To Back Or Not To Back – Oathsworn, Spirit Island, Canvas & More!!!

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In which I talk about the latest batch of Kickstarter games, brief overviews of the campaigns and whether or not they are games that will hold their values. A whole bunch of links below 🙂

0:00:00 – Introduction
0:00:11 – Cult of the Now

Board Game Adjacent
0:01:10 – The Modular Desk:

New Campaigns
0:02:30 – Warcrow Adventures
0:05:08 – Dreadful Meadows: The Deluxe Edition
0:07:32 – Escape From New York
0:09:52 – Barbarian Kingdoms
0:10:50 – Pampero
0:13:48 – Race to the Raft
0:16:48 – Delta
0:20:57 – Oathsworn: Into The Deepwood
0:26:15 – CANVAS: Finishing Touches
0:28:43 – Super Snipers
0:30:45 – Aqua Garden
0:32:45 – Trick Shot
0:36:20 – Trench Club: Legacy
0:38:34 – Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate
0:44:20 – Picks of the Week
0:45:35 – Upcoming Campaigns

Cult of the Now –
The Modular Desk –
Warcrow Adventures –
Dreadful Meadows: The Deluxe Edition –
Escape From New York –
Barbarian Kingdoms –
Pampero –
Race to the Raft –
Delta –
Oathsworn: Into The Deepwood –
CANVAS: Finishing Touches –
Super Snipers –
Aqua Garden –
Trick Shot –
Trench Club: Legacy –
Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate –
20 Strong –
Cthulhu: Death May Die – Fear of the Unknown –
Tabriz –

Upgrade Your Game At Top Shelf Gamer (Referral Link)

My Game Table (Non Referral)

For media inquiries, please email [email protected]
For Gamefound inquiries, please email me at [email protected]


25 thoughts on “To Back Or Not To Back – Oathsworn, Spirit Island, Canvas & More!!!”

  1. Would love to get Oathsworn, but the price plus VAT plus shipping blows my top off. And that is just the standee version I considered. Ridiculous stuff.

  2. Oathsworn looks great game wise. Don’t get me wrong I think the game itself is awesome. However I will not back. It looks too expensive for only 20 scenarios of combat. I think I would spend more time with Distant Skies for the money. Otherwise if you want a boss battler I would rather play Elden Ring.

  3. I also miss the Should You Back series and would absolutely love to see it back for DMD S3 (and as always, video going up 10 hours before the all-in pledge and final add-on drops, lol)

  4. Hi don't own Oathsworn and I've never played it before but I'm keen to get it, im currently backing the 2nd release do you know if it's worth it as they don't have stretch goals and the shipping prices are high at the moment . Or should I just try and buy a 1st release pre owned ?

  5. I've been loving Spirit Island with B&C on Steam; such a great way to learn the game and the different spirits. Finally beat all the core adversaries at highest difficulty last night. Hoping the other expansions will be released on Steam in the near future though there's plenty of content as is. I would consider the cardboard version but alas it's a game I only solo and on the digital version, I don't have to deal with the mass upkeep especially at high difficulty levels. Too bad the crowdfunding campaign is stumbling.

  6. I am actually not backing canvas even though I backed the last campaign. My group didn't like the game even with the Reflections Expansion. Don't get me wrong the game is beautiful and has really high quality components, however the game play is more of a gimmick. If you play based on if you want the best looking painting, your not going to score the most points and end up loosing, and if you playing based on scoring, then you not going to get the best looking painting. This resulted in people that actually won felling upset cause they felt their painting didn't deserve to win, and people that lost felling upset because they lost even though their painting looked great. The game provides you with the Loose Loose situation. Furthermore their are several games were you can't even get any good cards in the card row, even with Reflections Expansion and the additional card row. Basically I got it because everyone I know, and reviewers have this game so high, but the game wasn't fun for me.

  7. I appreciate the "cult of the now" highlights in these round-up videos.
    I personally am moving away from "big box" crowdfunding projects and am starting to place a higher value on shelf space. To that end, I've culled my all-in pledge of Oathsworn and my Colossus pledge of Mosaic. I'll be perfectly happy with the single/smaller box versions of the games. That's just a personal choice – no judgement on any one else's preferences!
    I'm curious about the Aqua Garden expansion, but I don't think the base game really needs it, so I'll probably pass there. I'm curious about a lot of projects this week. I'm almost certainly in for Death May Die Fear of the Unknown. I'm actually quite curious about Cosmoctopus 😀

  8. I am in the minority of people who like the foil spirit boards so I'm probably going to back it since, from what I can tell, they're KS exclusive. Also with how thin the new boards are, everything should fit in the Broken Token organizer…hopefully

  9. I've been on the fence about Oathsworn. Especially since I backed Primal I don't really know if it's going to be a different enough experience to justify having both. Has anyone played both that could weigh in?

  10. I miss your “to back or not to back” videos and honestly have watched the channel less since you stopped doing them. I don’t watch the reviews and other content as much.


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