Jeffrey Sachs Interview – Economic Convergence, Multipolar Geopolitics

Jeffrey Sachs Interview – Economic Convergence, Multipolar Geopolitics
#jeffsachs #jeffreysachs #interview
Jeffrey Sachs is a well-known American economist, academic, and public policy analyst who has made significant contributions to the fields of sustainable development and economic development. He has held various prestigious positions throughout his career, including serving as the director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University and as a special advisor to the United Nations Secretary-General on the Millennium Development Goals. Sachs has authored numerous books and articles on topics related to economics, poverty reduction, and sustainable development.


43 thoughts on “Jeffrey Sachs Interview – Economic Convergence, Multipolar Geopolitics”

  1. Poor Ukrainians they are scapegoats used as cannon fodder riding a dead horse fed by American and British taxpayers. For God sake stop this cruel and cainist bloodshed. This is not a war between Russians and Ukrainians this is a war between Russians and decadent and effete Westerns. Their final punishment is very well described in the Bible Sodom and Gomorrah

  2. I think the most interesting part of today's economics is the gutting of the US manufacturing base followed by the outspending of the entire planet on military occupations while at the same time gambling all of its future on a unipolar world. The entire future of a country rolls the dice because idiots are in charge.

  3. President Niden wants Ukraine war to continue weakness Russia military force. In order to do four more years of presidency he will fight in war with Russia. If he loses for the next four years he will be possible for indictment against his Daley emails to help his son scandal during his vice presidency. That is what I heard

  4. The decline of America was a sure thing as no empire lasts forever. But that decline would've been around for a while more and slowly. The Americans created it's own demise rapidly by it's arrogance and bulliness. The forces that compelled the Russians to go into Ukraine are the same forces that are hastening the decline of America. The forces are: the expansion of NATO to Russia borders, the unrelenting insistence to bring Ukraine into NATO and the US deploying of weapons in these new NATO member countries pointing at Russia and also the sanctions and freezing of Russian assets are the very facts of America's rapid demise. America will no longer have global influence in about 5 years or by the end of this decade. NATO will implode. But America can still come out of this dilemma if it gives up it's dellusions of containning and restraining Russia and China and, instead, concetrate on economic enterprise with other nations and compete with China. But the US is thinking a war is necessary to save the situation; another delluded trip. War with Russia or China shall mean the end of the world or the complete annihilation of America off the face of the world.

  5. Prof Sachs please inform yourself urgently about the so-called climate crisis. For you it isn’t any problem to consult the best and not the bought scientists of that matter. There is no climate crisis! What we have is an environmental crisis. All the plastics and the toxin in the seas, all the waste and garbage from the Industries, the poison in the air as an result from the weather wars and a lot more. Worst of all is that we produce so many things not at their best possibilities but they have to be replaced by new ones in a short time. Not because we couldn’t do better but only to rise the commerce and make money. In der end it’s nothing but a huge mountain of rubbish. It’s not the fault of the people but of the greedy mighty people. They should be ashamed to destroy our environment and the environment of the animals and plants too. We don’t have a too big population but a too big greed and arrogance.

  6. 28:51 And that’s the reason because Democracy is only possible in small Communities and never ever in big ones. And only if people are well educated. And it’s the plus of any sort of monarchy. Those children are taught for their future grime day one on.
    The monarchs cost the nation a lot of money but I’m quite sure that all the members of the parliaments together are more costly.( and they are stupid and badly educated and prepared for their job)

  7. Prof Sachs is simply brilliant, his thoughts are so profound and noble , the political VULTURES..IN US hopefully heed his Sach's years of efforts to help the world identify catastrophic mistakes is deserving of the Nobel Peace prize.❤

  8. The matter of the fact is that Putin's multipolar doctrine postulates multiple global centres of power and not the simple ousting of US hegemony. In this aspect it differs from the former historical hegemony substitutions because it allows the US to negotiate their terms in this process of power sharing instead of total war which originated them.

  9. Once USA set two frontlines against Russia and China, it failed right from the beginning. As Barack Obama reportedly said: “Don't underestimate Joe's ability to (expletive) things up”.

  10. Actually the problem is every nation wants one nations taxpayers and businesses to support 8Billion people. The Global government wants the power to transfer wealth from the U.S. to other countries, which it is doing now, but not fast enough for the Global Equity and Climate Change Agenda 2030.
    If the UN can just stop the Ukraine war, the money can start flowing to the UN! The African countries, in particular, are getting impatient too, they have been promised the moon in the SDG’s. However they said they are NOT giving up nation sovereignty, they like their governments just the way they are. China and India too.

  11. The American Government, Biden, had to accept a reduction from 25 billion to 6 billion for Ukraine in order for the Government not to be shut down by the republicans who have the majority vote.

    The American Government, Biden, had to accept a reduction from 25 billion to 6 billion, about, for Ukraine in order for the Government not to be shut down by the republicans who have the majority vote.

    The American taxpayer is paying all the wages of the people in Ukraine, including Government workers. Also:- This funding has helped Ukraine pay the salaries of 618,000 educators, 517,000 health workers, and 56,500 first responders.

    1 day ago

    Why are Europe and America giving all these billions to Ukraine?

    Well, to get more back off course.

    This money will have to be paid back, but Ukraine can not pay it back, so it has to allow investors to use its land, farming all its resources, to get their money back and more of course.

    Well, the Americans and the Brits thought Russia would be chucked out of Ukraine and Crimea. So this looked like a good investment, they even said this in public.

    If they get their hands on Crimea, this money they have all given will come back tenfold.

    No one talks about the massive oil deposits around Crimea.

    Russia does not need this oil at the moment as it has more than enough in Russia, but America and Europe need it badly. The farmland is also worth trillions.

    All this investment, and war, happened more by coincidence and ignorance.

    Because Putin could not believe how stupid the West is and America could not believe how strong Russia is.

    So with ignorance on both sides, this war started.

    Well it's not a war for Russia because war means total mobilization and a war economy.

    This Russia has not done because it is keeping its main military just in case NATO attacks.

    So Russia in its ignorance, underestimating the preparation of the troops prepared by NATO for Ukraine, goes in with a limited number of forces thinking that these people are not mad to make a war against Russia.

    He thought they would get scared and sign a peace agreement, which Zelensky and Putin agreed on.

    Neutrality and no NATO.

    He was wrong.

    Then America and the UK said that Ukraine with their help would defeat Russia and with the sanctions Russia would not have money to sustain this war.

    The west and the Brits who are both broke and need a miracle thought that when Russia has been weakened NATO will take Russia, and America and the Brits will have all the wealth they need.

    So when Putin eventually saw this, he pulled his troops out of Kherson and Kharkiv to protect them as they were not sent in for a massive war.

    The west and America saw this as the weakness they had anticipated and started to finance and pour more weapons in, waiting for victory.

    Biden had said Russia had lost the war and so did Boris.

    So Russia had to use some more of its military and took the land it has, and has declared it as Russian land including Crimea,

    if the west takes Crimea, Russia will evoke its atomic war declaration that it has to defend its country.

    What the West does not realize is that Putin is a mafioso and could just take America out in half an hour and not worry about radiation as he has all the measures and shelters for all his people.

    What the West knows also is that if they push a superpower too far, so it has to bomb America to survive, they will not be able to retaliate as they will not get the codes to fire the atomic bombs from their submarines and other bases.

    It takes half an hour to reduce America to dust.

    These atomic missiles are unstoppable, so the Americans have told me.

    Russia has dozens of Submarines close to America and dozens of atomic bombs in the Arctic.

    It has 6,000 and only 100 are needed to destroy all of America, including bomb shelters.

    Putin and America know this.

    The Russian missiles will fire on their targets even if Russia is destroyed.

    America can not fire first but Russia to survive can..

    Also, NATO and Europe will not dare to continue an atomic attack on Russia because all NATO countries have to agree and Turkey and Hungary and others will never agree, and even if they did agree their atomic bombs and silos have not been maintained for 20 years and will not be a challenge to Russia.

    They know this, and I was told all this when I was in America.

    I lived in America and was married to an American politician.

    So this neocon madness by the filthy rich in America who are losing money and think this is the way to get it back, these businessmen who run America and the UK do not know anything about war.

    America knows little about modern warfare on the field, and neither does the UK.

    America could not even defeat the Vietnamese or the Taliban, who used the old second world war guns to fight them and beat them.

    One thing making trillions and trying to run the world with an economy and another thing to fight a war.

    One thing to dictate using money and another trying to kill men of a superpower.

    The neocons could dictate American and European governments and power using money.

    For 70 years they ruled most of the world as a consequence of the second world war.

    In the last 20 years, other countries have made as much money as they had, and their money is getting weaker.

    Denial is easier.

  12. The US will be left behind – multipolarity in the the middle east combine with China + Nokor + Latin America will be the biggest in the world economy – the US will be the hing of the past.

  13. Still working for Huawei and CEFC China Energy?. Still appearing on Vladimir Solovyov's evening show?. Are you suggesting more economic development along the lines of Dertu in Kenya?.

  14. jeff glad you support Putin poisoning people and throwing them out of windows and of course your hero Xi disappearing all his colleagues and putting a million innocent uyghurs in concentration camps to make cheap shirts for you to wear,,,,I want to join the anti America group of yours

  15. The idea promulgated by capitalists that the prices of goods and services is kept in check through competition may work for capitalists, but it’s anathema to the idea that through cooperation, the world can live in peace and everyone’s needs can be met. Why? Because competition always implies that there’s a winner and a loser. Who is it that enters a competition with the expectation of being the loser? Those who compete in the Olympics do so with the understanding that their objective is to win; but the acquisition of needed goods and services isn’t an Olympic game, nor should it be. That acquisition should be done in peace through cooperation that promotes the peace.

  16. He sounds like a Globalist / NWO (The merging of Big Corp and politics ) / Bilderberger/ Elitist – Talks a game good, sensible, well meaning ? and logical but, as always it's 'What is behind the curtain that gits ya' ?
    Nope ! I believe i'll stay with Nationalism and even that is hard enough to control !

  17. Would be great to hear him interviewed about how the Post Ukraine war Global economic world will look like. For example will the world economy split into a USA led G7 and a China led BRICS…….

  18. Intelligent and Compassionate People like Jeff Sachs never get to be Presidents. If they do Ever get to the Top Position with the People's Support, they're Murdered like Kennedy and So Many Leaders across the World for more than a Century. So that the War Machine Supported by Murderers Continued to Destroy Humanity and the World. Imran Khan has been Coup'ed in Pakistan, in Prison like Assange, and America may have him Murdered like they did Z. Bhutto, in Pakistan.

  19. America's Corrupt Capitalist System made One of the Great Sins, GREED. Not just Acceptable but Desirable. Greed Gives Birth to Corruption, Selfishness, Vanity, Self Importance, Inhumanity, Jealousy, Injustice, Creates Monsters from Humans.


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