Jess Hilarious appears to be getting some heat after she would express her concern with Trans-Women who try to seemingly tell those born women; they don’t own periods and womanhood. For this episode of The Comedy Hype News Show, we welcome special guest Sampson McCormick to speak with Capone & Pierre along with No Capitol analyst Marcus Board. Symphony Thompson moderates this debate. Instagram: @ComedyHype & Twitter: @ComedyHype_


33 thoughts on “Jess Hilarious Called Out For Saying 'Trans Women' Aren't Real Women – CH News Show”

  1. Being Black and being gay or transgender is not the same thing! The problem with the people who argue this, they out their gayness or transness before their Blackness..and they been cut themselves away from the Black community

  2. No….when you are attempting to replace/erase women and womanhood, reality AND sanity..YOU ARE THE ENEMY. Let's get that straight right now. We came through a woman and we need them.

  3. The government is helping to push the trans women agenda and people better wake up. This is also being pushed along side them legalizing pedophilia. There is a reason why they are they are pushing to have children make the decision to change their sex between the ages of 9-12. The next law will be for them to consent to sex at those ages of they can choose to change their sex. Marcus said not every woman can have a period or kids but we all are born with the parts.

  4. I can't believe there is a whole discussion on the clear-cut facts between a NATURAL born real woman and a Trans gender women? I would reverse them calling NATURAL women "Sis" women, Sis women are the Trans women, PERIOD smh.

  5. I agree with Jess! You can't dismiss biological born women who go through real and true womanhood just because you "feel" like a woman. We are real born females with all the parts that belong to womanhood. I'm sorry you can't be one, but you can only duplicate a version of us. We are not CIS women. Whatever that means! 🙄 I don't care if you want to be a "woman," but you can't dismiss us because of your feelings as to wanting to be a part of the female species.

  6. Trying to be politically correct is making this the most idiotic topic. A man is a man a woman is a woman. If you live your life believing something untrue and paying thousands to be someone else is insanity!!! STOP trying to force ppl to accept your choices. This is not the same as being born melanated. That was a stupid comment, Marcus (hope your not offended) — sidebar: I like your earbuds — back on topic: there is not a different way to be a woman! Again that sounds crazy. Phobia = is fear- choice = “I don’t agree.”

  7. Women fear the bluring of this right to the safe spaces restrooms changing rooms. Allowing trans women in our restrooms and anyone who identifies as trans. Opening up doors for predators to use trans rights to invade these spaces. If we haven't learned anything in the past few months. Men going in girls schools boys beatting and raping girls in schools men flashing little girls in the restrooms. Then you want to change what natural born women are called so you can be called a woman and call us cis. Also if your that ready to be a woman whats stopping these men from getting bottom surgery if it paid for. If you want to come into womens restroom dont have a penius. No mam you can rename yourselves why target women. They are attacking our rights, giving them acess to these spaces, to our sports, men's physical advantage of muscle mass and bone density and structure . As a person in the medical feild women and men's bodies process hormones completely diffrent. A😂 man taking estrogen breaks down his body's ability to create the the 4 things that balance your moods serotonin, endorphins,oxytocin, dopamine. Men who transition store up estrogen in their hypothalamus causing depression and other side effects. Estrogen also effects your memory and prefrontal cortex effecting your decisions and critical thinking. It also heightens your risk as males for cancers as well as osteoporosis aka bone thinning. Why because men's bones are denser then women's. Women's bones are ment to change for child birth. Causes heart disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, tumors,hot flashes,weightgain and more. Please read medical studies done in the past 10 years on transitioning.

  8. A biological woman that can't have kids, don't have a period etc etc was still born a woman to have those issues it will never compare to a transwoman that can't don't it at all because they were born with completely different parts that compression was trash

  9. God made man and woman. Either or. What you claim to be doesn't mean that's what you are. My kids can have a loose tooth and I can help loosen it and help to remove it. But just cause I pulled a tooth that don't make me a dentist. This whole toooic is just a prime example of the state the world is in. A bunch of confusion and madness. Ridiculous

  10. Hell they are not real women just because some are transforming into one doesn’t mean that they are one damn they still have a penis so she’s right they are not real women and was never born one they are transforming into one duhhh

  11. This is why we can't get ahead as a people. Craziness. We have way bigger and more pressing issues. Let's focus on the disparities and lack of rights of African-Americans and people of color. We are consistently sucked into the mental instability of the mentally disturbed(divide and conquer. Mental illness is ravishing our country, and all of this is the perfect example of that. If I went around identifying as caucasian and filling out Census documents, etcetera under that identity, it would be a problem(crazy). So why are we even wasting the energy discussing craziness.

  12. It’s semantics ppl. IMO. Woman vs Female. Trans women for the most part, like TS Madison, are simply saying that they know they are not FEMALE and know that’s impossible for them to be female. But being a woman has nothing to do with body parts. For them it’s a mindset, a social construct, or what they feel in their soul. At least that’s what my understanding is.


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