Jelly Blew My SKYSCRAPER Up in Minecraft.. (Squid Island)

Back with the boys @Jelly & @slogo on squid island, and it’s always a bit of a hit and miss with these #minecraft videos if we are going to be friendly or not, today, is probably mostly one of the videos where we… well you will have to see..


27 thoughts on “Jelly Blew My SKYSCRAPER Up in Minecraft.. (Squid Island)”

  1. Do you know what they should do? They should make king glowys castle connect down into the water lake down there and like close it off and stuff that way King glowy has like the aquarium and then he also has that whole entire water cavern down there.❀❀❀

  2. Burning his forest is not the greatest idea jelly has stated a war MIGHT be coming so if floppy goes away too soon i not going to be surprised i just love how crainer said this is a troll series yet he fixed the friend ship and said we not gonna troll each other anymore rule numbet 1: no more trolls is a lie josh said it he still did troll because he said everyone is getting too happy πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ i wonder how crainer still believes joshes lies but hes been the only one lying in every series mb if anyone else had lied in the other series and why did crainer punish jelly but not josh i mean he wasn't sure but he should have when jelly got killed he wasn't sure who did so he trolled both but it wasn't nice for him to burn the whole ship josh still had a piece of his house why does josh gets the least worse punishment or none 🀨🀨🀨

    This was a long comment

  3. Crainer: I am So Nice In ThIs SeAries AnD WhY Did JeLlY BlOw Up My SkYiScRaPer JeLlY Is so ToXic

    Craner before: killing jelly setting on Fire jelly's house and jellys forest .and after over reacting when jelly takes Revenge

  4. I am so disappointed in u crainer I've been an OG fan since sky factory episode 1seson 1 Benjamin I am so disappointed in you ive been since crunde and you're just maliciously telling jelly for no reason when jelly did absolutely nothing wrong you destroyed a lot of property damage of jellies treehouse and trees well you thought that you jelly blew up your skyscraper you didn't actually no that jelly blew up your skyscraper you just assumed it


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