Battlefield Ukraine Russia Inflicts Staggering Losses On UAF

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40 thoughts on “Battlefield Ukraine Russia Inflicts Staggering Losses On UAF”

  1. Fighting sides usually do not report on their own casualties. For me that is normal approach.
    Estimated casualties (registered) can be derived from indirect sources i.e. obituaries and the number of new graves.
    Unregistered casualties are lying in the fields.

  2. Thx for God not the ukraniens winning. Can You imagening what will happen if one nuclear power close to lose…it is normal that was reason why they made…the reason…I guess You Amerincans just must wishing too that the Russians will winning otherwise all we will be dying. 😂 Thats the dirty true…so let is vote for Trump…MAGA!

  3. Meanwhile in planet Russia:

    A military meeting in Moscow hosted by Russian ministry of Defence Sergei Shoigu, stated that Russia has sent:

    360,000 Military Personnel
    8000 Armoured vehicles
    6000 Artillery and Mortar Systems
    650 Aircraft and Helicopters

    to the border with Europe in relation to a build up of NATO troops.

  4. The top officials in both the Pentagon and NATO HQ in Brussels know the number of Ukrainian troops KIA but of course they won't disclose them to the public. I remember about 9 months ago back in 2022, an Israeli intelligence think-tank estimated the total number of Ukrainian military losses to be around for 300,000. That was just 9 months ago.

  5. You are so negative; only looking at the Ukrainian losses, not to the Russian ones! Wait for the coming two months, if the front is then still the same, we can say there is some kind of stalemate. Before that time, things can certainly move…

  6. Forget their land progress. Ukraine has already lost this war due to C.E.R. – casualty exchange rate! They have already lost two armies and are about to lose the remaining man power. At this point, no air force can save them.

  7. Another commentator posits that the strike with 12 missiles therefore 6 planes was not probable under current circumstances. Given the massive bombing of airfields recently he says that su24 were taking off from nato countries. Both commentators feel that Ukraine is not capable of striking using Ukrainian assets only.

  8. And it will go on like this – NATO/USA/UKRAINE can NOT Stop or Defeat the Mighty Military and Superior Advanced Russian Armed Forces and its War Materials ! Since Dec.2022 the Ukrainian Offensive supported by NATO/USA has Totally Failed – like they say = 1 Step Forward and 2 Steps back ! Glory to Mother Russia !!!!

  9. "Ukraine doesnt have an air force" That is true but that doesnt mean that if you give them 100 fighters that the situation will change. Ukraine would still need to defeat the Russian air force and air defence.

  10. I dont see the F-35 being used to launch Storm Shadow as the Russians would see these aircraft on radar without any issue. People think that stealth aircraft cannot be seen on radar, its not true – VHF radar will see them without issue.

  11. notice how @VOR= the voice of Russia / Putin/ and Trump (i.e., the voice of tReason) reveals his pro-Putin bias and how he lies by omission by reporting only Russian successes (such as their lancet and Excalibur weapons and KA-52 attack helicopter destroying many Ukrainian soldiers and heavy weapons) but not reporting to his followers things favorable to Ukraine; such as,
    THIS LATEST NEWS that voice of Russia lies by not telling you:

    *Aug 9th:  satellite images show that Russia has burned through/now deployed well over half of its old Soviet era heavy weapons/tanks, which were never stored right so are in very bad condition on top of being obsolete.

    *Aug 9th:  now that Ukraine has disabled all bridges from Crimea to Ukraine, Russia has to run all their logistics from Crimea through a much longer route that gets very close to the front lines, thus can easily be destroyed by high Mars and even general artillery. This is very bad for Russian military in the south over the next several weeks, especially as Ukraine starts making those River crossings and entering and taking more Southern territory.

    *Aug 8th:  reports are that Ukraine forces have made a new bridgehead across the Dnipro River, and have taken the town called Kozachi Laheri, breaking through the first Russian defense line in that area. Russian paratroopers had just left the area to defend in the North and only poorly trained conscripts for defending that area . This will force Russia to return more of its Elite soldiers back there that they were trying to transfer to the north to shore up/stem their losses.  So, one way or another it is clear that Ukraine is going to find a breakthrough path to cut off the road supplying all Russian Logistics to the Eastern Front.

    *Aug 8th:  Ukraine apparently blew up key ammo and logistic hubs in Crimea the most important one being in Dhankoy including key railroad Bridges, which is a key Russian railway to get heavy weapons through Crimea to South/East Ukraine. Extent of damage unknown, however local reports are that the secondary explosions were huge.

    *Aug 8th:  Apparently Russia's air defense around Moscow is not working because Ukrainian drones were able to hit the same military Target, where if they were getting jam or intercepted as Russia claimed it would be very unlikely that they would hit the same military Target if they were pushed off course.

    *Aug 8th:  Russian deputy defense minister said that Russia has expended over a half a million rounds of artillery ammunition in over 9,000 separate attacks just in the past week around Bakmuht. Yet, despite all of that, Ukraine military still advanced it's front lines closer to Bakmuht.

    *Aug 8th:  throughout the whole war and up to today, Russia does not fly any of its Air Force into Ukraine occupied territory because they know all their planes will get shot down, as they have been in the past. Thus, Ukraine's military Air Base Fields have been left largely untouched, and not a single railroad military cargo train has been hit in Ukraine, which has enabled it to fully supply all its front lines from Poland.  Hence, all Russia has been able to do is to launch standoff weapons behind the front lines and use dumb glide bombs which are not precise and almost never hit their military target.

    *Aug 7th:  After Ukraine recently severely damaging nearly all bridges, the Crimea peninsula has been effectively cut off from all supplies through almost all bridges including East to Russia and west to Ukraine.  This will handicap, if not cripple, the Russian Air Force and navy operating in Crimea because they will not be able to resupply heavy weapons fuels and ammunitions.

    *Aug 6th: Ukraine downed another Russian ka 52 attack helicopter with a portable men pen, killing the crew with it.  UK MoD says that Russia has been losing so many attack helicopters and fighter jets lately that they are doing far less Air Force attacks in the southern front. This should get even better for Ukraine once they get those UK and German long range anti-helicopter systems in the coming weeks.

    *Aug 6th: in the past week or two Russia has dramatically cut down its use of Air Force near the front lines for fear of those assets getting destroyed because Ukraine has gotten much more effective at pounding them.  This is permitting much better progress in the southern fronts against Russian defense lines.

    * Russia had to clear out all its warships of the Black Sea fleet out of the Black Sea and closer to Russia ports, for fear of getting destroyed by Ukrainian drones. Amazing that a country like Ukraine with no air force or no Navy has handicapped and crippled Russia's Air Force and navy assets, largely keeping them out of the war.

    and THESE PAST NEWS he purposely failed to cover, IN REVERSE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER:

    * At least 9 military recruitment stations in Russia have been attacked by local population (incl. angry mothers) and/or partisans.

    *Ukraine has disabled all key Bridges that Russia needs to supply its forces in its South Eastern occupied territories. It will take them at least a month to repair the bridges. And Ukraine is getting more of those (e.g., Scalp) very accurate long range Cruise missiles from France and now Germany.

    *Over half of Russia's elite paratroopers have been killed in action, and Russia on a daily basis loses at least 50% if not double the equipment and soldiers than Ukraine, despite the fact that Ukraine is on the offensive and it's supposed to lose three times as much. This is a good sign that Ukraine is fighting much smarter even if it's very slow because they do not have an Air Force.

    *Ukraine has declared all civilian vessels going to Russian ports in the Black Sea as in a war zone and may be attacked. This is going to really devastate Russia's economy cuz they depend on that as their main import and export route.

    *Russia refined oil products exports have collapsed due to sanctions, falling from about $240 million per day to under $80 million per day, costing Russia over $40 billion so far this year in Lost revenue.  This was their main source of value added income and employment, which they have handed over to China and India.  It is now just a matter of several months before Russia's economy collapses as they run out of money.

    *Ukraine has apparently taken Robotyne and started to penetrate the second defense line just passed there, and in the south has expanded their bridgehead across the bridge/river, now only ~1Km away from Aleshki.

    *UK is planning to send Ukraine OSRAM-IR air-to-air missiles that are launched from a truck that can seek and destroy Russian KA-52 attack helicopters from at least 15 km away.  This could be a game changer to get rid of one of the most successful Russian weapons employed against Ukrainian heavy weapons/tanks.  UK already gave Ukraine over 600 brimstones w/ 10 Km range, and plan to give an undisclosed number of brimstone 2's with over 15 km range which also can destroy those ka-52 attack helicopters.

    *Ukraine has received and has been using the new switchblade 600 drones to a devastating effect on russia tanks and heavy weapons, having much greater effectiveness than the Russian lancet drones have been having upon Ukraine's heavy weapons.  The switchblade 300 drones were not that effective.  Russia was able to jam them easily, so Ukraine is stopping their use.

    *Russia is running out of tanks so bad ukrainians are now seeing WW2 era T-55 tanks at the front lines pretty often.

    *Signs and unconfirmed reports are pointing to the fact that Russian reserve forces have been almost completely depleted and they are almost all on the front lines having to get rotated from defending one section or another like a whack-a-mole game.

    *In just the months of June and July, Ukraine is destroyed over 1,500 Russian artillery pieces in their probing and softening efforts of their counteroffensive.

    *Ukraine blew up a very large ammunition Depot in Novokoprovika which will completely cut off Russia's ability to supply Frontline city Robotyne.

  12. I'm continuously amazed and disappointed how @VOR= the voice of Russia / Putin/ and Trump keeps trying to make Americans fear a nuclear war with Russia with his constant bogus conspiracy theory of the us is flying f-35s in Ukraine and attacking Russia directly however he knows that's very much a lie by omission because he has previously said that Russia has the ability to detect f-35 assets even if they cannot get real time tracking and locking for countermeasures. So he knows that he's just creating a fear mongering conspiracy theory and that proves he is a complete sham and Putin mouthpiece trying to make Americans be afraid back down and not stand up against pirates in the name of America and world freedom and rule of law sovereignty of Nations in the modern world.

    Another way you can know that @VOR's military analysis is incompetent and leans towards conspiracy theories especially on this subject, is that why would the US not provide Ukraine ATACMs if they were willing to do the infinitely more risky direct involvement of f-35 Jets attacking Russian territory assets in Crimea? It would only be reasonable, in all probability, that the US would first provide long range missiles and if those were not working then it might consider direct f-35 involvement, but as @VOR pointed out and passed episodes, and as Putin claims, that they can detect and Target f-35s. So it makes no sense what he's saying and you should ignore it as Trump anti-america government conspiracy theory propaganda, as I do.

    Also, @VOR=the voice of Russia / Putin / Trump lies to his followers when he says he's pro free thought and Free speech and he is such an extreme hypocrite when he claims to be censored and persecuted by mainstream media because of his Free speech views that they don't like, b/c he has now censored and blocked my free speech on his YouTube videos because he doesn't like that I call him out on his Putin propaganda. He complained a week ago that he didn't like that I posted five times on his video and right after that he's limited my post to only two posts. So, @VOR doesn't believe in free speech or American principles, he's just out for himself and pushing Putin and Trump's propaganda for his financial and political benefit. He is a pure hypocrite that has no credibility and should not be given any at least because he's taken the anti-free speech low ground against me, and likely many others who oppose his views on his propaganda channel.

  13. Ukraine getting bleed dry in this War of Attrition the Advances seem traps set in advane with Artillery dialed in designed mobile defense. Without Air Support was all political no General would continue this bloodbath.

  14. Excellent content ! Thank you for that.
    Regarding casualties, there are several ways to get a rough estimate and MSM reports are known to be propaganda only. Astonishly the Ukrainian people know the situation. I wonder how comes that this people accepts the annihilation of an entire generation without protest.

    Regarding F35 being used, allow me to doubt since it seems that Russia has some means to detect F35 as they do detect Israeli F35 in Syria and successfully jam them. I suspect "dumb" SU24 launching the missiles from quite low altitudes (5000ft and 100 miles out of line of conact) while assets such as Global Hawk or mobile ground control units 30 miles behind the frontline are being used to upload the final targeting corrections to the missiles.

  15. Russia: 140 million+ population
    Ukraine: 40million – 5 million+ that decided to move to free housing, food , shelter , medical, schooling = 35 million left.
    It's not rocket science. Russia is pulverising and pounding the pud out of the the NeoNazi's poking the bear. Comical.
    Keep poking the bear since we all know these Ukrainians arent the swiftest elves in the forest.
    Fyi. Nato training sucks

  16. What do you make of this report? "The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has said in its latest update that Russia has already lost 252,780 soldiers since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine.

    Like The Kyiv Independent reported, these figures include those 580 soldiers who have fallen victim to the war in the past 24 hours. According to the report, Russia has also lost 4,290 tanks, 8,318 armoured combat vehicles, 7,511 vehicles and fuel tanks, 5,043 artillery systems, 713 multiple rocket launchers, 471 air defense systems, 315 aircraft, 313 helicopters, 4,197 drones and 18 boats."

  17. Funny, Rus KIA is at 250K+.
    Putin started with less than 100k, recruited 300K.. Ok?
    In combat, the Wounded are 3Xs in wounded… Savi?

    Who's having the hardest time?
    Putin's battle 'cannon fodder', or NATO trained forces.

    "Casualty rates are catastrophic" (VoPuti)
    Yeah but , for Putin!

    Two days 11K views. Kinda lame. Yes?
    Voice of Putin, eat That fruit. Haha


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